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joined Aug 28, 2016

can some one explain this?

Her colleague saw her with her contact out and her eye all squinty and it freaked him out.

R-18 Corner discussion 26 Jun 22:04
joined Aug 28, 2016

Yeah, reading over it again I think the entirety of pages 3 and 4 were just in her head.

joined Aug 28, 2016

I mean, if people can talk about all the gay subtext in The Maltese Falcon, I don't see why lesbians would be out of bounds.

The Celluloid Closet is a good documentary to watch if you want an overview of LGBT content in old movies, both textual and subtextual. The story it tells isn't always a happy one, but it's certainly interesting and informative.

joined Aug 28, 2016
This page mentions 'kazuri logic', does anyone know what that means?

Kazari is the vampire girl's surname. It's saying that she's applying her own unique brand of logic.

joined Aug 28, 2016

Turns out honest conversations can solve all sorts of interpersonal problems. Who knew?

joined Aug 28, 2016

This might not be the most original development in the world, but in context, it's a pretty effective way to force Machi to reevaluate how she really feels about Hana. As long as their marriage is "fake", it's no problem if they see other people... so if Machi does have a problem with it, she's gonna have some introspection to do. I prefer stories full of drama over stories where nothing happens (and I mean really, what do you expect from Kodama Naoko by now), so I'm feeling pretty positive about the direction of the story overall.

Plus, right now, I'm more worried about whatever Machi's mother has to say.

joined Aug 28, 2016

"Your role ends here. I'll be teaching her everything myself."

Now, if that isn't a line with a whole lot of different meanings in context...

joined Aug 28, 2016

By Kodama Naoko's standards, this is a sweet and heartwarming story.

In a way, I enjoyed how this story kept us stuck inside Shuuko's head. We really don't know for sure how Kiku feels about the relationship or her future at all; we only know what Shuuko sees, so we share her uncertainty and anxiety.

joined Aug 28, 2016

And can someone confirm this is just chapter 1 of several? This is super cute.

The release page promises a sequel, so that's at least one more chapter incoming.

joined Aug 28, 2016

Also, I hope LilyBlack you're right. But based on what someone else posted in here earlier, I'm not getting my hopes up. The way the first page reintroduces the story (granted it would've been nice if that were translated too :P) kinda makes it look like your typical yuri manga overlooking obvious child abuse. I hope I'm wrong but... Yeah...

Honestly, even if that prediction is right, it's still compatible with the angle it currently seems to be going for, which is that Kohsaka's shepherding girls into adulthood by introducing them to sex and is ultimately going to be presented as benevolent or at least neutral. Which, yeah, pretty messed up.

joined Aug 28, 2016

"Dear Teacher" would probably be a more natural way to phrase it in English than "Dear My Teacher", but eh, it gets the idea across.

Back on topic, I'm starting to think that another commenter's theory earlier in the thread that Rii was Kohsaka's previous target is right on the money. She's being a little too serious and intense for somebody who doesn't suspect what's going on.

Liberty discussion 22 May 21:36
joined Aug 28, 2016

At this point I'm wondering if the ex will appear later in the story for maximum drama. That dead, hopeless look in her eyes on page 9 makes me think she wasn't being honest about her own feelings. If she got her shit sorted out while she was away in America and now she shows up again with a new girlfriend... I don't think Liz would handle that well.

Touma-kun discussion 21 May 03:54
joined Aug 28, 2016

Touma's appeal makes sense to me. She's always honest, she's curious and interested in everything and everyone (because she has the memory of a fruit fly so everything is new to her), and she sets her whole mind to everything she does (because it's not big enough to divide it up). Someone who's good-looking, passionate, and interested in you is going to be attractive to a lot of people. The idea that she could seduce literally everyone in the school including the staff is still silly, of course, but that's manga for you.

Touma-kun discussion 16 May 18:33
joined Aug 28, 2016

Well, at the end of the day, I find Touma a little dull, with no special salient trait.

All the girls around her are more interesting.

