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Arknights! 30 Apr 13:48
joined Apr 30, 2020

215 rolls for Mudrock and I got three Rosmontis. Worth it for me as long as I got Mudrock. Also got a dupe Eunectes and I do appreciate the -1 DP cost. Insta E2 for Jackie cause she's a good doggo.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Will there be a part 2 than?

I hope so. Can't tease a yuri threesome and just end it there.

Arknights! 29 Apr 12:53
joined Apr 30, 2020

I really wanted a Shining Alter where she's a guard but I feel like if we get that version, the backstory would be something like: Nearl and/or Nightingale died and she's picking up her sword again because she feels like her healer stint was a massive failure.

Pls no. Not Nightingale. Sadly, I can see it happening since she's so fragile. Also, I can see it affecting Nearl too. She'll finally drop the shield and two hand her mace. Giving us 6 star Margaret.

So basically it might literally just be an alternate Skadi.

I didn't expect AK to pull an FGO.

The way I see it Lowlight is giving some leeway so that future events are open to interpretation whether they're canon or not. I can see why this would lead to the conclusion that it's like FGO. In there, the alters can exist at the same time as the originals. However, in Arknights, Skadi and Skadi alter cannot be placed in the same squad. Actually a shame since gameplay-wise, Skadi cannot benefit from Skadi alter's buffs. I'd like to interpret this as a lore thing as well. Skadi and Skadi alter cannot exist at the same time. One must be the future version of the other.

EDIT: Also off-topic but I think I might be insane cause I literally farmed for like, weeks to get 3000 red certs to max pot Breeze ONLY for the medal. May or may not regret it, I'm not sure yet. I now only need 1 more medal before I have everything (the level 120 medal).

I would actually like to do this at one point. I haven't even max'd Ethan. Been using red certs for E2s. I'm waiting for another 2 weeks of open supplies stages so I can farm red certs.

Arknights! 29 Apr 06:31
joined Apr 30, 2020

I was gonna wait until the datamine on the upcoming CN event before posting about it, but the recent teaser for Skadi alter seem to confirm a theory I had. Getting excited for this.

Dialogue between Skadi alter and the Doctor(?):

"I've been waiting for you, Doctor. I've waited you for far, far too long, I even forgot why I am waiting for you here... but none of that matters. None of that matters much anymore."

I call it "The Corrupting Heart". It had Skadi's appearance, but it isn't her. Fate mocked the failure of our civilazation with ruins, and now it made this organism appear before me, insulting our end.

Addtionally, this is Skadi alter's "drop down" animation. She just warps in. I've been suspecting that Abyssals are Aegirians corrupted by the Abyss. And it seems that's what happened or almost happened to Skadi. Notably, she seems to have an actual tail now. Given that possession seems to be a thing in Arknights, Skadi alter may not be Skadi at all or at least she's not alone in that body.

One more thing, unrelated to the Abyssals but another grim note, from Eunectes skin: "Gavial, I will protect Rhodes Island in your stead." WHAT HAPPENED TO GAVIAL?! But seems to be expected since it's a Bloodline of Combat skin. Apparently, Beagle's Bloodline skin also has an implied death of either hers or Fang's?

last edited at Apr 29, 2021 6:31AM

joined Apr 30, 2020

I had actually forgotten Sei was a teacher in another school. Also was that the first title drop?

So I guess whatever Haruki and Mochida were planning ended up being nothing. Male teacher was umm okay I guess? He seems to have moved on. Same for that Sakai girl. Just to contrast with Mochida who's still obsessed over ruining Sei and completely fails. I assume that's the last we'll see of them. Sei x Aya seems to be the endgame. I was even expecting a dramatic chase at the station or something. Fateful meeting in another city works too.

Arknights! 28 Apr 01:02
joined Apr 30, 2020

Np! I didn't watch 25thNight's stream for those exact reasons and instead waited for Kyo's to be back up. Seems like the reason for it was that the song at the end got copyrighted so it's muted right now. I just finished watching not long ago. You can watch entire MV on bilibili though. I just did that.

Btw, here's a youtube mirror for those who don't want to go to bilibili. The song itself is out in Starset's official youtube and in spotify. Really can't wait for all the reveals especially since EN likely won't be getting these until next year.

joined Apr 30, 2020

I knew it wasn't gone be this chapter but damn it. CURSE YOU CLIFFHANGERS. Also, Lin Xiao may be a useless lesbian but at least she's not useless princesses tier. Yet.

Arknights! 25 Apr 14:33
joined Apr 30, 2020

myrrhmidon posted:

Also, if you bought W's skin prior to this, you'll get a free skin voucher to exchange for a skin of your choice.

Actually it's if you bought Skadi's skin.

Ah. Thanks for clarifying. I also watched the stream from 25thNight where he and Jet were translating, but I couldn't hear them clearly at times.

Also, based on the MV at the end of the stream, there's already fanart of Theresa'd Amiya. I'm gonna call her that for now until we get confirmation. I do wonder how W will react.

joined Apr 30, 2020

FINALLY. Family vacation chapter was really good and just the wholesome Rhine Lab family interaction I wish could exist in canon. At a quick glance, seems the chapter where Ch'en tries to princess carry Hoshiguma isn't here, but some of these chapters I haven't read yet.

Arknights! 24 Apr 10:42
joined Apr 30, 2020

Arknights CN Second Anniv Stuff! Honestly so much for me to put all here but here goes:

New event: Bloodborne-esque Abyssal focus. New Boss as in actual large boss enemy like the regisvine bosses in Genshin. Apparently Specter got kidnapped or went missing and Skadi is out to look for her Abyssal Iberia.

