Lol haruki why
I need this
As expect from Kodama Naoko
Chicks magnet
Nanoha you perv
CrEaTiVe Oh and i'd like some milk x coffee pls
Oh no girls, nooo
Ok that Sui guy is a girl
Maid cafe hmm
I love this kind of bully lol
I need sequel
Kinda sure that Miyuki-senpai is the "ex boyfriend"
Fussy girl yehh
Well, Shizune IS Dan's niece, which is Tsunade boyfriend so yeah
Why---------- I'm sad
I need new chapters, not extras Taiyakiiiiiiiiiiiiii But it's still cool so thank you <3
I win haaaaaaaa
Ok now i know about that upper arm thing
Oh damn that's tough
Damn damn damn <3
SoMeThInG hAs BeGuN tO cHanGe