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joined Jul 29, 2017

I don’t really care which imaginary human is a good person/bad person/less bad person, and I really don’t care how it ends, in the sense of the good/bad/less bad persons getting what they “deserve,” for good or ill.

But I really do want to see the process of all this working itself out.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Well, this just got a lot more interesting.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Even though I've only read up to chapter 38, I have got to say that.. the little imp is really good at winning over someone's heart. In fact, too good to be true, and luckily she only exists in the manhwa series.

For me this series pretty much embodies perfect gorgeous fluff—it’s hard to imagine anything doing what this does any better than this.

Except that for some reason the repetition of the phrase “little imp” always bugs me a bit. It’s not the phrase itself, which is kind of cute, it’s the over-use of it, and maybe that, while you might tease someone by calling them that, it doesn’t seem like a phrase you’d always use when thinking to yourself.

I still really like this, but for me every time the phrase “little imp” comes up it’s like an off-note in a sumptuous (albeit somewhat schmaltzy) symphony.

joined Jul 29, 2017

On the one hand, I’m delighted that Toxic Newbie has already been taken well in hand.

On the other, any chapter without our idiot MCs interacting is a bitter disappointment.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm not sure if mashiro is serious or if she is trying to play toxic mother

But Makino clearly won't accept it, no matter what

Nah. I think she got what the mother was going for, and in a way likely sees this as an opportunity to further herself towards her own dream goal. Circumstances might seem a little cryptic, but this could be seen as a "win, win, win" for the three of them.

While granting the extreme toxicity of the mom as a person, in terms of the narrative she has shown herself to be eminently out-maneuverable, and with a tendency to fold when her extreme hardline doesn’t work.

And while it’s been one problem after another for our scummy MC, those problems don’t tend to last very long.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Sorry for the late post, but Dynasty's upload system was broken until a little while ago.

No apologies necessary--deeply grateful for your work.

(I couldn't help jumping the gun--I agree with Kanna that they were just too adorbs.)

joined Jul 29, 2017

“Angels.” And, technically: roommates.

Citrus + discussion 30 Apr 11:10
joined Jul 29, 2017

Re-reading the last few chapters. I notice Yuzu is wearing her ring out in the open, including at school, I thought that is a no no, and they agree not to wear it at school? Did Sabu forget?

“Did the author forget?” is the perennial question about such details in this series.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I can definitely see why this won the award! It was super cute, sweet, and funny. I had to stop and catch my breath after seeing the Edison yukata, I was laughing so hard. XD

It was the second Edison yukata that did me in . . .

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think people here are being too harsh on this manga. It's clearly wearing its influences on its sleeve, but what's important is execution, not originality.

Words to live by (I do, anyway). Well-executed originality is great, when you can get it, but for me the appeal of genre (pretty much any genre) is seeing how a creator rings the changes on familiar elements.

How well this one does that still remains to be seen.

joined Jul 29, 2017

What exactly should Aya do now that her old life has been completely taken away from her?

All these are extremely relevant questions to actual people, no supernatural bullshit required,

I’m really not seeing how these two statements have any logical connection. Under what circumstances does an actual person “have their whole life taken away from them” and reunite with their schoolmates apparently 7 years younger and with their domestic situation eradicated apparently overnight?

This seems to be arguing that as long as we ignore the entire premise of the series, the issues it raises are very down-to-earth and realistic.

Add enough details and no work of fiction is applicable to real life. Probably nobody IRL had exactly the same backstory and issues as Touko from Bloom Into You, but the character's themes of loss and trying to live up to an impossible ideal are universal, or close to it. Obviously nobody IRL has ever been through exactly what Aya has. But the more general feeling of being unmoored, having no idea what to do with your life, being dependent on your loved ones and so alternately being grateful to them and feeling a certain amount of guilty resentment? Those are 100% realistic issues. I think you're approaching this story too literally.

And if you strip the context from any given story and talk about it at a high enough level of generalization, you can assert its "universality."

