Forum › Posts by Anon99

joined Jun 22, 2016

That was true for most of the French players as well.
I initially intended to root for them but after I saw all that I just couldn't... Too lame...

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Rina

On a short-term basis I'm looking forward to the next Shingeki no Kyojin, Kase-san, She, her Camera and her Seasons and Their Story chapters.

For the longer term it's the new anime season of Shingeki no Kyojin.

And in the really long run I'm still hoping to see the continuation of Under one Roof, NANA, Fluttering Feelings, Blame! (the movie or anime) and world peace...

I think that's it so far... ;)

@ Nezchan

Many thanks for the link!
Totally would have missed that...

@ Blackkitty

If we take a look at the tournament as a whole – apart from a few great scenes – it was pretty lame overall... Too much boring defensive play. Too little action. Most teams tried to force a win somehow without having a great strategy up their sleeves. It was more like „Let's block what we can and maybe we can score a goal somehow in between...“
Most matches were just boring...

last edited at Jul 11, 2016 12:47PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

Huh... you make it sound even crueler ^^“

Chance of subject:

Since today is Sunday I put on my finest dress and decided to take a little stroll down the street this afternoon:

I always try to blend in with the crowd. I know. I'm pretty plain ^^b

joined Jun 22, 2016

That sucks big time, yes... That was his chance to shine at a big tournament and then this... Wow... Life really is cruel sometimes...

joined Jun 22, 2016

He he he ^^

Here are the answers:
1. Not if it's me writing the end of that story (`∇´)ψ
2. Oh, we're not wannabes – we're the real deal, baby! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

So... you wanna join in on the drama? ;)

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

Sorry for the late late late late reply! (^_^“)

So you watched „Seven“, huh?
Seems you can manage a little darkness after all ;)
Not a horror movie but quite brutal nonetheless...

Well... I used to have it all figured out. But that's in the past. I lost all that somehow.
Now I'm pretty happy-ish most of the time. But I'm just lost. I really miss that feeling of knowing what you want. But that's gone. I know nothing anymore. I just wanna be at ease again...

he he... For foreigners German is really not the easiest language to learn, I guess.. ^^

Great! So Nana is also one of your favorite manga? Good taste you have there (^_-)b
It's such a shame it's been on hiatus for so long...

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Rye

My apologies, but the people here are not very attentive, it seems... ;)

Our little dog vs cat war was just a little joke. There seem to be more cat lovers in this thread ^^
To tell you the truth, I'm the same. I love all animals. It's just that I grew up with dogs and I have a dog now so I'm more of a dog person in the end, I guess...
I wouldn't wanna miss my little queen:

She once looked exactly like that! I just found that picture online recently... Too cute... ^^

@ Galich

I used to be like that. But that's just the perfect recipe for a good old depression so I try to focus on the bright side most of the time. I just like being happy – or at least being content – too much ^^
And when you reach a point where the bad things are just too overwhelming focusing on the good tends to help a little...

@ Urashi C. Pin

Never heard of that manga... What's it about?
Besides the yuri harem part, I mean ;)

last edited at Jul 9, 2016 9:35AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

Sounds like you've spend too much time with cats ;)
Maybe you should come and join the dog people... They will wake you up with a nice little bark! ^^

@ Galich

Yeah... I know that feeling all to well.
Though I haven't given up on hope yet ^^
I always expect the bad things to happen but hope for the best.
When I turn on the TV and see another terror attack or a new massacre I am upset but not surprised but the moment I see something good happen I tend to cry. Odd, isn't it...?

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Rye

Hi! This is the right place for random questions, indeed! ^^

But I'm very sorry, I'm not really familiar with PreCure stuff. Looks like a fanart to me but I can't really tell. Maybe someone else here will be able to help.
Dog people and Cat folks gather to help a dear friend in need! I summon you! So what are you waiting for? (^_-)v

joined Jun 22, 2016

When the humble flock of dog warriors came marching towards the army of cat lovers the attacked had no other choice but to retreat to the woods where they would sit in the trees, hissing and snarling with anger, looking down on the dog warriors celebrating their victory. These warriors were at ease because they knew that as long as only a single dog remained in the woods none of the cats would ever leave their tree. ^^

Dog people vs Cat folks

joined Jun 22, 2016

I could never rely on myself! - But I can always rely on my dog (being hungry)
So that argument doesn't count! ;P

What you just said made me remember this:


I loved that show! ^^

joined Jun 22, 2016

Dog people vs Cat folks

Oohohoho.... this war is easily decided! We don't need pictures to fight – we'll fight with words! (`∇´)ψ

Dog people are clearly superior to cat folks. That is because people who like dogs are looking for a true companion. They want a real relationship. They intend to take but they are just as much willing to give in return.
Cat folks are just selfish. They don't like being lonely but they don't wanna give anything in return either.
A real relationship is hard work though щ(ºДºщ)

Dog people vs Cat folks:

Ha! Now how do you intend to beat that!
Bring it! (V_v)

@ seaweb

Yo lo! (^_^)/

I don't really know what's going on with Lililicious either but they do still release stuff. Just not as much as they used to anymore...

