Forum › Posts by DivineAlexandra

joined Jun 22, 2018

Haven't seen this one before and oh boy. The premise is wild. Assaulting someone's kid to attempt to drown him in order to save him from choking on a dumpling? I only wish I was even half as creative when it came to writing.

I feel it got maybe a bit tamer towards the end, and I'm for more exploration on some of these characters (like Komachi). Though it genuinely surprises me that people (including the teachers) insist on blaming her for everything when she, on multiple occasions even, have been witnessed to put her life in danger to save others; hell, she even got an award for it.
Also, gotta say, this school is cursed man, with just how many deaths would've happened if it wasn't for our MC.
Also also, I'm guessing the scene in the beginning and the dream she had midway through hints at the story's climax? Like, a massacre'll happen because of Satsuki, somehow. Maybe the grim reaper taking his due after all the lives saved by her? Idk how many chapters there are planned to be.

On an unrelated note. I don't really feel there's much yuri in here? It's pretty subtext in my eyes. But I don't really care, the whole ride is really enjoyable.

last edited at Mar 11, 2022 6:14AM

joined Jun 22, 2018

I tried looking up aromantic and it doesn't seem like a perfectly descriptive term... Like it seems to describe people not having the emotional desperation (i.e. passion) found in crushes, but a lot of romantic love doesn't have that either... The problem seems to be with the term romance itself, "romantic" love is usually composed of like 1 to 3 different types of love out of like 4 or so distinct types of romantic love, it often doesn't contain any emotional desperation (if the couple is safely established for instance). So it ends up that aromantic people can be romantically in love? Maybe there just isn't a better term or maybe I'm wrong about what being aromantic is? idk.

Love is honestly a really complicated topic.
Romantic love as far as I'm concerned is defined as a strong (romantic) attraction to someone, but ofc that doesn't really explain anything. It's different for everyone, anyway; but "emotional desperation" is not something I've ever experienced, yet I'm clearly romantically attracted to people.
It's maybe got something to do with certain types of intimacy? Like, in the case of MC, she's clearly exhibiting attraction to Yoriko, but it seems to be mostly a) aesthetic, and b) a general longing for "closeness," but not necessarily intimacy like making out, snuggling, holding hands, etc.

joined Jun 22, 2018

She’s some strange combo of tsundere and mom friend

A tsundere mom that would bang her own daughter

Series when?

Isn't that 1x1/2 ?

I'm surprised just how accurate of a description that is for 1x1/2

joined Jun 22, 2018

Claire's tsundere vibes remind me of the vibe I get from what I've seen of Saijou Claudine in doujins/arts, with the kinda refined lady who cannot for the life of her be honest about her feelings and ends up being really aggressive about it, but is actually really sweet when it comes to it. Maybe as mentioned above himedere is a better term, idk.

So far I haven't felt Claire has opened up all that much, so I find it a bit hard to imagine them eventually having kids even--but I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes down.

last edited at Mar 10, 2022 10:30AM

joined Jun 22, 2018

I like that it hasn't yet taken a turn for the "oh it turns out it's mutual love haha," instead it's continuing down the route of melancholy/bittersweet-ness that I hoped for. And even if the MC has a clear crush on Yoriko, it doesn't seem to be necessarily sexual.

Not really a fan of the art (faces look a bit derpy sometimes) but I can overlook that. And yeah as someone mentioned that tree looked kinda dead lol.

joined Jun 22, 2018

I kinda don't like this whole rebellion thing being caused by some random third party and not, y'know, an organic result of a genuine class conscious taking form.

...buuut then there's implied incest so I'd say that makes up for it. Only wish we got to see more of it

joined Jun 22, 2018

The MC is very clearly crushing hard on Yuriko, but I'll honestly be kinda disappointed if Yuriko also is shown to "just not have found the right one yet" and then suddenly be willing to go all the way. It's not like you need to wanna date or fuck someone just 'cause you've got a crush on 'em, especially since it's already set up that it's off-tables.

Iunno, just would seem a bit vapid to me, and I think for Yuriko's side it would come out of nowhere.
I think it'd be kinda nice if the conclusion was that you can be in love, but that that "love" doesn't need to be the same as everyone else's (no need for it to be particularly sexual or romantic). I guess a bit like A Room for Two but more melancholic. 'Cause I like the somewhat sombre vibe here.

