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joined Jun 25, 2019

What happen to Yuri Ichigo ?

Or better yet, is it updating elsewhere?

I doubt it since Yuri Ichigo does it and tbh i don't read it elsewhere. Unless someone does a MTL.

joined Jun 25, 2019

What happen to Yuri Ichigo ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

So we go full hentai logic and everyone is ok with BDSM without hesitation ? I mean, there is no way you gonna tell me she is not gonna smack her here, it's like asking for it to happen.

SHY discussion 22 May 06:10
joined Jun 25, 2019

I mean, they're trying to get intel there and Kfufu isn't really prompt to help so of course they need to deceive her to get what they need. Kfufu isn't someone they could sugarcoat and have her saying what they want to hear. Trust me, they wouldn't get anything out of Kfufu if they didn't use such method.

They are dumb enough to bring the enemy into their base.

It's dumber to kill someone they can get intel off. And where did you want them to bring her anyway ? Anywhere on Earth will put at risk to have Sigma trying to get her back and have some civils casualties. Having Kfufu in her base is the safest option they have.

Image Comments 21 May 20:20
joined Jun 25, 2019

Sugoi Dekai Kasumi. Actually this one is a bit old because it's the cover of Vol.3

joined Jun 25, 2019

In the end of day, what the point of complaining or criticizing something if there will be always someone who said it's realistic in some ways or they experience the same thing ? People are bitter here because it's justfucking drama piling up again and again and again, it's just have been that non-stop since the beginning and it show no stop and it's just annoying.

No. LI-TER-ALL-Y. I'm jealous of you guys, must be nice being the one on the pedestal, looking down on all the commoners from your royal throne. Would you like some tea, mademoiselle? Want to use my hand as your tissue? Go ahead, us commoners can just clean it up later. ;)

Being sassy because others peoples don't experience what you have experienced doesn't really help the conversation. Worse, it make you look like condescendinglike you're better than the others because you've experience You know, it's not because didn't experience one side that they experience the others.I sugger you calm down your horses before attacking peopleswho are not agree with you.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Speaking of relationship development, chapter 25 is about Kiwi and Utena! I'm excited for the translation and everyone's analysis of their dynamics with the new information. Will some of your theories be supported? Will they need to be revaluated? We'll find out soon*!

*When the translation happens

Completely unrelated to plot, I've once again failed to realize that a character actually has really long hair because her regular hairstyle has it gathered up. I saw the thumbnail for the chapter and was like "who's that??" lol

It's kinda a bit out of the blue for what happen. The attention was so focus on Utena/Azul lately that the chapter feel out of place because Kiwi and Utena had barely any moment since the date in an earlier chapter. So to have them jumping the gun like that by directly going to sexy time, without any kinky shit involved is rather strange. I don't have any real problem with it, rather that (for the 5th time this message) it's really coming out of nowhere.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The fuck you can't just say it was an old man ? I mean, i know it's technically a guy but why don't you say it was an old guy ?

SHY discussion 17 May 15:37
joined Jun 25, 2019

42 chapters and more than 1 year. Holy duck this arc was long. It's funny that for amanga on superheroes, the longest arc was on Ninjas.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Been quite some time we had a chapter.

Yeah. On the bright side, this means we’re more likely to get multiple chapters in one go once Yuri Ichigo gets back to this series.

Still hope it doesn't last too long.

joined Jun 25, 2019

is it in general seen as more ok to add dicks if they're on a girl?

On who else you want to add dicks anyway ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Bear in mind that Nirasaka doesn't know that Fuuwa know about Yukiko being a succubus so she can't know that Fuuwa is ok with it.

She does, Fuuwa told her directly in ch4p7, while also not leaving any space for interpretation as to her feelings towards Yukiko. That's why people are saying that Nirasaka is actively sabotaging their relationship here because she knows that Fuu knows, is ok with it, and has feelings for Yukiko, yet still presents Yukiko a hypothetical of Fuu rejecting her for being a succubus. This can't really be interpreted as anything else than malicious.

