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joined May 9, 2017

Congrats, Tsukushi. You just got yourself one heck of a girlfriend!

And, oh yeah, Hinoka, you found herself one too, I guess.

That's harsh for Tsukishi. She has plenty to offer as well and Hinoka is also really lucky to have her as her girlfriend.

Like most people, I don't get why the confession when this way, but well, they are together now, ans while I would have prefer Hinoka not to feel that distressed, I also have to admit that her anxious/crying face was also really cute... (only because it was for a short while though).

Waiting for the double date now :)

joined May 9, 2017

"no homo" the manga.
Plenty of cuteness. The MC is definitely slowly falling for both her child and her (future) wife.

joined May 9, 2017

I am surprised to see there's a manga. I am currently reading this light novel. I wish Story about buying my classmate gets a manga too

It will, starting next month.

How's the light novel?

joined May 9, 2017

Remind me of Arioto

Beat me to it!

Thanks for the scanlation! Anyone know if the LN has been translated / where to find it?

I don't know of any translation but you can legally find the novel for free in Japanese here:

joined May 9, 2017

How is it that the LN of this series has only released 1 volume and already has a manga while the Hikikomari series has already finished its anime (LN has 12 volumes released) but the manga has less than 15 chapters?

This is a web novel that was published on Kakuyomu. The publication as ended in 2022. Looks like second volume will be the last one, given the number of chapters on Kakuyomu. So it makes sense to have a manga being released right now, if they want the manga to boost the novel's sales.

It looks like most ot the stuff being released nowadays were first published as web novel, though. It makes sense to not take much risk as yuri is a small niche, but it's really nice to see people supporting authors once there is a proper release. 週クラ, which is maybe the most popular yuri novel now days, will also get a manga adaptation as well starting next month and the 4th volume of the novel will be released in spring. The web novel is still being published for free every week on Kakuyomu. It's even the most popular yuri novel on the platform.

joined May 9, 2017

Btw, while the second volume is supposed to be released on the 27th, it was already being sold everywhere this weekend in Japan, so I got my copy. A few new colored pages this time but no new chapter, I was a bit disappointed. But overall the same attention to detail as in the first volume, this is a really nice paper edition!

joined May 9, 2017

It's nice to see Mitsuki finally questioning her relationship with Aya. It's frustrating to only have 4 pages everytime but well, let's see where it leads!

joined May 9, 2017

It wasn't bad. It had a bittersweet "that's life" kind of vibe, but there's a hopefulness to that kind of feeling too because life continues on and there're more adventures to be had. Young loves like that rarely amount to much, but she'll find the feeling again with someone else, maybe even the original friend.

Agreed with everything said here. It's an incredibly good story of that sort of youthful melancholy. Getting caught up in something and then failing to have it work out, and then realizing life goes on and it's not the end of the world that you failed to do whatever it is. The ambiguous ending that left it all very open ended was really fitting

Indeed. Just a slice of life of a teenage trying to figuring out her life. I also really like the background art. It's pretty rare to have good background in that kind of manga, but it's much appreciated and contribute to the overall feeling of this one shot.

joined May 9, 2017

Damn, I'm a bit baffled that people are so prone to advise medications. While they do have a utility and are definitely life savior for some people, medications shouldn't be considered lightly. They can have a lot of heavy side effects, can be additive, and are poison for the brain medium to long term...

Go to therapy, seek counsel, find a group of discussion and last resort, use medications. I don't think her case is aggravated enough so she should take medications.

last edited at Feb 23, 2024 10:00AM

joined May 9, 2017

I didn't think much of the page count at first, but always having a payoff every fourth page feels like I'm reading to a click track. 4/4-ass manga.

The format is showing its limits. Given the success of the manga, I wished the author would do longer form chapter. I guess there will be one on the second volume (as there were one in the first one). But still, I wouldn't mind having to wait two or three weeks for longer chapters.

Btw, Sumiko reached a million subscribers on Twitter! I'm pretty much sure it's also due to the translator's work/effort as well as a good portion of those subscribers are foreigners. Thank you for the translation, as always!

joined May 9, 2017

I'm not sure to know why the MC is not panicking right now, as her sister now knows she's not a guy ... I understand that that character is not there to introduce that kind of trouble, but still doesn't make much sense to me why the MC isn't anxious about that ..

joined May 9, 2017

The ebook of volume 2 was released in Japan a few days ago. It's available on apps like Pikkoma (ピッコマ), where individual chapters are also being released, and it's also available on Amazon.

The author said a physical release will probably depends on the sells of the ebook, and a physical release will allow for a broader audience. Kabocha is a small author, so every sales counts. It's time to show some support :)

Just search for 三角形の壊し方 on Amazon or Pikkoma and you'll find it.

joined May 9, 2017

Regardless, I'm still happy the way it happened, and I can't wait to see their relationship evolve! I hope that the third volume won't be the last though. It's pretty popular, but Hijiki have been quite inconsistent with the release. Must be hard to publish two series at the same time.

I know I'm being pessimistic here but it seems a lot of yuri manga these days seem to end soon after the confession, or worse, right after the confession. Obviously I always want to see the relationships fully explored but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Well, at least, there are still quite some chapters left for this volume, so we still have some time to see them all lovey-dovey :) I'm also pretty much sure we will have a double date with the other couple, this has been teased a few times already.

joined May 9, 2017

Damn, people are pretty hard on Tsukushi. She only realized her feelings a while ago, organized the trip to confess, and tried to. She was stop before she could do it, but I'm pretty much sure she would have done it. If anything, Hinoka had the easy part as she was already quite aware of Tsukushi's feelings for her, and was just waiting while giving hints. She just gave the last little push in the end but I found Tsukushi's courage more impressive. Doing all of that, thinking you're going to be rejected must be really hard.

