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Philosophia discussion 01 Jun 18:44
joined Feb 4, 2015

Dude, that was a really awesome analysis, thanks!

Seemed more pretentious bull, prefaced by asserting that people who don't read into a story as much as they did are mentally handicapped.

Kase-san discussion 01 Jun 18:16
joined Feb 4, 2015

Holding Hands, the lewdest of all lewd acts

Wish I didn't look... so dirty... ugh...

joined Feb 4, 2015

No u shouldnt. Its funny haha

Well now I feel bad that the dead thing was funny and didn't make me an asshole. Mission failure.

joined Feb 4, 2015

But why would the author suddenly kill off no Rae tho? Isn't this just the beginning of the third arc?


Ah right, didn't see the second comment. Should I feel bad? I keep pushing that joke...

joined Feb 4, 2015

Who took it seriously?

joined Feb 4, 2015

You're assuming sense! Paranoia is the only voting tool that should be used.

My money is on died.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Needs a died option, that greyed out panel seriously. Your faith in sense does you no credit.

joined Feb 4, 2015

There is a direct correlation between writing het endgame and being a poor writer in general.

It's because the het erodes your mind, you see, because of how not yuri it is.

No, no it just looks soppy x)

Right, and that's because of the het eroding his writing abilities. It's a very scientific thing, but I can't show you the proof because that's a super-mega secret. The only way to fix this is by writing more yuri endgame, the Lord Insano hath decreed it. (I don't know why I'm bringing that up again, I needed a deity and using madokami seemed a bit off considering the argument.)

Sometimes I wish I could get a job as a yuri jesuit, that might be fun.

joined Feb 4, 2015

There is a direct correlation between writing het endgame and being a poor writer in general.

It's because the het erodes your mind, you see, because of how not yuri it is.

It must be noted that, as the posts which changed my total from 666, this is my least favourite.

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 3:19PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Do you see how many times it takes for you to write a sentence that is both spelling and grammar error free? That's how many steps a QCed scanlations have to go through before it's finally done. So, don't compare rough typesets with a real QCed scanlations and ask for perfection from rough typesets.

Ah crap, you thought I was being serious?

Sorry, I didn't intend to harp on the error, it was a play on the result. I assumed you wouldn't take me serious, because I doubt one twentieth of my posts have been so, I understand that was silly now. I get that it's a tough thing you do, ignore me.

Edit: Ooh, just hit my favourite number! Onward to 6669!

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 12:45AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

It's 'Overabundance', not 'Over Abundance'.

Actually, 'over' didn't have a capital.

Surely you meant, "Actually, 'over' doesn't have a capital."

Actually I put 'didn't' because I was going to merge 'over' with that other word.

It was an unconscious action, admittedly.

Edit: You know, you'd think I'd check my posts for errors if we're doing this.

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 12:35AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

It's 'Overabundance', not 'Over Abundance'.

Actually, 'over' didn't have a capital.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I'd rather not do it unless it impact the story in anyway. It is just a rough typeset, not a fully QCed scanlation.

Well I had the impression that there was an overabundance of teeth rather than youth, and this has greatly affected the plot so...

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 12:29AM

Image Comments 31 May 22:57
joined Feb 4, 2015

If you scroll up, you will find me and trafi debating whether the manga was any good. The manga 'follows' the anime.

Image Comments 31 May 22:37
joined Feb 4, 2015

A contradiction, blame the internet.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I re read it, and right, I think I get what that grey panel was meant to be, but I'm ultra paranoid mode and I hate it. The pacing also didn't sit well with me. Why rational mind can you not assuage me?

Image Comments 31 May 22:00
joined Feb 4, 2015

Orgy :)

joined Feb 4, 2015

I've only been following this when the dynasty chapters are released, but I broke and read the typeset, and something about how it was done has me thinking she's actually dead more than not, despite me thinking that is the far less likely action logically.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Yeah, that's about right.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Ah, I see. So No-rae dies, then Seol-a and Ji-hwan are crying rivers at the funeral, start hugging each other, and end up going out. But then No-rae resurrects and eats Ji-hwan's brains. In that very moment, Seol-a shoots a shotgun and kills No-rae the zombie but the second bullet blows inside the rifle and kills Seol-a. Happy end.

Uh... I... ah.... e... l... ... ...

I like it?

Image Comments 31 May 18:51
joined Feb 4, 2015

I would say thank you, but I think I ended it* about half way through.

*It is me, is that a thing outside of my sixth form?

Image Comments 31 May 18:42
joined Feb 4, 2015

Does anyone know what Pekoe meant by Gao Gao? Internet says it's a panda, a noise made by nidoran, a word for a deceitful woman, and a request to be raped (seriously Urban Dictionary?), and as none of these seem to make sense, I'm clueless.

Kase-san discussion 31 May 18:29
joined Feb 4, 2015

You're all fools for going outside and not closing the curtains on the in. I haven't seen the sun in weeks (paper and giant ball of gas both) and am happier for it. (former more so than the latter, I do admit.)

last edited at May 31, 2015 6:30PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Quick, someone get a sharp stick and start poking it!

joined Feb 4, 2015

....Brace yourself drama is......... comming?

yeah... first, a coma, then amnesia, then a deadly virus

Apocalypse penultimate chapter.