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joined Mar 18, 2023

this is a manga not the real world and these are characters not real people so i dont agree with your assertions.

i am of the belief that a story shouldnt strive for realism but to be convincing,and its characters shouldnt seek to be relatable but to be understood.this stories characters are realistic and relatable but arent convincing nor comprehensible thus i reached the conclusion that this can only be due to bad writing.

I find these characters really easy to understand and very convincing so that's a problem on your end, not bad writing.

That been said, it's not true that characters always have to be understood. Sometimes characters are deliberately written to be incomprehensible and that's a perfectly valid writing choice as long as it fits the story.

are you sure your perceived understanding is backed up by the stories narrative and isnt simply your own impression or interpretation of said narrative?

i assert that good writing can make the illogical become logical by presenting a good insight into the headspace of its character exploring the reasoning for the strange direction where upon bad writing forces the reader to use their own interpretation to make sense of its characters illogical decisions.

by the way in the right hands even incomprehensible characters become comprehensible as any story worth publishing would explore the mysteries involving such a character.there exists no person without a reason for their actions and since character simulate people there should not be a character truly incomprehensible.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Nanase: worst gf ever, or at least a close runner-up.

The girl she's dating asks her for simple things (spend more time together, pay more attention to her, have more sexytime) and she doesn't give her anything. Some things she promises after much nagging, but then she doesn't keep her word. Oh but she expects that her demands be satisfied! "Come root for me at Osaka!" Doesn't she know how expensive that is for a teen?

And she didn't even make some free time to be together after the match. They could have gone to a love hotel, since nobody knows them in Osaka! Actually, after dating for half a year, did they have sex at least once? Honest question. I honestly can't remember.

^That last question, I realize just now that I have no idea either. Nanase and Yuni have been together for a long time, right? So, do they f*ck? Anyone can recall if we ever saw them having sex? Because really if Nanase hasn't any interest in sex with girls (or at least zero interest in Yuni's body) then this relationship has much deeper problems than Fuuko.

nanase was constructed to be an ntr cuck,so she had to be a bad girlfriend,how else would anyone explain the fine tuned fuck ups she has managed to pull off with such high precision.

joined Mar 18, 2023

no fuwa daijobu.

joined Mar 18, 2023

nice fuwa fuwa vibes.

joined Mar 18, 2023

this stories problem in my opinion is that its characters lack believable motives due to a lack of elaboration making their actions make no sense and causes the narrative to become less than convincing as a plausible conflict.

What motives do you want? It's teenage drama. Teens don't need elaborate motives to do stupid shit. That's what teems do. I don't know about you but I can totally related to that.

That been said, it's not like the characters have no motives at all. We know that Yuni's cheating on Nanase because she feels neglected, for instance. People cheat for way less than that, you know? We also know that Fukko is messing with Yuni and Nanase because she's kinda traumatized over her unrequited love for her childhood friend. So there are motives aplenty.

Anyway, my point stands. There's no basis to claim this thing is badly written. It's consistent and the pacing is good and while things are exaggerated for the sake of drama, it's not really implausible.

this isnt about what i want from the characters,its about what the characters need in order for their actions to make sense beyond their so called age which truly doesnt matter at all.these characters would act the same way even if they were older or younger,as the age of a character hardly ever actually make them act their age.

in regards to bad writing:

yuni is "neglected" by her girlfriend so she makes the leap of logic to start cheating as a solution to her relationship problems,and yet some readers claim its because she is a teenager.

fukko was "betrayed" by her unrequited love so she makes the leap of logic to traumatize another person way worse than she was,and yet some readers find this hot so its all good.

nanase is in "love" with her girlfriend so she makes the leap of logic to prioritize her club activities over her beloved girlfriend,and yet some readers claim past trauma is at fault.

this manga simply hasnt truly elaborated enough on the reasoning behind its characters actions forcing the readers to speculate in order to make sense of this mess of a story,and there not being a deeper reason for the characters actions other then the surface reasons causes the story to be very shallow.

Dude, people cheating when they're neglected happens all the time. You seem to live in a world where people's actions are absolutely governed by logic. That's not the real world. In the real world people do illogical shit for very little reasons all the time. And of course it's perfectly valid to have fictional characters acting illogically. It's not bad writing. It's only bad writing when it's inconsistent, that it is when a character known for being a very logically-minded person suddenly starts acting illogical. That's bad writing. But characters acting illogically is not inherently bad writing.

