The way Anzu was drawn reminds me of Gomennasai (that's the name of the artist lol)
That face tho
Tanuki family
The Ayumu x Setsuna x Yu tag seems to be a mistake Either way I asked to get it changed lol
The tail tho
Is the woman on the right supposed to be Perseus but as a girl? Or maybe Athena? Or even Poseidon?
Bocchi the Rack
Classic OTP
I just realized there's a Shamalamadingdong tag and this is the only post that has it
The mintiest bloodline.
Something something all Yuri artists start with Touhou
Uber cute
@Perlen297 the anime is perfectly fine. You can just watch it. And we're not even arguing, at least it's not so bad as some other discussions on the site.
I gotta continue both the anime and manga
I never understood the appeal of Fern x Frieren either xD
Wasn't Anis a dude in the original world tho?
So does this deer eat owls?
Can you have thighjob with a mermaid?
@Titanoktonon are you claiming these were them?
last edited at Dec 5, 2023 7:00AM
Fern x Frieren > Fern x Stark and Frieren x Himmel
I'm honestly not surprised the author of Yuzumori-san is into PriPara.