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joined Jun 5, 2016

I grew up in "hillbillytown" and so when I moved away at age 21 I had the WORST country bumpkin twang... and I made myself learn how to drop it darn fast once I got to Florida, because when I spoke around others I was unfairly judged as being ignorant or less than intelligent. THEN I doubled down and learned how to invoke it as part of a "customer service voice", because guess what, most people seem to lose their steam when faced with a woman's voice that is both pitched higher than normal AND has a bit of a country twang. Actually worked for me when dealing with subordinates when I was in management positions as well.

Now I have virtually no accent at all, aside from a generic "American" accent, unless I turn on an inflection. Apparently I'm super good at picking up inflection and cadence when it comes to speaking foreign languages too, so I guess I got that going for me, which is nice?

Of course online is a whole different story. I'm usually told I "speak" too formally or at least somewhat too stiffly. Which I can't help, since I have always been a bookworm so my inside voice tends to be rather more formal than the outside, and of course the inside voice is technically what I type out for others to read.....

Sevendays. discussion 17 May 18:25
joined Jun 5, 2016

On the other hand, brushing aside of the question of lesbian identity with the usual "not all women, just her" equivocations.

If it's the part I'm thinking of, I disagree with that reading. She's talking about how they're both only in their first serious relationship. Cue standard worry about whether they could find the same happiness or even better in the arms of another, something that's not even remotely exclusive to homosexuals.

She's also drunk, so there's also an element of inebriated epiphany: "You know, I never asked if she's bi. Shit, I never even asked if I'm bi! *gay panic*"

... sorry, I just couldn't resist...

VAMPEERZ discussion 17 May 18:03
joined Jun 5, 2016

She didn't specify the why. Just that the person using the blade had to be human and was vague about why it had to be her specifically but that it DID have to be her. I suspect that's a big part of the plot point of this story we find out a tad later.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Grumpy Cat died and now I am sad.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Guess you'll just have to wait and see like the rest of us. :3

VAMPEERZ discussion 17 May 17:40
joined Jun 5, 2016

Look i like this story and all but... Isn't she basically only a vampire in name and nothing else?...
the writer basically took every thing a vampire is and was like: Meh, she just sucks blood... or eat pancakes whatever comes first.

What vampires "are" are often rewritten to fit the narrative of a story. Some can shapeshift, some can't, some can do sun, some can't, etc. This one, so far, has demonstrated the "classic" unaging immorality, blood suckery, the ability to mind control, and the inability to cross sacred barriers. The author even helped us along by having the protag go through exactly what was real and what wasn't in their universe so we wouldn't all be wondering all the time.

So she just happens to only need a "top off" of blood every so often. Big deal. I mean, those pancakes looked REALLY good, so who can blame her? I'd move in too.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Well they were blushing and acting lovey-dovey, so I don't think it's that far-fetched to react that way, especially in high-school where literally everything is drama.

Well if you put it like that...

There is a difference between stigmatization and unusual behavior. Yes, they can hold hands, but the way it is done just is very different depending on the mood. This isn't 20 years ago, people are aware that lesbians exist and are probably even curious about it. How serious they take that gossip is another matter...

I grew up in a rural area, where most people have no idea how homosexuality works. Maybe that's why this whole situation seems weird for me.

I grew up in a rural area too, and it would absolutely be given a funky look by just about anyone. But then again I grew up in a Bible Belt state, too, which doesn't help.

But then again AGAIN, I now live in one of the most liberal areas of the US and in one of the most LQTBQ+ friendly areas (the PNW) and I've still gotten the ugly glance or two when holding hands with my gf in public in the past. So the US just needs more time to grow up I guess.

VAMPEERZ discussion 17 May 15:16
joined Jun 5, 2016

Man, talk about using lesbian stereotypes! Look at the size of that UHaul she brought!

joined Jun 5, 2016

FC, fashion C? What's C?

Yeah, I'm missing something here. What does the C stand for? (I'm probably going to kick myself for not knowing this when somebody answers...)

Edit: nvm I remembered what y'all mean. Frankly I dunno for sure myself and I forgot to ask sneik.

last edited at May 17, 2019 6:04AM

joined Jun 5, 2016

Lastly, woohoo no third wheel alien girl this time. I don't hate Yashirou, just her horrible timing to ruin what could be special alone time.

I was right there with Adachi, looking for "that sparkly blue thing" to show up again, lol

last edited at May 16, 2019 8:59PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

How much is out right now, incidentally?