The same goes for the lack of deeper reasons for the characters' actions. It's not bad writing. Some of the greatest literary works in history don't have clear motivations for the characters or are only hinted at and left to readers' interpretation.

this is a manga not the real world and these are characters not real people so i dont agree with your assertions.

i am of the belief that a story shouldnt strive for realism but to be convincing,and its characters shouldnt seek to be relatable but to be understood.this stories characters are realistic and relatable but arent convincing nor comprehensible thus i reached the conclusion that this can only be due to bad writing.

joined Mar 18, 2023

this stories problem in my opinion is that its characters lack believable motives due to a lack of elaboration making their actions make no sense and causes the narrative to become less than convincing as a plausible conflict.

What motives do you want? It's teenage drama. Teens don't need elaborate motives to do stupid shit. That's what teems do. I don't know about you but I can totally related to that.

That been said, it's not like the characters have no motives at all. We know that Yuni's cheating on Nanase because she feels neglected, for instance. People cheat for way less than that, you know? We also know that Fukko is messing with Yuni and Nanase because she's kinda traumatized over her unrequited love for her childhood friend. So there are motives aplenty.

Anyway, my point stands. There's no basis to claim this thing is badly written. It's consistent and the pacing is good and while things are exaggerated for the sake of drama, it's not really implausible.

this isnt about what i want from the characters,its about what the characters need in order for their actions to make sense beyond their so called age which truly doesnt matter at all.these characters would act the same way even if they were older or younger,as the age of a character hardly ever actually make them act their age.

in regards to bad writing:

yuni is "neglected" by her girlfriend so she makes the leap of logic to start cheating as a solution to her relationship problems,and yet some readers claim its because she is a teenager.

fukko was "betrayed" by her unrequited love so she makes the leap of logic to traumatize another person way worse than she was,and yet some readers find this hot so its all good.

nanase is in "love" with her girlfriend so she makes the leap of logic to prioritize her club activities over her beloved girlfriend,and yet some readers claim past trauma is at fault.

this manga simply hasnt truly elaborated enough on the reasoning behind its characters actions forcing the readers to speculate in order to make sense of this mess of a story,and there not being a deeper reason for the characters actions other then the surface reasons causes the story to be very shallow.

joined Mar 18, 2023

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

I'm sure you were not even skimming this manga

am i going insane or has some people not realized that there is a difference between cheating and ntr?

how has the fact that they exist as distinct words not given them a clue of this great profound truth at all?

I DO know what they are. I'm sure you're confused

if you know what they are then what the hell was the point of your first response?

joined Mar 18, 2023

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

I'm sure you were not even skimming this manga

am i going insane or has some people not realized that there is a difference between cheating and ntr?

how has the fact that they exist as distinct words not given them a clue of this great profound truth at all?

I understand there is a difference, but from the very beginning it wasn't just cheating. Straight from chapter 1, Fuuko was trying to steal Nanase's girlfriend, and that's literally the basis of netorare

thats still just cheating though,even if it was leaning into becoming ntr,it hadnt become so until this most recent chapter.

by the way the basis of ntr is about the baby bird finding out about the bull taking something precious from them and being too weak and powerless to stop it.the bulls intentions doesnt matter at all nor does the precious thing stolen since the basis of ntr is all about the baby birds pain and anguish at having lost something.

joined Mar 18, 2023

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

I'm sure you were not even skimming this manga

am i going insane or has some people not realized that there is a difference between cheating and ntr?

how has the fact that they exist as distinct words not given them a clue of this great profound truth at all?

joined Mar 18, 2023

Anyone who hasn't yet, do read all the chapters, because otherwise 17 will seem utterly insane, instead of just crazy and Nanase having a brain seizure from overstimulation.

Right now chapters 10 and 11 aren't here, and those have a bunch of context to understand Fuuko and Yuni bit better.

context wont fix bad writing though?

This is pretty trashy but it's not particularly bad written. The pacing is good, the characters are consistent in their behavior, the tone is also pretty consistent in its silliness.

