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Image Comments 01 Jan 14:04
joined Dec 20, 2018

Dammit, we need more of this manga...

joined Dec 20, 2018

Suzu doing her best to get this a yuri tag. :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

Also, I fail to see the point of bringing up "Bloom Into You", that was explicitly a series about romance, it called it such since the beginning, and the whole point was that the main couple went beyond mere friends

Have you ever considered judging a work by what actually happens within the text of the work rather than whether or not a scanlator places an explicit label on it to tell you how you're supposed to feel about it

Hagino calls the story "girlship" and prefers not to label it a yuri work because, to her, the story is about the feelings that exist between our two lead girls, and she doesn't want to confine those feelings by putting specific labels or expectations on them. That's all she's said on the matter as far as I'm aware. Maybe that means they won't ever come out and kiss, maybe it means that they will but that they don't want to be simplified to just that, maybe it means any number of things. Mostly it means we should judge the text by what the text itself does rather than obsessively parsing the occasional author's tweet or bookstore genre label to tell us what we're supposed to think about the story.

It's gotten really tedious to see every thread on this story go back and forth in a frenzy of "BUT SHE SAID ITS NOT" instead of ever actually discussing the actual manga IMO

There's an interesting thing about labels like that. I'm sure we all here would agree that Ikenai Hito is unquestionably a yuri work - and yet its own afterword has the author wondering whether it really fits that label. So when the author here too refuses to define it as yuri, yet doesn't mind if people do so, they may similarly see the yuri label as something more restrictive than what she wants to cover in her manga.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Although Koyuki's dad confiscating her phone after she apparently checked it once in her entire school career seems a little too strict, [...]

Rules are rules. And seeing his reaction to the other teacher bringing it up with him first, his main reason for doing this seems to be less just the rules and more to help Koyuki out of the lonely spot of the unapproachable exemplar student both the teachers and students keep pushing her into.

joined Dec 20, 2018

^Sure, that's fine, it would be harder to find if people had to scroll down without realizing there's more to look for.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I think this chapter may be the best one yet of this adaptation, I think it did a well job of catching the AdaShima tone in the manga format

It also did a much better job of adapting the pool part which the first manga skipped almost entirely. Which may indicate that it may indeed not rush as much once it has caught up to where the first one ended, and even expand on other parts that were rushed or skipped there even while it keeps rushing through the parts we've seen already.

joined Dec 20, 2018

^Well, yes, obviously. If they'd seen it all, there would hardly be any way to misunderstand.

joined Dec 20, 2018

That little extra may actually explain why they haven't quite realized the truth about Nanoha and Chidori even after what seemed to be rather obvious hints in the latest chapters. Their own handholding and essentially planning a date-like outing in lieu of having boyfriends - and this just as good friends, entirely without falling into the usual girls school tropes - makes our couple's behavior seem less out of the ordinary than you'd normally think.

Image Comments 28 Dec 08:36
joined Dec 20, 2018

They've been busy

joined Dec 20, 2018

Anyways, I'm just gonna pass the results of the game as some foreshadowing.

One can only hope.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, Iro-chan, it's just your bad luck to be asking about love while everyone else in the room makes up a love triangle...

Excellent result for the punishment game, though.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Sure, go ahead, especially now that it's stickied.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, then... Finally got my nice physical copy of Maidens of Michael, and since it includes download codes for both this and Remembering How We Met, and I already owned the latter before, I decided I might as well let someone over here have it. Took me a while to figure out how to do it, but this should work: Christmas Yuri Giveaway

Added by OrangePekoe: Moekuri Adorable + Tactical SRPG Giveaway

last edited at Dec 29, 2019 9:52PM by OrangePekoe

VAMPEERZ discussion 26 Dec 10:47
joined Dec 20, 2018

Are all the vampires in this series stupid?


I thought she was going commando.

Honestly, if there weren't clear lines indicating otherwise, I would have been absolutely sure as well. We certainly seem to be seeing way more than we should whenever we get a view up her skirt...

joined Dec 20, 2018

Okay I just imagined Hino in that dress, and honestly, that's adorable

I bet Hino herself is actually imagining Koguma, though.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Why is there no Ch24?

Answered on the previous page:

^ Here you go

joined Dec 20, 2018

Still cute

There can be no disagreement—very, very cute.

Also, more needed. Because: cute.

There is a sequel here as well, you know. ;)

Although I still agree that more is needed.

last edited at Dec 23, 2019 7:47PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

"Not yet". My sides xD Also cute!

Always a great line to see. ^_^

joined Dec 20, 2018

Problem solved?

joined Dec 20, 2018

in the description at the end....
the sister's bio says: doesn't have big boobs
and the Kazuki bio says: has big boobs
but...but...the chests look the same size! what kind of magical, boob-vanishing, logic-erasing, reality-warping tracksuit is Kazuki wearing? O.O

Maybe her bra is just bigger on the inside than on the outside.

Is she a lesbian reincarnation of Doctor Who or something?

Clearly she must be related to Hikari.

joined Dec 20, 2018

The worst part of this manga is Hana and Miyako interacting.

This is quite literally the main reason this manga even exists...

joined Dec 20, 2018

I get you, Hana, who wouldn't fall for this? ^_^

Still Sick discussion 23 Dec 04:16
joined Dec 20, 2018

I bet I want to draw your favorite ships is like having sex for them hahaha.

Pretty much, yes.

joined Dec 20, 2018

What's the meaning behind Applins?

Giving one to someone is a traditional way of confessing your feelings in this region.

joined Dec 20, 2018
  • Adachi just going for it. If I didn't know better I would've thought she was really going to smooch shima there when they were sleeping together.

Certainly seemed like that at first, yes. In the end she lacked the pink hair to go through with it, though. :D