As we've seen, ignoring the specificity of how this story works certainly enables readers to deliver a wide range of personal moral judgments.

joined Jul 29, 2017

What exactly should Aya do now that her old life has been completely taken away from her?

All these are extremely relevant questions to actual people, no supernatural bullshit required,

I’m really not seeing how these two statements have any logical connection. Under what circumstances does an actual person “have their whole life taken away from them” and reunite with their schoolmates apparently 7 years younger and with their domestic situation eradicated apparently overnight?

This seems to be arguing that as long as we ignore the entire premise of the series, the issues it raises are very down-to-earth and realistic.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I really don't get the impulse to rank these characters on some "optimal behavior" scale. The preceding conversations have done a thorough job of showing how Aya, Koto, and Erika are each in their own individual "damned if she does and damned if she doesn't" dilemma.

It seems to me that the whole point of Aya's "spirited away" time-shift (indeed, so far the only point that I can see) was to put all three of them into a "no win" situation and then see how it plays out.

I'm not interested in ranking the characters by morality, but I do think the manga is designed to prompt these sorts of discussions. It's a character drama where each of the three hurts the other two due to her own flaws and limitations, and I do think analyzing the morality of a character's actions is one way to reveal their personality and motivations.

In this case, it's particularly relevant because I still believe Aya's jump through time happened because each of the three, in her own way, wished for it. Aya wanted to escape from her shitty home situation; Erika wanted to drive a permanent stake through Koto and Aya's relationship; and Koto, as we're learning, wanted Aya to be dependent on her. What they're all learning now is something Slavoj Zizek once said, that the term for a dream becoming real is "nightmare."

I don’t disagree with the points you make, but judging the “morality” of the characters’ actions is ultimately subject to the extreme artificiality of the “spirited away” situation—what exactly should a person do when they or their crush or their rival disappears one day and then reappears seven years later physically unchanged and with no memory of time passing?

And you certainly could be right—that situation may in some sense have been triggered by all the characters’ wishes, but that’s basically irrelevant to judging the morality of the characters, because, at least so far, the story hasn’t shown the slightest inclination to make that premise explicit or to otherwise explore the mechanics of how the “supernatural” works here.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I really don't get the impulse to rank these characters on some "optimal behavior" scale. The preceding conversations have done a thorough job of showing how Aya, Koto, and Erika are each in their own individual "damned if she does and damned if she doesn't" dilemma.

It seems to me that the whole point of Aya's "spirited away" time-shift (indeed, so far the only point that I can see) was to put all three of them into a "no win" situation and then see how it plays out.

joined Jul 29, 2017

That Komichi is such a good girl. A bit of a handful at times, but a very good girl.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Your "husband" is trash. Your "family" is trash. Your :Life" is trash. Just elope with the Mirror Ghost woman and live happily ever after. (after cleaning out your "husband's" safe, of course. A shady guy like him is bound to have cash around)

I think the logistics of “eloping with the Mirror Ghost woman” might be a bit of a challenge.

She's been moving the mirror all around the house. She's built up some muscle by now.

I’ve been enjoying the image of her fleeing in a taxi with the mirror, vengeful asshole husband in pursuit.

Or checking into an out-of-the-way inn, when the clerk says, “Any luggage?”

“Just a small bag. And this full-length mirror.”

joined Jul 29, 2017

For me, the great villain of this arc is neither Kase (who does not act well, I repeat) nor Fukami, who at least has a point. It's Inoue, who even knowing that Kase is going to live with her girlfriend forces an absurd situation with her authority.

This is a great point, and it shows why for me the big problem is (as you say) an author problem rather than a character problem, because the Inoue in this arc doesn't act like the same character who had been established in the rest of the series. Sure, she often razzes Kase a little bit, but she's regularly been a faithful wingwoman for the Kase-Yamada relationship, and her going along with the race business was just entirely inconsistent with who she had previously been.

joined Jul 29, 2017

As for the death flag comments... what are you talking about? This manga doesn't really have the kinda vibe that we should be expecting a major character death. Or any character death for that matter. Or is something going over my head?