It's silly and trashy and the characters' behavior and reactions aren't realistic but fiction doesn't have to mirror real-life so this isn't a problem.

it isnt realism that i was regarding to though?

this stories problem in my opinion is that its characters lack believable motives due to a lack of elaboration making their actions make no sense and causes the narrative to become less than convincing as a plausible conflict.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Anyone who hasn't yet, do read all the chapters, because otherwise 17 will seem utterly insane, instead of just crazy and Nanase having a brain seizure from overstimulation.

Right now chapters 10 and 11 aren't here, and those have a bunch of context to understand Fuuko and Yuni bit better.

context wont fix bad writing though?

joined Mar 18, 2023

The whole last part with them LITERALLY HARASSING Nanase wouldn't even happen without the shitty forced writing by the author. Nanase was already about to leave but Fuuko went "Where u goin? Stay, lol" and she randomly did? Shit lost all impact at this point, LMAO

this is called ntr logic a very dumb doujin trope where the author makes the character who is cheated on become supernaturally naive to the extent their intelligence is stripped away from them.this is why girlfriend-chan cant find the right words,why she is allowing the cucking to occur,and why the cheaters somehow are in the right.

joined Mar 18, 2023

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

Huh? it was clear as day NTR since chapter 1, what do you mean?

it was only cheating up till it was revealed to girlfriend-chan and then the author twisted the knife in this chapter making it ntr.

last edited at May 18, 2023 12:23PM

joined Mar 18, 2023

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

joined Mar 18, 2023

kyou feels like a player to me.

she chose easy prey in the shy and naive glasses girl with no confidence,deceived her with empty compliments to sweet talk her into dating her,manipulated her feelings to make her position feel threatened,and finally pressuring her to have get intimate way earlier than she would otherwise all in one chapter.

joined Mar 18, 2023

smexy outfits hawoooga

joined Mar 18, 2023

this was a bad experiment of a story that had interesting ideas but failed in every bit of its execution.

a good one-shot,turned into a bad manga.

joined Mar 18, 2023

i cant say im quite fond of these recent developments as it requires me to tolerate a character that the story itself trashed and then tries to elaborate on with extremely poor reasoning that is way too absurd to take seriously causing one to wonder how this isnt a main genre comedy series with its joke of a plot.

and for the record a cheater isnt a flawed character since cheating isnt a flaw its a betrayal which is quite the serious offense in any story worth writing about but somehow this story is actively choosing to treat it as some kind of youthful misadventure which makes it seem like a flaw instead of the evil act it should otherwise be seen as.

Not everyone feels the same way about being cheated on.

this isnt about my personal feelings on cheating this is simply my understanding of cheating concerning written fiction.

joined Mar 18, 2023

i cant say im quite fond of these recent developments as it requires me to tolerate a character that the story itself trashed and then tries to elaborate on with extremely poor reasoning that is way too absurd to take seriously causing one to wonder how this isnt a main genre comedy series with its joke of a plot.

and for the record a cheater isnt a flawed character since cheating isnt a flaw its a betrayal which is quite the serious offense in any story worth writing about but somehow this story is actively choosing to treat it as some kind of youthful misadventure which makes it seem like a flaw instead of the evil act it should otherwise be seen as.

joined Mar 18, 2023


joined Mar 18, 2023

miomio has helped space tanuki enter the yuri verse.

joined Mar 18, 2023

truly a stupendous vessel.

joined Mar 18, 2023

this chapter was alright in regards to aki though it still feels rather late in its introduction and very rushed in its resolution making it lack the overall impact it should have had considering its narrative importance.

as for regards to shiho its leaning heavily into soap opera territory with its writing per usual since that dramatic scene at the end exists more for the sake of drama than it does for the sake of character growth.

VAMPEERZ discussion 21 Apr 22:58
joined Mar 18, 2023

i find this to be extremely rushed yet still somewhat satisfying.

joined Mar 18, 2023

what is this "cheating" about?i thought we were discussing CHEATING?

jokes aside,your statement doesnt really challenge my point about cheating making a victim,it only furthers the insane lengths people are going to in order to justify cheating as a reasonable for my personal stance i believe that great outcomes and complex situations dont vindicate treacherous choices regardless of ones circumstance.

by the way as a very casual reader of this manga let me be real when i say that what i hate about the story isnt the cheating,but the readers of the story who try to justify this toxic behavior by blaming the actions of the victim and making piss poor excuses to defend their detestable world view.