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joined Sep 11, 2020

Holy SHIT it happened.

And it happened.... and it happened........ and it happened.... three whole hours of happening. Yeah, Hino we were built up too.

VAMPEERZ discussion 22 Apr 01:25
joined Sep 11, 2020

Damn, this and Sheep in Wolf's Clothing both ending on the same day??? A powerful, but sad day for yuri.

Emotional end. Glad it all worked out in the end~ Was the "kiss to bring back memories" cliche? Yeah I guess so. But who cares lol

Kinda reminds me of the ending to Gravity Falls tbh.

joined Sep 11, 2020

YESSS this is one of my favorites! :D I'm really happy to see it updating again!

joined Sep 11, 2020

I don't care that they pushed Natori, those two rich bitches hurt the Butterfly Bunny. The Bunnyfly. They MUST die.

joined Sep 11, 2020

Gee Yurika sure is acting Gay today I wonder what that's all about

I dunno if Minamo is there yet. But hopefully she'll get there with little drama.

joined Sep 11, 2020

Yasss please, be more than a pretend girlfriend, just completely do a 180 on this series and forget all about the plot with the childhood friend

These two need to date for real

joined Sep 11, 2020

Can I suggest a "Confession tag"? For people that wants to know how long will it take for the main couple to actually get together

This has been suggested before, and usually the argument against it I see is that it's a pretty big spoiler tag, and generally they try to avoid spoiler tags (though a few necessary tags for warning things CAN be spoilers, like NSFW and sex tags lol)

joined Sep 11, 2020

....idiot couple

TFW two working professionals in positions of major responsibility have the emotional maturity of a middle-schooler.

Yeah, they both have the combined emotional maturity of a single middle schooler, that's for sure

joined Sep 11, 2020

....idiot couple

joined Sep 11, 2020

Holy moly, Kurumi got cake

joined Sep 11, 2020

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

walks into the room with my object of extreme homosexual tension

Its time to d-d-d-d-date!

joined Sep 11, 2020

Check out that final page for this chapter (ch. 33).

Nanami appears to be animorphing into a giraffe.

joined Sep 11, 2020

Ohhh I knew this felt familiar. I was like "this feels like a ripoff of something I read ages ago" (which is funny considering how generic it is, intentionally)

It'll be nice to see it fleshed out a bit more.

joined Sep 11, 2020

Hot fucking DAMN

Yoroizuka, good lord. Kurumi's a really lucky girl.

Cat Love discussion 04 Mar 00:38
joined Sep 11, 2020

Honestly not even sure I'd call this cheating? It seems like a big lack of communication on what each other want in the relationship. Mao seemed to want something open, Hikaru wanted and thought it was more. Like, she didn't even hide it. She just brought it up with a "oh hey there's someone else here btw" like, that's not a thing a cheater does.

I dunno if I'd call it "cat love" either, but maybe it fits. Mao was acting in love to pleasure herself without as much care about the other partner's wants and feelings so I guess it fits. But cheating, I dunno. Almost didn't even look like they were dating, just fuck buddies and Hikaru wanted/expected it to be more.

Full disclosure that I myself, am polyamorous so my viewpoints on this might be a bit different than most people who aren't polyam (though if others agree with me I'd be curious!). But also if I'm doing ANYTHING with someone I let them know my boundaries, expectations, and what I'm polyam lol. Like, that's important.

last edited at Mar 4, 2023 12:47AM

Present discussion 03 Mar 00:16
joined Sep 11, 2020

Not saying anything new here but this is seriously one of the best one-shots I've ever read. I come back to it all the time.

joined Sep 11, 2020

I don't play Yu-Gi-Oh, so when I saw the tags, I legit thought this was a story about a knight fucking a sapient labyrinth. Like, some walls and mazes and stuff.

Consider my disappointment

joined Sep 11, 2020

I feel a kinship with this kid

I'm also a tiny goblin in suspenders, and kind of an idiot

Anemone discussion 24 Feb 00:08
joined Sep 11, 2020

Christ on a bike

Maid and princess seem to be in hiding. The crash seems to hint that they were found and I guess the brother's life was threatened in exchange for the princess's life?

Why the princess wasn't just forcefully taken if the hiding spot was found instead of the maid having to cajole her to the gallows is beyond me lol

For the drama I guess??

joined Sep 11, 2020

It's not that I mind Zanka having a type, or focusing on a single topic. All their work and art can be about maids, sure, that's no problem. Make a million different maid manga, hell yea that slaps. Nagori Yu is one of my favorite artists, and they have a one track mind too (small young girl and big scary older woman)

The problem is when Zanka keeps one of the series going, it just feels like the same 5 pages over and over. Nothing seems to really change. It even explains to us the premise every single time.

joined Sep 11, 2020

The plot thickens. I wasn't sure if that was a full kiss or just came close to it before deciding better, but y'all in chat seem to think it was a kiss kiss so I'll go on with that knowledge

Now I wanna see a manga about a gay dude who marries a gay wife, so she'll be his beard. And they obviously have an open relationship, but she gets ALL the pussy and he's kinda lonely and can't find anyone.

joined Sep 11, 2020

This one is always one of my favorites, and I love to go back to it. Wish there had been more.

joined Sep 11, 2020

I know some of y'all think this one-shot is a little silly cause of how dense the main character is, but like, listen

There are some dense as fuck lesbians out there. Never underestimate the density of a disaster lesbian.

There was a girl I had been flirting with, for months. She bought me a plane ticket to come visit her, so she'd take me on a date to my favorite place, the aquarium. It was a great date, and that night, after sex, I lay in her bed going "gosh I wish she liked me"


joined Sep 11, 2020

The author knows this "twist" isn't a surprise to anyone, right? I sure hope so.


......Well now I feel dumb. ):

joined Sep 11, 2020

I wonder what the texts were in the raws. I know very often translations gotta take some liberties with the use of pronouns, and when the use of pronouns is so explicit and integral to the plot, I'm curious what the original Japanese said literally, as opposed to a localization.

Also, y'all like this guy?? I'm getting bad vibes from him, like the moment he finds out she's trans she's getting kicked in the stomach. What a terrifying situation.