Yeah, at least as far as I can tell so far, Mashiro has a fairly mild case of the "Delicate and Sickly" trope--an unspecified "medical condition" that positions her as vulnerable but plucky and which can make her BSOD and end up in the infirmary from time to time as the plot requires.

As a general principle, "Delicate and Sickly" ultimately could go in any number of directions, ranging from being entirely cured by love alone or by some random health improvement (medicine, exercise, etc.) on the one hand to, yes, death, on the other.

But for the plot to head off in a tragic direction would constitute a truly epic tonal swerve for this particular series.

EDIT: I almost mentioned the contrast with "The Summer You Were There," which announced from the beginning and then regularly reminded us throughout: "She gonna die. Not kidding. Take it to the bank--dead as a doornail. I'm serious."

last edited at Apr 24, 2024 10:08PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Two weirdos, I love it. I also hope that "director Shen" is the one should I say it...makes both realize what this is. She had a bit of a think already.

Right—her intellection, such as it is, has reached much deeper into the emotional complexities of their present situation than has Director Jiang’s, whose own thought process hasn’t got much beyond: “Director Shen . . . looks . . . really delicious.”

joined Jul 29, 2017

I've been going through the old /u/ reclist, and there's a lot of aggressively mediocre stuff on there, but this is absolutely excellent. I love how well defined Hotei's viewpoint is. I see a lot of talk about how ambiguous the love is here, and like yes, kind of, they explicitly say that's what they were going for in the extras, but Ebisu compares Hotei to her old boyfriends that her sister stole away. I can't say I wouldn't have liked to see a kiss, though...

As I suspect is the case with most other readers of yuri, I agree with your last sentence. But I also agree that this one sticks with me because we really see Hotei's growth as a person as well as Ebisu's emotional, not "thawing" exactly as much as "unclenching." Despite the "just show them kissing already!" aspect, this indeed top-notch stuff.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Your "husband" is trash. Your "family" is trash. Your :Life" is trash. Just elope with the Mirror Ghost woman and live happily ever after. (after cleaning out your "husband's" safe, of course. A shady guy like him is bound to have cash around)

I think the logistics of “eloping with the Mirror Ghost woman” might be a bit of a challenge.

joined Jul 29, 2017

You can't love the person your lover USED to be. It never works out.

And it’s very clear that Aya is already completely transformed by her time-shift experience and is still changing.

The flashback scenes emphasize that past-Aya was flirty, teasing, and borderline dommy, i.e., definitely always putting herself in the one-up position in her relationships, while now she’s dependent (for obvious reasons) on Koto but trying to be diligent about getting reoriented to her current circumstances. Good for her, but I agree with Nya-chan that it does not bode well for the Koto-Aya relationship.

last edited at Apr 23, 2024 9:10AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm starting to think that Koto is delusional or something, Aya is in her mind cause she can't forget her and Erika is just pretending to believe Koto, knowing the situation, just for her sanity (and waiting for her recover to finally be with her).

Wait--you mean that Aya never actually came back and everything has just been Koto's hallucination?

But we've seen returned-Aya interact with other people when Koto isn't around--kind of a lot, actually.

Maybe the Power of Lesbian Angst actually turned Koto's memory of Aya into a physical manifestation. It wouldn't be the first time someone let their ex dominate their existence.

The Power of Lesbian Angst is certainly strong in this one--no doubt about that. I don't get the impression that's where the story is going, though.

But if so, then maybe Erika was hallucinating wishing that Aya would disappear, which means . . . Aya has been there all along!

An intriguing theory, to be sure . . .

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm starting to think that Koto is delusional or something, Aya is in her mind cause she can't forget her and Erika is just pretending to believe Koto, knowing the situation, just for her sanity (and waiting for her recover to finally be with her).

Wait--you mean that Aya never actually came back and everything has just been Koto's hallucination?

But we've seen returned-Aya interact with other people when Koto isn't around--kind of a lot, actually.

joined Jul 29, 2017

You know, I think eventually these two might come to like each other.