When someone tells me they like me the romantic way, I don't feel excited or anxious, or putting it the cliché way, "feel the butterflies in my stomach."

I dunno if you're supposed to feel anything particular when being confessed to. The butterflies in your stomach is supposed to be sign that you're in love, not them.
Besides, at least for me, when I'm around my boyfriend I feel the exact opposite of that--calm and relaxed, not excited. Maybe I'm getting old, but at least for me that seems to be clearest sign of love.

last edited at Mar 5, 2022 6:20AM

joined Jun 22, 2018

No lewds this chapter? Disappointing.

I keed. Didn't expect the sudden time travel shenanigans. It's getting fuckier than I'd anticipated (in more ways than one I hope)

VAMPEERZ discussion 25 Feb 05:59
joined Jun 22, 2018

The world really does revolve around Aria, doesn't it.

joined Jun 22, 2018

being strangled in bed by your lover? now that's a pretty metal way to go out.

joined Jun 22, 2018

The collective reaction when she asks her to enter her bed:

last edited at Feb 24, 2022 4:47AM

joined Jun 22, 2018

And here I thought it just meant doing a 180. Didn't know it came from wrestling, either. Interesting

last edited at Feb 23, 2022 5:02PM

joined Jun 22, 2018

that guy did the biggest heel turn ever lmao, gotta love to see a fellow yuri connoisseur

This is a face turn. A heel turn is when you're good and go bad. A face turn is when you're bad (or seem it, here) and go good.

Ooh. I had no idea.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Haven't seen this one before. Now I'm in love with it and can't wait for more
the gayness of Saki is super cute but I hope something'll actually happen from it... especially with how infrequent the chapters seems to have been so far.

Monthly is pretty standard, no?

Oh I suppose, I just saw it was released last summer and thought that was very infrequent for 5 chapters. But ofc there's actually 9, effectively.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Haven't seen this one before. Now I'm in love with it and can't wait for more
the gayness of Saki is super cute but I hope something'll actually happen from it... especially with how infrequent the chapters seems to have been so far.

joined Jun 22, 2018

that guy did the biggest heel turn ever lmao, gotta love to see a fellow yuri connoisseur

joined Jun 22, 2018

Now what's gonna happen is young Nana getting time leap'd into the present Nana's time, leading to the long-awaited selfcest threesome but now with adult Seto instead--and then young Seto also ends up in the present Nana's time, so she also gets to be part of it. I'm callin' it now

joined Jun 22, 2018

Ok now you have to establish yourselves as the TL group "Very epik grewp"

No no, it's the vary epik DYNASTY now.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Man, I didn't know this universe had a cosmic law against selfcest threesomes. Total buzzkill

(if it means getting to see big Seto lewded tho, I'm 100% for it)

joined Jun 22, 2018

I just wanna say I really love this manga. There's something about Tamamusi's style and writing that really vibes with me on this one. Can't wait for more

Kill Switch discussion 29 Jan 15:52
joined Jun 22, 2018

man, the side-view shots in this chapter reminded me just how insanely long their necks are

joined Jun 22, 2018

These two are so damn adorable

joined Jun 22, 2018

Honestly, I was surprised that some of the nobles even acknowledged that the common class both contributes taxes and that they could be educated. Seems like a pretty tame picture of aristocracy compared to real life; I would've assumed more of them to have Claire's attitude.
Also, I was missing the argument of "commoners are genetically unable/unfit to handle money/power", which at least was increasingly prevalent in the 1700s/1800s afaik (and regurgitated through eugenics), though I'm not sure to what degree it was before. This argument also completely invalidates the point that you could educate commoners, which is why it was so effective, I suppose.

Anyhow, I'm here for the ReixClaire ship ofc, not politics. Suspecting that she'll start warming up to the idea of equal rights and stuff eventually.

last edited at Jan 1, 2022 5:16AM

joined Jun 22, 2018

It's exactly because of abovementioned reason that I find it really fun to watch Ichika's shenanigans, she's sort of like a representative of us, the spectators, revelling in a tragic tale for the sake of intriguing entertainment.

joined Jun 22, 2018