Honestly, Touma's main personality trait (besides being cheerful and outgoing regardless of the circumstances) seems to be that she's a complete idiot: she consistently fails to know or understand pretty much anything, even things you'd really expect her to. It's just that everyone's too charmed by her to notice. It's why I haven't been as harsh on her as some folks in the comments; I don't think she's being manipulative, I think she just acts on instinct and genuinely doesn't understand human relationships well enough to realize what effect she has on people.

last edited at May 16, 2018 6:35PM

joined Aug 28, 2016

I was not expecting arranged marriage to show up in this manga. Maybe I should've.

Also, it really does seem like the story is heading toward an Aoi x Kohane ending at this point, but it's got a lot of work ahead of it to get there from here.

joined Aug 28, 2016

From all the hints that have been dropped so far in the story, this doesn't feel like a relationship that has a long future. I think the best-case scenario is that Maki doesn't get hurt too badly and learns some things about herself by the time it's over.

joined Aug 28, 2016

Yeah, Article 8 of the Berne Convention specifically mentions translation as a form of derivative work that copyright holders have the exclusive right to authorize, so that applies in any of the 175 countries that have ratified it.

joined Aug 28, 2016

Kinda makes you understand why Marisa never decided to become immortal, doesn't it? Well, too bad about Alice, though...

joined Aug 28, 2016

I certainly think chapter 10 was interesting - seeing the teacher evaluate herself in the wake of realizing her feelings was pretty well-written - but that middle schooler is just such a little shit kid. It's the classic yuri situation where I cannot possibly understand how you could ever hold romantic feelings towards someone like that.

The teacher's both gay and hopelessly lonely. It seems pretty plausible that this is the first time a girl's overtly shown interest in her. It's not a great reason to fall in love with someone, especially under the circumstances, but I can buy it.

joined Aug 28, 2016

At what point does Subtext get upgraded to at least Yuri crush? Even if it's one-sided right now, I think Koyuki's past the point of no return.

That's a downgrade, Yuri crush usually means one-sided.

The tag description for Yuri crush actually says it's not meant as a tag for one-sided love. It's a bit confusing, but in practice it seems to be used to mean something like "there are clear yuri themes but no serious relationship progression". I think it's in a different category from Subtext, which is more like "the relationship between characters develops but the nature of their feelings remains ambiguous".

last edited at May 10, 2018 3:58AM

joined Aug 28, 2016

The art in seemed like it was implying at least some degree of penetration to me, but it's pretty vague.

joined Aug 28, 2016

From how things have gone so far, I could honestly see a possibility of MC and Aoi ending up together. It'd be super fucked up, but everything about this manga so far seems fucked up anyway.

joined Aug 28, 2016

I'm just trying to figure out how twins were born a day apart. They were born at midnight?

They don't need to be born at midnight - giving birth often takes many hours - and I don't know how it works with twins or more but I doubt popping one out means all the rest will automatically be born within a short time.. You could easily give birth to twins hours apart I guess?

So one was born one night, and the other early the next morning.

I looked around for some statistics, and Wikipedia references a German study ( finding that over 90% of twins are born within 30 minutes of each other, so they were probably at least born pretty close to midnight.

One does wonder how minor complications like couples falling out or widowers or whatever get handled by the "system"... Moreover, given that it appears to be an universal default that the effect fires on your 18th birthday (which is an utterly arbitrary trigger condition in the first place; onset of sexual maturity would make far more sense) the obvious corollary is that everyone marries within their age-cohort, period. And I can only too well imagine the sociocultural norms and taboos that would swiftly grow around this phenomenom...

Not necessarily - we know that a couple's strings don't appear at the exact same time, so if your destined partner is ten years younger than you, you'll just find that your string connects to an 8-year-old and they'll have to wait ten years for their own string to show up. That's... not really better, though. Actually, I sorta wish I didn't think of it.

last edited at May 7, 2018 2:34PM

joined Aug 28, 2016

The title kinda says it all, doesn't it?

It's probably a good thing they found each other, for the sake of everyone else in the world.

joined Aug 28, 2016

i cant place it but this feel wrong... almost creepy to me.

I agree. There's something a little off about the characters in a slightly threatening way. Not just the president, but Sayuri too. It feels like the MC is being inducted into a cult or something.