Volume 8 just released, apparently.

last edited at May 16, 2019 3:02PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

On an unrelated note, can we talk about Hino's room for a moment? It looks like most of the walls are metal plates, except for one that's a cloth curtain. Does she live in some sort of evil-lab?

Not to mention the clock too which looks too uncommon for your normal room. Well, it's not like Nagisa herself is your normal girl but still...

This is making me seriously worried. I'm afraid this is foreshadowing a dark twist down the road somewhere, it's no accident the author put in effort to specifically detail this room the way it was.

Yeah, it almost looks like a minimal security prison of some sort, the way things are bolted in and on military time.

To me it just looks like she lives in a super cheap apartment, they do show the outside of it as well.

VAMPEERZ discussion 16 May 00:36
joined Jun 5, 2016

At least this one doesn't sparkle when the light hits her. What a tragedy that would be.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Speaking of the clock, am I the only one who noticed the time-stamps on their texts? Looks like they were texting for like 4 hours straight. They may as well get married.

VAMPEERZ discussion 15 May 23:42
joined Jun 5, 2016

Is it me or does the author makes it seem like no one else can see the vampire?

The lolimosquito has the eye-zappy-mind-control powers of a vampire so no telling who she's eye-zapped into just accepting her presence like she did to the mother.

VAMPEERZ discussion 15 May 16:56
joined Jun 5, 2016

Though the "eating normal food" most of the time to get on while "sucking blood to stay immortal" thing makes me ask why she needs to have someone stab her to end her immortality; why not just stop sucking blood like a relentless loli mosquito?

Eh, there's a reason few people pick "starve yourself to death" as a method of suicide even as a human; don't see why a vamp would be different in that regard ...

I didn't say anything about killing herself, just ending her immortality. :) If she eats to sustain her body like anyone else, but drinks blood in order to retain immortality, why not just stop with the blood and just eat herself to death on pizza and ice cream like the rest of us?

joined Jun 5, 2016

I watched the anime, I don't really play VNs and such much. I didn't realize that Clannad was a VN first, so the whole "bad end 'replayed' to best end" didn't make a lot of sense to me at first.

But anyway, I'm steering off topic.

I came in here originally to say "Hino and Koguma are such precious dorks, they make me smile when on most days I wouldn't".

joined Jun 5, 2016

I've spent years without getting any spoilers of Clannad, I can't believe you guys ruined it for me.

cries should really have played it already. Don't worry that spoiler is meaningless anyway. It will make sense once you finally reach After Story.

Speak for yourself, lol. I just watched it for the first time a couple months ago. I wasn't aware that Clannad was actually a game prior to the anime, so even after watching all of it (and knowing what all happened somehow didn't make it hurt less, phooey to that "het is awful" belief, love is love) I was still confused and had to look it up. Felt dumb afterwards. Too focused on

for me to put it all together in my head. lol

VAMPEERZ discussion 15 May 15:54
joined Jun 5, 2016

Well, she said that OSTENSIBLY they were immortal and couldn't die. That doesn't mean there aren't loopholes. Obviously while the incarnation of vampires in this story don't happen to ascribe to most "typical" vampire things like fear of crosses or inability to see their own reflection, they do still have some things--like being unable to cross a barrier, and apparently being able to die using what is presumably a sort of specially enchanted weapon.

Though the "eating normal food" most of the time to get on while "sucking blood to stay immortal" thing makes me ask why she needs to have someone stab her to end her immortality; why not just stop sucking blood like a relentless loli mosquito?

joined Jun 5, 2016

Shina better prepare herself for a barrage of kisses

It was totally a subconscious thing, losing an arm to get a full on makeout with Mimi....

joined Jun 5, 2016

Page 109, the onomatopoeia at the bottom, I think it should be "peek" not "peak", unless brocephus there is trying to turn into a mountain or something... (Sorry to nitpick, that particular common word typo annoys me like extra super bad for some reason.)

joined Jun 5, 2016

If it's with a friend it doesn't count as cheating??? Does it really work that way??? :DDD

What, you mean you DON'T frick-frack-snick-snack all your friends like a normal person?

joined Jun 5, 2016

I personally find that "dummy" or "twit" sparks joy for me, along with "dumbass". It all just depends on the situation...

joined Jun 5, 2016

So far, just to be a third wheel. As a few have mentioned before, she appears to be related to Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, another of the author's works. Here is a link to the Wiki about her.

Image Comments 04 May 06:51
joined Jun 5, 2016

I like the subtle focus on the wedding rings.