@ Rina

Welcome, welcome, new friend! ✌(◕‿-)✌

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 6:31PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

For me naming 3 manga is much easier than deciding on my favorite anime...

  1. Blame! (There is nothing else like it)
  2. 12 Days (not really „manga“ I suppose since it's the work of a Korean woman living in America, but let's count it nonetheless)
  3. Nana (still hoping that this one will be continued...)

Never watched Wentworth, sorry. I'm currently watching Game of Thrones. Never bothered with that one before but now I'm starting to like it... ^^

Oh, and Pure Water Adolescence - good choice! (^_^)b

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Nezchan

Big YAAAAY for VHS tapes!!!! (^__^)/
I used to record my favorite shows on those! He he
Those were the times... ^^

@ ChocolateCakeLove

I think Girlfriends was the first yuri manga I read online... if I remember correctly...
Not the first one altogether though...

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 9:16PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

Oh... well, if we're taking those into account as well then it was probably Atakku No. 1 or Jōjī! for me. They played those on kids TV. First ones I saw. I never really liked them though so they never got me into anything, I guess ^^

How about your favorite manga?
We never talked about that...
If you had to name 3...?

joined Jun 22, 2016

Maybe she just wants to show you that she cares... (^_^")

joined Jun 22, 2016

Sounds like an OCD to me ^^
Just kidding!

Well... as long as you don't directly attack people or annoy the mods all the time I think you're gonna be okay...

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

Talking about sins... Mine are sloth, sloth + sloth and especially whenever I can't stand something I tend to be a real sloth... ^^
I can live with the rest though ;)

Ah, I always wanted to be a reptile! Eating once or twice a month would suffice.
Everything else is just a bother... Having to cook every day... Meh...
However, I'm pretty decent at preparing meals. The secret is to only use good ingredients ^^
If you only take the good stuff and mix it together – and don't burn it ;) - it can't possibly taste bad.
As long as you're not going for some strange experiments... ^^

No... I'm made to be a writer!!! ;)
I wish...

Well... it sounds funny at first but I think it can be explained as follows: ^^
People who like manga and anime tend to be interested in the culture and language as well. Some can get enthusiastic about other languages and cultures on top of that so aiming for a degree like that is not too far-fetched, I guess... It's still funny though... he he ;)

My dream was to translate novels and poems. But that's practically impossible as long as you're not a writer yourself, so... well... that's that.
I am not very confident overall but I bet I would have been great at that! I was soooo damn good with the German language and I used to live for writing, reading and translating... I bet I could have made it... But fuck it! ^^

As for you, it might not be a bad idea to get another degree as long as you can find the motivation to do so...

And you described me pretty well there ;) At least most of the time...

@ ChocolateCakeLove

Hey there! (^_^)v
You seem to be pretty focused on avoiding to get banned ^^
What's with that obsession? I'm kinda curious...

@ Galich

Yeah, time to answer your own question! ;)

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 5:59PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

Hey, congrats!
That's really great, I'm happy for you! (^__^)b
That must be a load off your mind now that you finally got your results...

Thank you for all the recommendations!
I already know a few of those but as soon as my reading mood is back I'll be sure to check out the rest.

He he he ^^ I used to be like that as well. My best friend used to be my dictionary ;)
It was the best time of my life, so I wouldn't say that's a bad thing at all. (^__^)

Oh and regarding your anime and manga question:
Anime-wise it was Cowboy Bebop, X and Escaflowne for me.
As for manga it was One Piece and Majin-Devil.

@ Blackkitty

I wish I could list other french tv or web shows for you but at the moment nothing comes to mind, sorry...

And don't be so greedy ^^ Berries taste really good without yoghurt as well ;P

Sounds kinda nice, if you put it like that...
I think I've said it somewhere around here before but I always – well, maybe not always but let's say in hindsight – liked the kind of people better that just go out there and confront life head on. People who are just a part of it and mingle...
I can be alone and be happy so that does make you independent somehow, yes. it might even add a few facets to life but I consider it a burden as well.
I am good with people, however, most of the time I just prefer not being among them. That is not because I don't like them nor do I think they are not worth my time it's just that being alone makes me much happier most of the time. Not exactly a recipe for being a team player or being a part of something. (^_^“)

he he he ^^ And I also find it kinda hilarious that a lot of people here are translators ;)
I went to college to become a translator as well. Can't stand interpreting either (because you can't do that alone in your room ^^) and same problems as the ones you mentioned... Funny indeed...

