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joined Nov 19, 2017

What a hot mess. I was hoping for the end where Rin accepts her fate to die and just leave it at that. Cleaner and less... Whatever this turned out to be

joined Nov 19, 2017

Reiichi stocks continue to plummet. It's been a long time since that injury/bridge encounter, but had there ever been anything to ever suggest that Reiichi had a legitimate reason to be there, with Risako, around Kaoru's birthday, instead of on a supposed "business trip"? Don't think there was even any bday present to show unless I missed a page somewhere.

The parents thing just seems like arbitrary drama created for the sake of drama. Meh.

Kaoru's maturity level seems to be going even more backward.

Speaks volume that she chose to call Uta instead of the useless husband. At the same time, I'm not happy that she called Uta. My impression was that she never properly resolved//come to terms /dealt with Uta's confession. Gee, but who else is she gonna call? Friends (obviously not Risako). Suicidal hotline. Some sort of emotional crisis hotline. Leaning on Uta is a safe strat, but at the same time it's just falling back into bad habits. All this dancing around and beating around the bushes is driving the readers bonkers.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Sucking is clearly someone's fetish, dohoho

joined Nov 19, 2017

I read "Her sleeping face is butter". I am not sure what my brain is thinking. I also don't eat or cook with butter normally.

Also, damn that's really lewd. No memes. Just lewd.

joined Nov 19, 2017

That scar. How is she still alive

The spine is hella tough and can deflect bullets if those don't strike squarely so, surface damage. Better question is what made that kind of ragged gash in the first place; did she feature in some obscure Jurassic Park sequel and have a run-in with a raptor or something?

Either it's an insane recent scar or it could be an old scar that grew bigger as she became adult, whatever it is i'm
interested by the plot now

Supposedly childhood scars don't grow and scale as you grow up, they'll remain about the same size. But I got this factoid from Detective Conan of all places, not the best source.

joined Nov 19, 2017

So when the fuck is Nozomi going to get that late birthday present?

joined Nov 19, 2017

Man Sailor Scouts' first deaths hit me pretty hard when I first saw it. And then... it became a seasonal thing where dying becomes the norm. Sigh. Queen Beryl was truly a nasty piece of work though I gotta say. Very intimidating as a villain.

So Nero Alice's power is an interesting one. She can play support in either buff and debuff, although I have to question if her magical playtime did cure the cold. If it does, wtf hax. Secondly, how much of sexy nurse time was in Baiser's head or was that a conscious construction on Alice's part? From Alice's POV, does it look like Baiser is in the toy playing an innocent sick patient by herself or full on adult play time also featuring a miniature sexy nurse adult Alice? Is it all purely mental suggestion or...?

Genuine question. How old are these new magical women? They clearly are on a different level than Baiser's happy BDSM fun time troupe as in they actually did hunt down magical girls. The first part of the story does have the ye olde magical girl tradition of simply good vs evil, everybody gets to go home in more or less one piece after a daily/weekly smackdown. Now we have actual possibly very dead people, what do the magical ladies and mascots gain from this exactly?

Image Comments 30 Mar 21:40
joined Nov 19, 2017

My P3 OTP, but I can't help but feel tremendous sadness.

Image Comments 28 Mar 02:08
joined Nov 19, 2017

The limbo clearly

Image Comments 28 Mar 02:03
joined Nov 19, 2017

I'll take all three

joined Nov 19, 2017

Press L1 to back dash.

joined Nov 19, 2017

The green hat isn't physical, it's just an expression. Like "wearing your heart on your sleeve." Someone "wearing a green hat" is usually a very roundabout and more cultured way of saying "got cheated on." If you don't want to sound crass you use the green hat expression.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Localization fun, where the literal translation can actually comes off as quite odd. 精灵少女 I would try "fairy" instead of the mouthful "elf girl.". The idea the author is trying to convey is awestruck by an otherworldly beauty. It's a popular writing device/trope. And in chapter 3 the subject in question is awestruck by the stars in the drawer's eyes. Fun.

大鍋菜 according to baidu is a common dish popular in the north. 大鍋菜, literal translation of big pot vegetable/dish. The name implies it is full of vegetable flavors of various kinds, and in the early days it was something family commonly eaten together before they go off to work. So the name stuck. The name isn't very flattering nor fancy, since it's definitely a more commoner food. At the same time, 大鍋菜 can only be made with common food rather than extra fancy deluxe ingredients. Common ingredients include: pork, mushroom, potato, tofu, and some noodles made out of bean starch.

Image Comments 14 Mar 02:46
joined Nov 19, 2017

Good thing I don't see that many horror movies then

Image Comments 14 Mar 02:42
joined Nov 19, 2017

Thunder's wedding dress skin when?

joined Nov 19, 2017

Good lord, I feel like the moment Shion gets found out Aiko is gonna tie her up.
If she doesn't have a heart attack, at least.

Gonna be strapped to the bed, have her legs chopped off, and then be forced to write terrible fanfictions.

Definitely getting a Gasai Yuno vibe... Although in Yuno's defense, she never went to that level of yandere.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Some of us want to forget that Clarisse DJ doujin existed mkay.

Given the right triggers I can see Nero acting in this way.

VAMPEERZ discussion 23 Feb 17:54
joined Nov 19, 2017

Dang this manga is too precious. Khara is really growing on me as the former enemy turned unlikely friend.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Is the dark matter set edible? Who would eat those?

joined Nov 19, 2017

That is without a doubt, the Yamcha crater.

Truly a school of meme culture to have That Pool.

joined Nov 19, 2017

So what kind of PG-13 movie would have that kind of noises? I wanna see because curiosity will kill this cat.

The reactions are weird. One interprets it as straight up porn, the other one plain doesn't understand what it is. The listener in the hallway too thinks that people in the room are doing something sexy when eavesdropping. Either Hana doesn't understand how sex works and the PG12 rating is bullshit, or... this deep and spiritual movie is portraying something bizarre but with porno sounds.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Manga Cafes... never been there. So how low-brow is it to work there or go there?

Can you sleep in those places? I mean, when one of the characters wanted to bang in there, her view point is like: this is the place for it to happen on the cheap/desperate.

Do they have a negative connotation in Japan? What equivalent establishment in the U.S. has the same reputation as Manga Cafes? (Comic Book stores with cots?)

Well this one isn't about manga cafe but may relate to what you are talking about. I suggest giving it a watch, it's only around 9 minutes.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Ah yes my favorite genre, long titles that perfectly describes what's going to happen. And wholesome love scenes.

joined Nov 19, 2017

All of a sudden I have this urge to write butch x butch fanfictions. Although chances are they will never be finished because I spent most of the time dithering about instead.

Butch are pretty rare imho, so the chance of a butch x butch is probably even slimmer because math. But hey, I am no math scientist nor do I know enough to create a pie chart out of this.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Weaponized lesbiansm, a weapon to surpass something something. If any more college girls fall for her, she may as well start posing with the power of a gigoloette.