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Image Comments 21 Apr 02:52
joined Apr 30, 2020

are you okay buddy?!

No worries. The beautiful BOING BOING necromancer Rushia resurrected me.

Image Comments 20 Apr 05:59
joined Apr 30, 2020

^That's why tailholding is great. points to profile picture

Image Comments 20 Apr 05:57
joined Apr 30, 2020

Two of the ships are from idolm@ster specifically Chihaya x Haruka and Julia x Shizuka

Image Comments 20 Apr 05:55
joined Apr 30, 2020

They're both flat like a pair of walls. I'm gonna run for my life now.

Image Comments 19 Apr 23:05
joined Apr 30, 2020

Ah yes, another fanart of Zofia being drunk lol.

Image Comments 19 Apr 23:05
joined Apr 30, 2020

One handed princess carry seems so unrealistic but Keqing looks so badass doing it.

Image Comments 19 Apr 23:02
joined Apr 30, 2020

Congratulations to the lovely couple!

Image Comments 19 Apr 23:01
joined Apr 30, 2020

Yay the first Bourbon x Rice here! A gundam and her hero. And that tailholding. So cute.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Holy fuck Hina. Her sexual sadism is just on another level. I know Ichika is no longer as good as she seemed to be but I am still worried for her.

Arknights! 19 Apr 07:32
joined Apr 30, 2020

Any idea of when Saga is going to be released in NA/Global?

She'll be released with Dusk around July, since that's when Nian was released last year.

Here's a translated comic (thanks to u/alex770b from the subreddit) based on the recent CN event: Love at first sight for Heidi. Original art from lofter. And 凯海 is the shipping tag.

Arknights! 18 Apr 15:33
joined Apr 30, 2020

Sharing some art: NSFW Skadi x Specter sex, wholesome Vulcan x Ceobe, Blue Poison x Glaucus, Amiya and W, and Amiya x W

While I'm at it, here are two music videos dedicated to Theresa x W: Her Mirage by Project Mons and this one from bilibili uploaded in Youtube

last edited at Apr 18, 2021 3:33PM

joined Apr 30, 2020

Thank you for this wholesome yuri. It fills me with life.

Image Comments 16 Apr 23:28
joined Apr 30, 2020

Cute nose boop

Image Comments 16 Apr 23:28
joined Apr 30, 2020

Alternate Happy End.

Image Comments 16 Apr 23:27
joined Apr 30, 2020

Blemi going for the horse thighs. I appreciate the slight skindentation with her fingers.

Image Comments 16 Apr 23:25
joined Apr 30, 2020

I've been seeing a lot of art of Jyuri x Choco. I assume this due to a recent event in the game?

Anime season 16 Apr 00:47
joined Apr 30, 2020

I didn't finish season 1 yet, so no, I'm talking about season 2. I checked what else studio Kai did after that garbage episode 1 of Super Cub was (I dropped it mid through, unwatachble) which is a shame, cos I feel like I'd actually enjoy this low energy show.

Ah okay I get it now. I hope you're enjoying Uma Musume. Season 1 does seem more toned down compared to s2 but I think it's cause s1 is more of an opener introducing the cast and the world. I still enjoyed s1 especially since rewatching it recently gave me a new appreciation for it but I do think s2 was way better.

There it goes, zombieland making me cry and it's only ep02

Oh I need to catch up. Episode 1 gave me a lot of questions like lol timeskip (it wasn't much but having something dramatic happen offscreen is questionable) and feels like a restart button. I was hoping they'd follow up on the reporters finding out the identities of the girls.

Arknights! 15 Apr 14:29
joined Apr 30, 2020

Thank you for removing the spam. Also, @Beefaroni please edit your post to remove the spambot's link.

Anyway, Arknights stuff. From another forum, I saw this video by a lesbian couple talking about lesbians in Arknights. Very nice and I do appreciate the brief moment of Lancet being top tier waifu tho sadly, no talk about Eunectes x Lancet but they did talk about the relationships of classic Arknights pairings. Some personal comments: HoshiChen is very popular but well, not my ship and I personally interpret the events of Chapter 7 as their break-up and Ch'en going for my preferred incest pairing. Also glad to see more people seeing W as the Theresa-obsessed lesbian that she is. But maybe the future won't be as tragic, Theresa does have an heir

Also, for the Kal'tsit event in CN right now, obviously spoiler warning, here is first part of a translation in the subreddit. Alternatively, a full summary with yuri goggles on is also on twitter. Kal'tsit x Folinic's mom?! and Kal just exuding top lesbian energy she got another girl, Heidi, to fall for her. The story also shows Kal is such a badass.

Anime season 15 Apr 14:17
joined Apr 30, 2020

I can't watch Super Cub, because CGI is absolutely atrocious and takes me away from any positive experience I could have. If they can't be arsed to animate/draw half the shit, why keep cutting to it. Now I'm worried that the same studio is animating season 2 of Uma Musume.

Season 2 of Uma Musume is already done and is very gay. I think you're referring to season 3? Studio Kai did get help from PA works (who animated s1 of Uma Musume) for season 2 so maybe there might be problems for season 3 if ever. However, I'd like to believe with Cygames backing Uma Musume, they won't let that happen.

joined Apr 30, 2020
Arknights! 13 Apr 20:57
joined Apr 30, 2020

myrrhmidon posted:

Also have to consider that Nian rerun banner is likely to be June which means Dusk will be the limited banner that comes after.

Wait, June? Isn't Nian's rerun banner and Dusk's banner on new year?

It was Chinese New Year for CN, but for EN, Nian banner arrived on late July last year for "half anniv". See here. Thus, we can expect Nian rerun around the same time this year and Dusk afterwards or Nian rerun earlier in June while Dusk will be in July.

Arknights! 13 Apr 12:53
joined Apr 30, 2020

myrrhmidon posted:

It should be chapter 8. It will be Golden Week soon in JP so the stream is well timed for that.

But she's also half year anniversary operator and Nian dropped in June, so I was expecting her around that time. But it's true we run out of events to stall with unless they start throwing reruns.

Also have to consider that Nian rerun banner is likely to be June which means Dusk will be the limited banner that comes after. Mudrock/Rosmontis, Ch 8 and all the new mats there has to come earlier. And yeah it's unlikely they'll have a stream just to announce reruns. I think only Code of Brawl rerun and Darknights rerun are the ones they can use to delay if ever which won't be enough.

Gotta be ready. I'm not sure I can get to 300 rolls for the guaranteed since I had to use that to get Weedy last time. I really hope I won't have to do that for Mudrock...

Arknights! 13 Apr 09:00
joined Apr 30, 2020

I only care about Rosmontis. So episode 8 is confirmed next or we still don't know?

It should be chapter 8. It will be Golden Week soon in JP so the stream is well timed for that. I'm just remembering last year when they had a stream to announce Twilight of Wolumonde when everyone was expecting Darknights + Chapter 7 announcements. Really, it's highly unlikely to be anything else at this point.

All enemies are absolutely pathetic against my mvp, Utage. I seriously hope she doesn't get power creep'd later because she's the freaking best OP I have.

Would it be rude of me to say that technically Surtr powercreeps Utage? Both being helidrop Arts dealing Guards...