@ ari-chan

That's really sweet, trying to encourage me, thanks! (=^_^=)

That sounds like a really complex story you got there ^^
It is good to know upfront where you're intending to go with your story. You know, the overall structure. But overthinking it does only make it harder, I guess. I think the best way to go about it is to develop the details as you go. When you have that flow a lot of things just come naturally. I always loved that feeling of inspiration. It's just sad that I don't feel it often anymore...

@ HeiAli

Another European! It's a European invasion in here! (☉__☉ )
Just kidding (◦’ںˉ◦)

Well... raw manga are pretty hard to find here in Germany as well. You have to buy those at special import shops and that is not exactly cheap either. I think that goes for most countries. Except for Japan of course ;)

@ Alvis

And how do you know I wouldn't like that? ;P

@ OriginalGengar

Oh, you can feel good about yourself ^^ You deserve that, mister! ;)

That remix version of Technologic is also really good! (^_^)b
(Still like the original at the end better though... ^^“)
Giorgio By Moroder sounds great! (>_<) \m/
I think I'm off to listen to the whole LP now.... he he
Did I mention that I really loooove music before...? ^^

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 7:30AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

Yeah, it really sucks when someone spoils the ending of a movie, show or a book or whatever...
Someone used to do that all the time whenever we watched movies. It went like „oh, I know that one already; yeah; she gets killed and the other guy there is the killer and they catch him in the end.“ And I was always like: (☉__☉”) „Thank you, you know I haven't seen it yet, right? What's up with that...???“ (╯‵Д′)╯

You seem to be a really diverse human being. I wouldn't mind a few book recommendations either. I used to read a lot. Nowadays not so much anymore. But that's just a phase most of the time.
I like my cyberpunk dark and with a good atmosphere so if you can manage to recommend something like that you'd definitely draw my interest... ;)

And I was just kidding when I said you totally ignored these links, don't worry (^_-)v
I just thought the sight of that was too much for you ^^
Oh, but that video you linked is even better than mine – nice!
I didn't understand a word he was saying but it still made me laugh pretty hard ƪ(ˆ▽ˆ)ʃ

So.... How did it go? Got the results you wanted? Did you pass?

@ Z. Long

I tend to watch all anime subbed. Mostly English subs. The only time I felt that the dubbed version was really better than the original Japanese was with Cowboy Bebop. I just loved the English version of that one.

@ HeiAli

Where do you live?

@ ari-chan

(◦’ںˉ◦)v You're welcome! I just love to make people snort! ^^
Here's a link with all three parts in case you wanna snort a little more ;)

he he … oh...
I always thought that I probably would have been a better writer if only I'd started when I was a kid.
I wanted to be a writer for as long as I can think. However, when I was a kid I didn't really bother with the writing part ^^ I just diligently developed the story in my head – each and every day – for years. I started when I went to bed and did so until I fell asleep; the next day I would continue – and I really could remember it all! I had a great memory...
The story was total crap, of course ;P I mean, I was just a little kid after all... ;)
But as I got older – I started to write again when I was a teenager – I just had too many ideas floating around in my head. A few really had potential – I think at least ;) - but I just never managed to focus on one. So writing for me became a total mess ^^
Always switching between different stories and different scenes – depending on my mood – total chaos. But I wrote quite a lot. I finished a few chapters but never a whole story ^^

last edited at Jul 5, 2016 9:02AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

Well, in that case I will definitely take that yoghurt! ^_^b
I was just a little confused there for a second... ;)

Oh, by the way, that's how we get our milk here in Germany:
ha ha ^^
I already shared that one with Galich but he totally ignored it ;P I have no idea why... o_O

he he ^^ Well...
I'd say that is because most of my life takes place inside of my head ;)
I'm just too good on my own, really. That just bugs me sometimes (^_-) Sounds funny, doesn't it?
But I can be like a monk living in ascesis and it doesn't bother me at all. But it tends to bother other people sometimes.. ^^

@ ari-chan

No way! It went more like this:
Ahhh, but it was still great. Made me a better human being. I learned to view things from a different perspective. Really broadened my mind.
By now I've kinda given up on most of my dreams but that one still lingers: I wanna publish at least one book before I die (miserably in the gutter somewhere). ;)

How about you?
First book you're trying to write?

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

I like music from all eras so I don't mind that at all! (^_^)v

And it's a good thing to maintain the link to your cultural roots. I'm part Italian but unfortunately I don't really speak the language. It's a waste really... My Italian grandfather never bothered to teach his children. And when I had the chance to do so in school I decided not to because for me it meant spending more time at school – and I hated that idea! ^^ - now I just think that was a mistake.

I can totally relate to that, I was never a really religious person either... (^_^“)
Sometimes I envy people who are really devoted to their beliefs... but that's just not me...
And that whole church thing can be so hypocritical as well...
I went to a Catholic Christmas Mass a while back and that singing wasn't much to my liking either... I had to stop myself from laughing... rude, I know. But he just sounded like a eunuch ^^
I'm a bad person... I know...

