I don't follow the anime season, but I feel like I should share this comment that a friend of mine made:
one of my seasonal shows had a literal m/m love confession in its most recent episode, and yet thanks to akebi-chan, that confession is only the second-gayest scene i've seen this week
[insert same image @rederoin posted, but with subs on (saying "I can't wait") here]
akebi-chan isnt even a romance at all! theyre just planning a fishing trip here. and yet,
^^^ Not the first time I've heard of it (also rather based, if I dare say so myself; news of it is also what got me to ship this 3) but I'd still like to see it (Fauna implying she wanted it, I mean)
I'm too tired to think up of any longer comment, and even too tired to think of this one comment in English, so I'll just say it in Serbocroatian:
Stvari se zahuktavaju.
I mean we've never seen either of the two main characters' dads, so until they appear, if ever, the ship you're mentioning is a possibility. I hope it's a possibility.