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joined Nov 3, 2018

When will someone investigate the ties between aquarium companies and the yuri industry?

joined Nov 3, 2018

There's no need to turn this into a magazine serialization when the twitter version is already getting physical volume releases.

joined Nov 3, 2018

erm... did the story just forget the setup that the girl who the Prez killed with lightning was very likely innocent? It was hinted that the whole oil switcheroo was Seo's doing anyway, and since she is basically Skeletor now, that seems increasingly plausible.
Then why is Vice Prez allowed to go out on a moral highnote here, leaving the gym like a badass and being admired by Satsuki, whith the very obvious and easy counter of "apart from acting out of fear and a superiority complex, you guys were not infallible and did and would have continued to kill innocent people" is never used.

The ONLY point the Prez had against Satsuki was the butterfly effect thing, that Satsuki saving people is causing the high numbers of deadly accidents, and that was conjecture at best. The whole justification angle with Seo falls totally flat. If you save someone who commits evil deeds later you had no possiblity or reason to see coming, you are not at fault. As if a fire fighter who pulls out a person from a burning building who secretly is a serial killer and continues to kill afterwards is somehow at fault for that.

I mean, Satsuki just accepting fault for things and not making an effort to defend herself has been there since chapter 1 and we have narrative reasons for it, but after many chapters of making friends and receiving emotional support, the character development we get for her is her wanting to die. Frigging A+.

Only the readers and most likely Miho (from stealing Michiru's phone) know about the oil switcheroo, there's no way to hang it over prez and vice prez so far and it's entirely possible Miho will reveal it to make Seo's position even worse, in which case vice prez would have to be faced with the knowledge prez killed an innocent. Satsuki's state of mind is heavily altered from everything that's been going on and she's never been eloquent enough to effectively argue for her beliefs. Vice prez didn't get the moral high ground, Satsuki just admired her for managing to keep it together despite prez's death. If we're to believe the story is on route to replicate what we saw at the beginning of chapter 1, then Satsuki will convince herself the choices she made were sound, whether that will be just a coping mechanism or not. As for your firefighter example, you can bet many people who unknowingly save a serial killer would feel some responsibility over it. It's not a black and white matter.

joined Nov 3, 2018

^ The explosion would've happened in a matter of seconds anyway once Seo got over the surprise of the remote device still being attached. Either Miho trusted Satsuki to get out of there alive or she didn't care.

joined Nov 3, 2018

They released a really nice recap music video to set up the climax of the anime:

joined Nov 3, 2018

Yes, it was well placed. The narrator was speaking to us then. This really feels like an ending (especially with the quote about their futures) but though I'm assuming it's not?

Don't worry, we're going into a new arc after this. It only feels conclusive because it's the last chapter of the volume.

last edited at Dec 12, 2023 6:09AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

Loved the callbacks to everyone's conflict and changes, it really feels tightly planned. And I believe this is the first time they explicitly talk about romance. The juxtaposition of that with Yuu and Umika's conversation seems very deliberate.

joined Nov 3, 2018

They went the extra mile with Yuu's song in episode 9:

joined Nov 3, 2018

Yeah, this certainly sounds like a setup for Nanao to hire more prostitutes and ask for advice on how to get good at the benefit part of friends with benefits.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I love when side couples are as good as the main one.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I really love this series. Watching Umika grow is so satisfying.

joined Nov 3, 2018

@Giftnova Actually she's tagged as both Juliana and Anna in Japanese on pixiv.

last edited at Nov 26, 2023 9:31AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

Yes, that is correct. The music video and the novel it's based on are an abridged retelling of the games' story seen from the rival Nemona's perspective. The player character and the girl in the video have the same origin and role. You can choose your name and hairstyle in the games so it's entirely possible to create Anna if you want, they probably went with that instead of using the default name and hairstyle just so it's immediately easy to tell when they're referring to the MV/novel rather than the games.

joined Nov 3, 2018

It's also getting published in french.

Italian too, sounds like they struck several publishing deals at the same time.

joined Nov 3, 2018

What, not even a kiss? I want my kiss!!!

There was one a couple chapters prior, but I'd expect another in volume extras.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Things might be somewhat better in a straight read through

Excuse me, this is a gay read through.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Really cute ending. I hope the volume release will have an extra that throws a bone to Rio X the other girl at the bakery.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I feel like if you reread the series with this the new information and insight into her mind, you wouldn't actually find anything new.

Yuzu made the meme Arthur fist a couple times so it was always obvious she wasn't entirely oblivious.

joined Nov 3, 2018

The biggest twist isn't that Yuzu has always been in love with Minami but that she's capable of internal thought at all.

joined Nov 3, 2018

What are the chances Umika had a revelation regarding the coordinates as finding not a contact point but a piece or pieces of something?

If you want to know the answer, you got that right. She finds another stone for the crystal radio.

joined Nov 3, 2018


Well, as of the time when chapter 30 was released:

  • The next chapter is schedule to come next month (Nov 17, 2023).
  • It doesn't have any indication on the "next issue" page that it'll be the last chapter.
  • Sensei also haven't said anything about it ending in the next issue or not.

I guess we'll see what's coming together...

If this means there are two more chapters rather than one, they'll either both be pretty short or this final volume will be longer than the others.

joined Nov 3, 2018

The animation studio has done a great job with the adaptation so far.

joined Nov 3, 2018


joined Nov 3, 2018

People seriously arguing whether there's anything romantic going on when Aya once again calls Mitsuki her crush.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Yay! Bonus episode!

I could be wrong, but this is the first time the word "love" has been used in the manga.

Aya's camera was in all four of the volume extras and she herself mentions wanting to take a lovers' shot with Mitsuki in the first one.