K15 your avatar is +100! Lolz. I love that show, it was just so good.
I just finished chapter 1, pretty confident I know how this will go, but it looks like a gem. IDK how I missed it entirely until now, I do check the front page several times a week :/
Many 'finishing schools for girls' back in the olden days were little more than ways to make 'marriageable young ladies' available for the wealthy. Usually for 'less than perfect' sons of semi-rich families. Hey, life was harsh back then, freedom was this imaginary thing you might get for your children one day. Until then? Do your duty. (that went for the boys too. You think they liked getting sent off to wars or placed in the priesthood? We (you) have come a long was as a (human) race!)
Edit: Ok, Ch.02 got (early) into some of the dark stuff. But that part is highly unrealistic. Just titillation really. Oh well.
Edit: Well Ch.03 gets even stupider... I may have to abandon all hope, but will read it anyhow. Disappointingly...
Late but thank you! Alien 9 is such a hidden gem and I wished there were more fanart of it : (
I'm pretty sure this manga just disappoints and depresses anyone that reads it but that's just what makes you keep reading it, I can't wait till Mio finds out her sister is dead this is gunna be a rocky road
last edited at Jul 11, 2019 9:50PM