In any case, i think peoples still have the wrong idea on Nirasaka. She is not nearly as forceful as she was in the original, neither she seem to have feelings for Yukiko (at least for what i remember). My idea is she is trying to prepare Yukiko in the eventuality of when Fuu will be tired of her or simply trying to test the resolve of Yukiko toward Fuu. I personnaly don't think she is as malicious as peoples think.

joined Jun 25, 2019

people be defending this manga because the girl "doesn't know she's gay yet" "she's repressed" and blondie is just helping her understand that blah blah. THE PROBLEM IS ROMANTICISING AND NORMALIZING PREDATORY BEHAVIOR. when did she consent to any of these acts? why is the blond one so ok with forcing her into these situations? how is any of this shit ok? because its fiction? NOPE. because she "likes it" secretly? NO. This whole manga is grooming and rapey and it is disgusting even if you're not knowledgable enough to understand the issues here and just like the art. you enjoy it? who fckn cares? but don't defend this shit or try to justify the actions in this manga.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I haven't read AdaShima in either version yet, was banking on watching the anime blind. As much as I like the main characters and the look of the show, Yashiro has already driven me up the wall three episodes in. Will that thing remain such a nuisance for the entire show or does it go away eventually?
I think I could live with a normal character that organically fit into the dynamic, but a literal friggin' Alien trying its hardest to third-wheel and derail/delay things just for kicks? No thank you.
I haven't read far into this thread, so how's the Moke Version in this regard? Think it'd be more to my taste?

Thanks in advance.

Yashiro barging between them at the bowling date was the only time she does something like that. I can understand why people are upset about that part but that's like a one-time annoyance.

last edited at May 13, 2021 9:10AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Is that even SM ? Most of the scene just feel like humiliation.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Kiwis Doki moment was when Baiser told her that "right in this very moment you are the cutest in the World", kiwis entire motivation os to have Someone look at her like that

And bringing Utena to an hotel at every chance she get is what exactly ? You just tunnel vision on what make your point and occult all the other stuff that happen. The biggest moment they had was when Utena save Kiwi from Sulfur by throwing the Azul figurine and other than that, there is nothing but Kiwi lusting/being horny for Utena.
Utena atm have just no interest in doing anything to Kiwi,the same can't be said for Azul.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Oh, how interesting, hope it turns into a poly relationship instead of a love triangle~

I don't think Little Sis has any intentions to go in between them.

But my god, how stupid can she get ? You spank your little sister in front of her and now you're embarassed that if she found out you read a wholesome Yuri story ? Not to mention, "I want a relation like that" 5 minutes later "lol let's walk you like a dog". Just make your mind.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Been quite some time we had a chapter.

joined Jun 25, 2019

i’m looking for this manga i read awhile ago. the basic synopsis is that there are these 2 girls as the mc’s. one of them has like immensely strong abilities, and is used as a tool for war. the other trains at the same school/living place as the other mc. the super strong one always comes back to the living place bloodied, and seems unfazed by it. the last chapter i read(which was 2019) i believe ended with them in a bath together(not sexual i think it was just cause they were dirty) and that’s really all i remember, but i read it on here :D


Image Comments 08 May 17:44
joined Jun 25, 2019

Although i wonder if the tag Marriage could be apply here, given Kasumi's dress.

Image Comments 07 May 21:19
joined Jun 25, 2019

^ I mean, to begin with, most of Futaribeya fan arts are from Yukiko (she always has been the only source for that) and it's the only couple she made fanarts of for Futaribeya.

Image Comments 06 May 17:48
joined Jun 25, 2019

^ Matsuri is too much of a glass canon to top anyone beside maybe Subaru.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Anyway, i really like how every character has matured from the start. Hopefully Yukiko didn't tease with the hint K&S working in the same company, the new house. I want to see at least 1 volume of Adult life K&S.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ngl at first i read Youkai and not Kouhai.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I think every single person reading this prefers kyouko/kaede and kazuki/louko. It's just if the author realizes that or not.

Why would i ship the two mangakas when one of them is so infuriating ? And please, don't start assuming what others think.