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joined Mar 16, 2018

I'm happy to see even more delinquent yuri this is what the world needs.

joined Mar 16, 2018

I like this, I love this, give me more.


joined Mar 16, 2018

I dunno i like the non existence of the drama tag because it makes the dramatic moments all the more impactful and surprising.

HmmMmM some people might've a really bad day or life and trust me this is the least thing they would like to read by surprise when they're looking for some laughs

To be fair if they made it through chapter 6 than they know what to expect

joined Mar 16, 2018

I fucking love this series and I don't want it to end.
Also, it's high time I reread it for the fourth time

joined Mar 16, 2018

I dunno i like the non existence of the drama tag because it makes the dramatic moments all the more impactful and surprising.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Also, I have to say that Kase looked both sexy and mature dressed in her suit and with lipstick on.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Jesus Christ, is it tough being Neeko.

(I really liked her disgruntled expression though I imagine I'll be using it quite a bit)

joined Mar 16, 2018

Giving her the old Touko treatment huh?

joined Mar 16, 2018

Well regarding the fact that Kase should trust Yamada more... We have to consider that Yamada's friend would most likely get her out of that situation even if Kaze didn't show up... So yeah she was gonna be okay with the friend she trusted to hang around with.

I was under the impression that Hana was a million times more clueless than Yamada was (I mean Yamada even wondered if she was going to be alright that's not a good sign) plus they were in the process of being separated.

Also Yamada said she was going because she was jealous of Kase San and the roommate and the fact there were things about Kase that she didn't know about.

last edited at Feb 21, 2019 4:52PM

joined Mar 16, 2018

I love this chapter and I love how they can have challenges and misunderstandings and actually talked about it and worked through it. I especially liked that Yamada is vocalizing what she's feeling more I think she's come a long way.
Also, this is the first relationship that either them have ever been on and these feelings are still pretty new to them.
Add the fact that they are in a huge city for the first time and they are not able to see each other as often as they used to and a lot of their actions seem reasonable. Also, I like how Kase San forgot about being mad once Yamada called her by her name. (Yamada should remember that)
I think this should be their theme song

last edited at Feb 21, 2019 3:18PM

joined Mar 16, 2018

Still waiting for that chapter.......

joined Mar 16, 2018

Sweeet a new chapter already
Hah good thing I only discovered it and didn't have to wait two years like the rest of you lot.

Of course I'm waiting on every other series at the moment, but hey I'll take what I can get.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Katou: "Now that everyone's reunited, does anyone have a shovel you could lend me? Yuri and I have to ... do some gardening ... yes..."

They can borrow the shovel from her, she won't be needing it anymore

joined Mar 16, 2018

Holy hell this was amazing! I just loved the expressions

Still Sick discussion 17 Feb 21:27
joined Mar 16, 2018

Ugh...I love this.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Goddamn that girl is on a stage of her own.
What a rush.

joined Mar 16, 2018

This would probably be how I would act if I was a girl, a cheap bastard through and through

last edited at Feb 16, 2019 11:24PM

joined Mar 16, 2018

Have these girls ever gotten around to give each other their names?

I don't think anyone in this reality has names.

Or a separate change of clothes

joined Mar 16, 2018

Eh, I thought it was okay.

This does seem like a scenario that would turn both of them completely mental though

joined Mar 16, 2018




joined Mar 16, 2018

This is something that I didn't know I needed but absolutely love

joined Mar 16, 2018

I finally get to see those two again.
Sigh...well maybe I'll see them in like three months

joined Mar 16, 2018

Huh...what a disappointing ending

And they never did change the clothes they were wearing

joined Mar 16, 2018

I won't comment on whether the leaf actually represents love or not since that one isn't as obvious so the meaning is more speculative. However, I do want to point out that the use of autumn as the backdrop to emphasize the theme of change is most likely intentional on Nakatani's part. Even back in ch 34, this page specifically, the connection is established. What Touko said in the original Japanese is "I like autumn, wouldn't it be nice if we could remain in this kind of season forever?" It very much parallels her wish for their relationship to not change as she later expressed here. But we know how that went. Their relationship changes for good after Yuu's confession & now, here we are in ch 38, still contemplating about changes in autumn.

Yeah, I didn't even get into intra-textual pattern formations (a lot of us have been calling them "callbacks" at various points).

There's also the "shots of legs and feet on the way to and from big confrontation scenes" thing--we should have known as soon as we saw Touko wearing trainers (like Yuu in Chapter 34) and Sayaka with clunkier shoes (penny loafers, I think) that Touko was going to (figuratively) run away. lol

One of my favorite things is the stone path across the river where Yuu commits to the relationship with Touko, and later where she gives her confession. because of the construction of the path, it both provides a connection between them and separates them. It limits how close they can get to each other without risk, but it also provides a way for them to approach each other. In the confession scene, Yuu is forced to throw Touko literally off balance in order to get close enough to initiate a kiss. It both acts as a symbol and restricts the blocking of the scene in ways that compliment the relationship.

Once the the whole thing's finished, oh, the walls of text we shall have!

But then...where will we go after that?

(for the paranoid among you, no, that does not mean I'm contemplating suicide. ;p )

Paranoid who’s paranoid?

joined Mar 16, 2018

Yeah, I was never that worried that Sayaka was ever going to be a match to Yuu and I'm glad it turned out the way that it did. Even Yuu didn't seem that concerned with a potential rivalry when Sayaka announced her feelings toward Touko in chapter 26. Sayaka missed her chance because she was content to let things stay the way they were. Only Yuu noticed the Touko's warped feelings and decided to do something about it. Yuu decided to take action and do something about it. Sayaka was content with merely the supporting role while Yuu claimed the lead. However, I am glad that Sayaka finally did confess and get that off her chest because I know that burying your feelings deep down can really fucking suck.