Regardless, I'm still happy the way it happened, and I can't wait to see their relationship evolve! I hope that the third volume won't be the last though. It's pretty popular, but Hijiki have been quite inconsistent with the release. Must be hard to publish two series at the same time.

last edited at Feb 6, 2024 7:54AM

joined May 9, 2017

I could be wrong though, because there's not enough hints yet and "Aya" seems to be her own person rather than a play character.

It's not like I don't like you theory, but we've seen Aya interact with the police, former classmates and a lot of other people when Koto is not even present. I think this was done precisely to tell us that she is not an illusion.

Most people are pretty hard on Koto, I feel like. I'll admit that stuff must be pretty hard for Aya, having to act as an adult with still being a child. But Koto had to live 7 years not knowing what happened to her first love. She could have been adducted, murder... This is I think a way more traumatic experience that was Aya is currently living (not that is a competition of course). I wonder if Koto is not stuck with her 14 yo self as well in a way.

joined May 9, 2017

Koto should have said "Aya looks young but she is actually my girlfriend," Nobody really cared and just assumed it is platonic (no sex).

No? First of all, if she truly looking that young, this is a problem. She is 14 yo, it's not easy to make her look like she is older.

Second, they haven't talk much about their relationship with each other. We don't know if Koto want to do her coming out, and it's the same for Aya, as far as Koto knows. It's something you discuss beforehand, not something you impose on someone.

And third, she got caught by surprised, about her 14yo girlfriend... I'm pretty much sure the vast majority of people would have reacted the same way...

joined May 9, 2017

imho the purpose of this time travel was to realize whom elsa had given her first kiss so Yvonne finally puts all her doubts about the rules of the world and how its supposed to work and whats supposedly best for everyone to rest.

I thought that was quite obvious. I guess that will happen next chapter, and then Yvonne will return to the present. I wonder if Elsa will remember though.

joined May 9, 2017

Uh oh, stalker again?

Possibly papparazi.

Is there a difference? Seriously, send those creeps to jail.

Yeah, kind of. They both are doing the act of stalking but paparazzi will harm you through unveiling information or through diffamation while a "real" stalker can harm you physically. Both have ill intentions but I'd be more afraid of a real stalker. Obsessive fans can be quite unstable... Paparazzi are just assholes.

joined May 9, 2017

What a damn adorable chapter!
I wonder who the new girl is. She seems related to Lily somehow.
She probably means trouble.
Thanks for the chapter!

I'm pretty sure that's Lily's sister (not sure of their relationship) who bullied her in chapter 2.

Nice catch, I would have missed it. It's s definitely the same character. I like it when authors take the time to introduce characters early in the story, even briefly, instead of having them appears out not nowhere just to disrupt the plot.

Very cute chapter. I'd like for them to find there own happiness, but the longer the lie run, they more damaging it will be...

joined May 9, 2017

Might be the first time i see that kind of reaction, or rather here lack of reaction, to a confession.

I remember being confessed to before and having the same kind of reaction. The internal dialogue illustrates really well what I was feeling at that time. Nicely done!

joined May 9, 2017

"I didn't like this story," is different from "worthless" and "nothing happened."

Anyway, not necessarily this series but it often becomes clear from the way comments are constructed, that if the romance isn't the ultimate focus there's something wrong with the story. Depends on the community though. Series that are more adventure and plot focused for example get those kind of comments a lot, no matter the quality.

Yeah, those reactions are definitively too strong. But I guess it comes from the fact that people are coming to Dynasty to get their daily dose of yuri, which explain the disappointment. I'm not even disappointed about that, Kazuha was interesting, but I've never liked the MC and I've never thought them getting together would be an attractive ending. I was just keeping reading the story, thinking I'll find something at one point.

joined May 9, 2017

The reverse is also true, just because the story try to tell something without romance in it, doesn't make it good automatically…

But no one said that.

No, but at the same time, saying "People don't seem to be able to appreciate a story without romance these days." is a bit harsh when the said story is average at best. It's too easy to blame it on the non-romance, when I think a lot more people wouldn't be disappointed if the story was better. I can appreciate an average to mediocre yuri story, because it's my jam, but an average to mediocre story like I think this one is, I'm just like "meh, I should have dropped it".

joined May 9, 2017

Sometimes I wonder what people think "a story" is.
No romantic resolution = "nothing happened"? You'll find that a lot of things happened in this story.

It's like when I was reading Komi-san, and everyone and their dog was like "nothing ever happens in this manga" and I was like ... what the heck are you reading a manga about a girl who wants to make 100 friends for if you think her making friends is "nothing happening".

People don't seem to be able to appreciate a story without romance these days.

The reverse is also true, just because the story try to tell something without romance in it, doesn't make it good automatically….
I don't mind stories about character growth, even if the characters don't get together, but honestly, this was just not very interesting. I found the overall manga as well as the characters and their relationships to be quite shallow.

But I guess, if some people find something in this story, it just means that I wasn't able to connect with the characters…

last edited at Jan 17, 2024 7:00AM

joined May 9, 2017

She's probably making less than a magazine published author with a similar level of popularity, simply because those mangaka get paid for the magazine and for the volumes and she's just getting paid for the volumes.

I don't know how much an author published in a magazine is making, but I've always heard it's not that much, and much of their income comes from volume's sales. If you have more information, I'd be interested.
But knowing her manga is being sold at a higher price compared to your average manga (about 50% higher), I wouldn't be surprise if she was making more than a magazine published author with a similar level of popularity.

Also, no chapter this week.

joined May 9, 2017

I'm disturbed. A lesbian nurse that is not in an age-gap relationship with a student... Where's my favorite trope?! I'll forgive this author on this one, the PE teacher is quite hot.

Nice start! I'll follow this once. Art style is nice as well.