Banner: 5 star Akafuyu, Welfare as in FREE 6 star Gladia, NOT limited 6 star Kal'tsit, Limited 6 star Skadi the Corrupting Heart. The limited has Live2D E2 art and going forward, ALL limited 6 stars will have live2D E2 art even retroactive. So yes, Nian, W, Dusk, Ash (not sure on this due to being collab) will have live2D. Also, if you bought W's skin prior to this, you'll get a free skin voucher to exchange for a skin of your choice.

Also new skins (only got what interested me): Mountain and THICC SNEK Eunectes. I definitely want both but I'm so happy Eunectes will get a skin. Others include Ayerscape and Spot. There are also skins for Thorns, Surtr, and Zima. Also, a skin for Blue Poison in the next CC (I assume buyable in the shop). And teased that Eyja will be in the summer even so maybe summer skin for her. Speaking of, the free 5 star for that event: this guy

There was also a Starset music video called "Infected". However, there was a lot of lore important scenes.

Two Queens. SilverAsh story appearance soon? but note the girl with the horns on the left, she's likely the Black Knight mentioned in Kazimierz Major. Theresa and Amiya! that diamond symbol (originium symbol?) in Amiya's eye. Theresa'd Amiya? since she has Theresa's eyes. Lastly, FemDoc? or Priestess?

Arknights! 24 Apr 04:33
joined Apr 30, 2020

Scene x W

Even Scene lol. I know that art was mostly comedic but now the idea is planted in my head and I can't help but think about how to make it work.

First Rhodes Island Fingering Karaoke Tournament of 2021
Second Rhodes Island Fingering Karaoke Tournament of 2021
Babel Fingering Karaoke Tournament
^Something about these three pictures is hilarious to me

Bless @ahtugai for their dedication to shipping W. Funniest for me is Kal's reaction and Hedley facepalming.

Here's more art: yesterday was daddy Saria's birthday, Magallan and Asbestos, more Kal x Heidi

And non-yuri but with the end of Reunion arc soon, here's some dose of FEELs and spoiler warning: Happy Reunion moments... in a better world.

Image Comments 24 Apr 02:49
joined Apr 30, 2020

They're also the artist for Slow Start... which makes me feel old since I'm realizing that Slow Start is fairly recent compared to their Saki fanarts which are reaching a decade old now.

Image Comments 24 Apr 01:05
joined Apr 30, 2020

Maybe you heard it from the Black Rock Shooter anime due to the character Yomi Takanashi:

Her surname, "Takanashi", is written with the kanji "小鳥遊" for "little bird play". Mato, not knowing how to read Yomi's written surname correctly, refers to her as "kotori-asobi" (小鳥遊), which literally means "little birds play". Yomi later explains to her that her last name is read as "Takanashi" (鷹無し), which means "no hawks", and tells her that her surname stems from the saying that "When the hawks are away, little birds play".

Black Rock Shooter's characters were designed by huke who is also the artist (papa) for Kiara.

last edited at Apr 24, 2021 1:06AM

Image Comments 24 Apr 00:48
joined Apr 30, 2020

There's just something about tall delinquent girl and short nerd girl that just works.

Image Comments 24 Apr 00:47
joined Apr 30, 2020

Pairing short Setsuna with any taller girl (which could almost be anyone in Nijigasaki) is really cute.

Image Comments 24 Apr 00:26
joined Apr 30, 2020

Can't wait to see grown up Heidi meet Kal again in the present. I hope so anyway. BTW will there be chance that Heidi might get changed in official translation for EN (next year lol)?

Image Comments 24 Apr 00:23
joined Apr 30, 2020

Negom is so close to making a doujin of these two

Image Comments 24 Apr 00:22
joined Apr 30, 2020

Wholesome cute BBQ duo

Image Comments 24 Apr 00:21
joined Apr 30, 2020

I just love how Yuu is slightly taller than Setsuna.

Image Comments 24 Apr 00:17
joined Apr 30, 2020

Pas always delivers.

Image Comments 22 Apr 23:19
joined Apr 30, 2020

^Does this answer your question?

joined Apr 30, 2020

Ruby just can't contain her thirst even in Azurite's body or rather, especially being in Azu's body. That last panel probably just had some joking friendly skinship. Definitely didn't do the deed or anything like that.

Arknights! 21 Apr 13:07
joined Apr 30, 2020

She'll be released with Dusk around July, since that's when Nian was released last year.

I still don't get it how it works. Aren't Rosmontis supposed to be half-anniversary limited operator? Why is there 2 limited operators back to back?

Well... technically the event was called Thank You Celebration in CN it's just that the timing puts it at 1 and a half years since CN launched so some called it 1 half anniv. And yes, there will sort of be back to back limiteds. Same as it was for CN. Mudrock/Rosmontis was November. Saga/Dusk was February. That's a 3 month gap more or less. We can expect the same for us since Saga/Dusk is expected to arrive late July for EN which makes it 1 year since Nian. That's also 3 months from now. THEN, if the collab holds true for EN, we'll get the Rainbow 6 Siege collab which also has a limited 6 star. This will likely be a month later same as CN (March for them, likely late August for us).

Arknights! 21 Apr 10:30
joined Apr 30, 2020

Huh, what's with the special appreciation pack that Arknights just sent in the mail today? They gave a bunch of stuff plus 3000 orundums. Did something happen or was there a notice or something about it?

Arknights just had a livestream announcing Chapter 8 and Forget Me Not banner for April 30.

EDIT: Animated PV for chapter 8 I can't believe they snuck in Priestess in there. Sister vs sister HYPE

Another thing, it was mentioned in the stream that the paid 6 star will include up to Phantom excluding Nian (cause limited) so this should mean Rosa and Suzuran will be there too.

last edited at Apr 21, 2021 11:14AM

Image Comments 21 Apr 02:54
joined Apr 30, 2020

Just saw this clip so Katalina is still very much Subaru's waifu.