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joined Dec 13, 2018

I think it said she graduated 3 years ago, so it would probably make her around 21 years old? In which case this makes the story a liiiiiittle bit odd. Still like the overall plot tho!

...yeah that is kinda odd

I'm going to pretend I didn't read that

joined Dec 13, 2018

I gotta ask when Lapis goes "so, seeing how you know the future, what is my future"

like that'd be the one of the first things I'd ask tbh

joined Dec 13, 2018

"toxic" "unhealthy" "yandere" homegirl is simply whipped

your honour, it wasn't domestic abuse and battery, it was simply keeping my girl pussywhipped and loyal

joined Dec 13, 2018


joined Dec 13, 2018

I don't think much of the twist. I mean sure, okay.

joined Dec 13, 2018

I never understand why so many people want poly relationships I don't like those or harems or anything like that they always feel less genuine even if everyone is in love and happy. I guess I'm just a person that loves a normal two person relationship everything else just feels complicated.

Calling monogamy normal to imply polyamory/polygamy being abnormal is probably part of the problem. It's the same kind of narrowmindedness that encourages other bigotry.

But, that aside, polyamory isn't for everyone, and it must not be for you either. However, there's nothing less genuine about a poly relationship than a two person relationship. You'd probably do well to work on not thinking about it like that and that might help you understand why others might want it.

you are all abnormal, because the only natural relationship is with JESUS CHRIST and MOTHER MARY, specifically in giving mother mary head while her son watches the door

Touma-kun discussion 25 Dec 09:29
joined Dec 13, 2018

communism lol

joined Dec 13, 2018

"The drill of my feelings will pierce the software!"

Net chapter a letter arrives informing Yvonne of the beheading of all her relatives. siiigh

Or that. (I'm assuming this is pessimism, not a spoiler.)

hey, at least it means you don't need to worry about coming out to the parents

joined Dec 13, 2018

How often is Asumi going out?

$200/week would be $10,000 a year. What's her job again?

Nanao gives her 100,000 jpy per week for just some household work, which is llike $900 at the start of 2022 (now only $720 though). So, you know. It's really good to have a rich girl loving you.

I just use the long term 100:1 ratio for stuff like this, it's not like the exchange rate affects Japanese buying Japanese services.

The yen being way down does effect the buying of japanese goods and services though. People just have less money now. The exchange rate is a byproduct of the main problem.

This has nothing to do with yuri though, so lets try focus on the topic at hand. Mashing puss.

this really says a lot about how goods and services are affected by monetary policy

joined Dec 13, 2018


<< What has genders given us? >>

last edited at Nov 22, 2022 4:35PM

joined Dec 13, 2018

So why is she pretending to be engaged? I figure the normal strat for that is to avoid having people hit on you. Was coworker the kinda person who wouldn't take no for an answer?

joined Dec 13, 2018

Would it by additive or exponential I wonder

it can't just bounce back and forth infinitely or else it would go to infinity and burn out their neurons

joined Dec 13, 2018

lmao whose idea was it to have these teenagers fight with such powerful and dangerous magic?

It's probably fine between people and beasts with magic, and probably fine if the completely unprotected office lady doesn't leave her protection circle

It's like tanks shooting at each other with light machine gun tracers but some idiot running between the tanks

last edited at Nov 8, 2022 12:41AM

joined Dec 13, 2018

Asakura's a nice one, which is why I think things won't go well for her

last edited at Nov 3, 2022 11:29PM

joined Dec 13, 2018

I'm kinda disappointed. The fakeout was just, I dunno, why.

joined Dec 13, 2018

I thought they were both ghosts.

Angel Ranch discussion 31 Oct 18:46
joined Dec 13, 2018

Well I didn't see that one coming

joined Dec 13, 2018

wonder if the misdirect is they have a magic daughter or something

joined Dec 13, 2018

uhhm... what?

The pillow takes precedence over the princess. That is the way.

joined Dec 13, 2018

I want Kasumi to be really good at giving head for the nonsensical reason that she's used to eating a lot

just no logic whatsoever, for the half an hour until her face gets tired and she wants to nap, you have the best time of your life

or maybe she falls asleep just before you get off

last edited at Oct 28, 2022 6:29PM

joined Dec 13, 2018

At the pace this manga, and Kasumi in general, move, I bet we'll get to see her answer in five or six volumes.

I want to see Kasumi ask "so how do two girls have sex" in her bleary-ass low energy way

joined Dec 13, 2018

mom went through a whole-ass character arc in about thirty minutes sitting alone in that apartment

joined Dec 13, 2018

I'm surprised Miss Sunflower knows the word 'siscon'.

She does read a lot, after all.

Well, what is she reading, though?

Miss Sunflower is an introvert with an old-fashioned style, but she’s not a hermit. She went to high school. Ayame, for example, could have explained “siscon” to her at any time.

now I'm imagining ayame with a grinning face explaining NTR, and being disappointed when miss sunflower goes "I see. that's how it is" with a poker face

last edited at Oct 26, 2022 1:47PM

joined Dec 13, 2018

I essentially keep track of how many times I’ve re-read this by coming here and posting about how f*cking good this is.


joined Dec 13, 2018

Accurate to my experience.
Woman saw me on twitters. Slid into my DMs. 5 months later we got married.
5 years, still together and happy.

I gotta ask what kinda twitter post wins you a wife

First thing she replied to was me looking for better bras, but apparently she saw my profile pic and said “well, I am not straight” and followed me.

I don’t think I’m all that attractive, especially not that photo! Oof… OOF!

So I think it was a literal miracle.

That's hella cute, even more so because it was an accidental gay awakening. Even on ya off days, turning ladies into spaghetti. Big queen energy.