pg 17, "moving barrer" -> "moving barrier" pg 20, "fulfull" -> "fulfill"
pg 17, "moving barrer" -> "moving barrier"
pg 20, "fulfull" -> "fulfill"
errors fixed
pg 13, "are trying to say" -> "are you trying to say"
Hayate X Blade ch107, errors in pg 159 and 165 were fixed
ch 1 pg 10, "not on school trip" -> "not on a school trip"
pg 11, "can be helped" -> "can't be helped"
ch 11, pg 09, "I'd want crawl" -> "I'd want to crawl"
pg 21, "our hearts are the in the" -> "our hearts are in the"
errors on pg 10 and pg 22 were fixed
errors on pg 11 and pg 25 were fixed
Joshi Kouishitsu ch8
error on pg 10, "supisicious" -> "suspicious"
ch34, pg 1, "always ready to tell me the what that I want to hear..."
last edited at May 20, 2021 2:28PM
pg 52, one of the speech bubbles needs fixing.
pg 4, "ever year" -> "every year"
ch5, pg 296, "don't want try" -> "don't want to try"
JK-chan and Her Male Classmate's Mom pg 122 seems to be missing?
pg 122 is missing?
ch 10, pg 8, "nothng" -> "nothing"
ch 12, pg 7, "teidiot" -> "idiot"
ch 3, pg 100, "sacred" -> "scared"
ch 3, pg 108, "eally" -> "early"
last edited at Mar 24, 2021 1:31PM
pg 8, "I've been trying to turn this "love into song," -> "into a song,"
ch 9, pg 19, "I'm go talk" -> "I'll go talk"
Page 8 and 16 fixed.
last edited at Mar 14, 2021 1:19PM