@ Blackkitty

I don't know... I might have misunderstood something... but aren't oxen like I don't know... male...?
So how can they have milk...? The kind of „milk“ they might give I don't really wanna drink... (^_^“)
I'm sorry – please just tell me that I'm wrong! ^^

Even if, that's no reason to hide! I had a friend who failed his driving test 5 times – didn't stop him from leaving the house ;)

Your life might not be as interesting if you do end up like me. I'm the most boring person on earth, believe me! (^_^)v

Me being a bartender...? I like the sound of that... (¬‿¬)

@ ari-chan

Ohhhh... so you're writing??? Now that's cool! (◦’ں’◦)
I used to write a lot a few years back – best time of my life! Awww... that brings back memories... I soooo miss that....
In which direction are you intending to go? You know, genre-wise...

… Americas penis...? Huh.... I'm not so sure about that... you could probably say the same thing about Italy in Europe ;)

@ Galich

he he ^^
So you stopped watching Dexter after season 6?
I can understand why – season 6 was, by far, the worst! ;) 7 and 8 got better again though...

ADD is no fun at all, I'd say...
Doesn't make life easier.

But that's really a pity to hear. Since you like Cyberpunk I wanted to ask you about your favorite movies... no use, I guess. I'm always looking for dark Sci-Fi and Cyberpunk stuff.

Thanks for the links! Will definitely listen to Trevor Something later on...

last edited at Jul 4, 2016 5:28PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

Well... What can I say... I'm trying ;)

I kinda always expected it to happen even sooner... every time someone tried to kill her... was glad that they always failed but I really didn't expect it the moment they actually did kill her... o_O Oh well... She will be missed...
Doesn't help a lot that she's with Fear the Walking Dead now. That show is pretty lame... at least so far.

Yes, I'm queer – and I'm a zombie! So what? ;P
That yoghurt does look tasty. But ox milk sounds kind of suspicious... Is that really a thing? I'm somehow scared to have a taste now... (^_^“)

Oh... so good luck to you too! I hope you did good on that exam!
Maybe you should wait a little while longer with visiting France... with all that terror going on there... Don't want anything to happen to you...
But that's a good plan you have there! Don't end up like me (^_-)b

I am a walking oxymoron ^^
So many contradictions within one single person... you don't get that a lot ;)

Makes me think of „Bartender“ the anime...

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Everyone over 18:

All of that 80s stuff yesterday made me remember this:
… anyone...?
It's sooo damn hip to be square! (^_-)b

And also:

@ Everyone who likes Synth-stuff:

Does anyone here know or like this (fairly) new synthesizer stuff that's been floating around?

Like „Noir Deco“
A friend recommended them to me once and he was sooo right – it's extremely good...

Or „Perturbator“

And „Carpenter Brut“

(((( Oh, that last one reminded me of Ken Ishii – not related but I still love that one: )))))

Also things like the „Drive – Soundtrack“

Anyone? Nezchan...? … Galich...?

@ Blackkitty

I posted a link with lists of other French shows, hope you can still find it with all of those posts... ;)

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

Hey, those are really good! o_O No kidding...
So now I do know a few Polish bands and singers – thanks to you ^^
Now I just have to remember their names... ;)

@ HypocriticalLiar

Now that you have finished Zero's Escape you have all the time in the world to boost that 0% to at least 80 %

@ Alvis

Awwww.... don't tell me that you wouldn't take the guy on the first picture??? ;)
I mean, he's totemo kawaii desu, no?
And his pillow is absolutely sugoi at that! ^^
I would take him right away.... - to a looney bin that is (^_^)b
I really wouldn't be able to sleep with a pillow like that... scary thought...

@ OriginalGengar

Not disappointed at all. I said I listen to everything as long as it's just good. Gotta admit though I never really concerned myself with Rap and Hip Hop but those weren't bad at all.
I listened to every song to the end. Especially liked The Rugged Man - Uncommon Valor (that's some brutal stuff... but true unfortunately...gave me goosebumps, man...), Marco Polo – Nostalgia and Royce da 5'9 – Boom.

Rap is probably more real than all of that superficial Synthpop stuff we posted ^^
I'm just a real sucker for that sometimes...

And I'm with Royce here when he said that Rap now is a circus of clowns ;)
At least the stuff they show on tv most of the time. Like this:
Stuff like that is not much to my liking, I admit it.
However, I am well aware that there is a lot more to Rap than just that. And you proved it.

Also I really like System of a Down – I used to listen to Toxicity (the LP) all the time. And I love Serj Tankians solo stuff. Like this:

I also like Daft Punk. One of my favorites is this:
The hymn of our modern times ;)