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joined Dec 20, 2018

...I don't know, but everytime I spot their braceletts I get a happy :) (the shower-scene last chapter possibly gave me a double-happy XD)

That was definitely a nice detail to see, yes. ^_^

joined Dec 20, 2018

Oh, also, page 267 - there's something clearly wrong with this bit:

Each yawn caused me to shiver. bit slightly tired, I’d decided to give myself some time to properly wake up before the morning bath.

Oops, looks like I changed the wrong word. Should be "Feeling slightly tired---"

Suspected as much.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Yeah, I'm giving up on this. It's dragged out beyond reason and now the ex shows up. Oh well.

Wait... The one development that may shake the status quo and actually cause things to stop being, as you put it, "dragged out" (and that has been, as shown by even the early discussion in this thread, foreshadowed by the title from the start) is the reason you decide to give up on it?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Remember kids, always make sure you have consent before holding hands, don't rush, and make sure she's ready for it, otherwise it may hurt.

And Adachi is now fully out of her denial, she just can't quite bring herself to properly confess her feelings to Shima as well.

Oh, also, page 267 - there's something clearly wrong with this bit:

Each yawn caused me to shiver. bit slightly tired, I’d decided to give myself some time to properly wake up before the morning bath.

last edited at Aug 2, 2019 3:12PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Almost accidentally came out to the teacher. :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

Is it just me, or does the art of the earlier chapters appear slightly more rough?

Nothing strange about an artist improving their skill over the years.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Look at all those lesbians.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, poor Akari is once again violated by Chinatsu... Always nice to see Kyouko and Ayano, though.

1 x ½ discussion 01 Aug 16:36
joined Dec 20, 2018

This is a blind spot from the security camera.

The difference between a player and a predator.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I've always though this was an important scene in terms of the Touko-Yuu power dynamic:

Very much so, yes. Also, the exchange on using their first names.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Can we know take the bets on who gonna Top and who gonna Bottom ?

Well, Yuu has been pretty consistently the top in most situations so far, although with Touko being more in touch with her horny side, I'd say it starts with Touko taking the lead, but then Yuu flips it around once she's more used to the whole thing. You know, the usual pattern of their relationship.

Side bet: Parents have to come back early and find them together in bed.

last edited at Aug 1, 2019 5:46AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

There is actually a species of lizards that are female only, the Whiptail.

This explains a lot about the Black Lizard Planet.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Honestly, all I thought when she saw only eggs there was "ah, because they're both girls..."

Which, now that I think about it, brings to mind another important question. Would the kitchen being out in the rain make this a wet dream, then? ;)

joined Dec 20, 2018

Would this be considered yuri? I personally don’t think

Why would a story about two girls in a stable relationship not be yuri?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Also inb4 Don't Become An Otaku, Fujishiro-san!

Ah, now that would be fun. :D Not going to happen, but would certainly be great to see.

Energy discussion 31 Jul 04:23
joined Dec 20, 2018

That energy sucking had quite the result...

Fist Fight discussion 31 Jul 04:20
joined Dec 20, 2018

Excellent. :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

Whatever she said (sleepover, or staying overnight), it means she said:
"I want to sleep with you (have sex with you), give me my reward!"
And Touko answered she's ready, too.
I hope this is not a wishful thinking, it would be very disappointing...

Nah, for a change, your theory is quite correct. Sure, Yuu doesn't say more than, as you put it, (sleepover, or staying overnight) straight out, but the next two panels of her stammering and blushing clearly show her trying to explain what more she meant by it, which Touko understood, rescued her from having to spell it out, and then confessed to wanting the same.

joined Dec 20, 2018

After the second to last page, I almost expected Touko to kiss Yuu right there, even with everyone else still present. Probably still wanted to, but, well, there's time for everything once the parents are out of the way. :D

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll need to reread this a couple more times.

last edited at Jul 30, 2019 3:16PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Actual reasons to worry: 0.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Useless lesbians, as usual.

It is essentially the title, after all.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, that's one way to solve the problem.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Things sure went south quickly... :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

A day off for useless lesbians.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Maybe he didn't want to end up like the original owner of Fakku who lost his website, vision and etc because he trusted too much to others.

Jacob is still in charge of Fakku, though... Are you sure you're not thinking of HentaiHaven's little drama a short while ago?