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joined Jul 26, 2016

update on mangadex :))).......



This looks like a verified "touch grass" moment. :|

Anyway that entire convo among the Tres is wheeze

joined Jul 26, 2016

The high-tier monsters are super territorial and tolerate their like very poorly which is... pretty realistic behaviour for what are essentially solitary apex predators. Why let competition hang around? Miko and Shiori basically only reluctantly put up with each other's presence out of a temporary alliance of convenience and because Hinako, whom both for their own reasons prefer to keep happy, asked them to.

joined Jul 26, 2016

And honestly its kind of sad it was all bc a misunderstanding

I mean. Usually "misunderstanding" is a byword for "gratuitous drama (totes not filler you guys)" in this kinda genre; I'd say "everything went better than expected" accidental wholesomeness is welcome variety.

joined Jul 26, 2016

also, 'lewd crest' is such a ridiculous term, they keep saying it, and every time all i can imagine is like, a heraldic coat of arms that's all boobs and dicks and whatnot.

gdi cannot unthink the mental image >.<

Citrus + discussion 21 May 19:39
joined Jul 26, 2016

Had to do a bit of memory spelunking based on the context given in text to remember literally who these two are, and they're already being more interesting than Mei and Yuzu have been in years anyway.

joined Jul 26, 2016

And new classic trope unlocked - The mysteriously long path from the main gate to the school building. :D

That one got a legit giggle out of me.

joined Jul 26, 2016

but Mizuki really gives the impression that she wants to own everything and get the big harem, even her attitude with Kyouko in the previous chapters was ambiguous.

I'll believe that when I see it. Because she reads more like fully aware of the tropes associated with her "prince charming" image and getting a real kick out of playing them to the hilt.

joined Jul 26, 2016


last edited at May 21, 2022 2:34PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Not sure what part of this reads like "actual love triangle" instead of "conspiracy to poke fun at the useless lesbian friend in denial (and maybe get her out of the closet)" to you guys...

joined Jul 26, 2016

In fact it kinda reminds me about demons from manga I was reading recently, Sousou no Frieren. Because they're man-eating monsters the only reason they learn how to speak human language is to be able to deceive humans and ultimately eat them. They learn to say stuff like "My mother died." or "Humans killed my father too." to appeal to human's empathy, when they don't even know what mother or father means and have no concept of family. They're pretty much pretending to be just like humans in order to gain upper hand. Ignoring straight telling Hinako that she wants to eat her, it feels like Shiori is doing similar thing with trying to act as if she cares about Hinoko and make her bond with her and open up to her, but it's all just a act.

Basically a form of aggressive mimicry adapted for social, intelligent prey.

joined Jul 26, 2016


last edited at May 21, 2022 1:32PM

Arknights! 19 May 21:50
joined Jul 26, 2016

Got Flametail and NTR'd in 70 pulls or so, which was nice. Even drew a Sona dupe from one of the daily freebies. Her S3 is pretty cool so I M3'd it pronto since I happened to have the resources.

The Darkness mech was kind of a mixed bag IMO. On one hand it certainly mixed things up and kept you from just nuking or helidropping assorted troublesome things before they got close enough to be a problem, on the other it got a bit obnoxious at times and caused extra suspension of disbelief issues in stages that were supposed to be abstractions of arena duels.
...those Lazurites and their Corrosion gimmick are going to be a huge pain in the ass in some future content aren't they. -.-

Anyway, random musings on the fluff:

  • Kazimierz domestic politics are a Byzantine mess even by setting standards
  • the Pinus are pretty cool
  • as is that grudging mutual respect they develop with Szewczyk
  • that scene with Margaret and Liz dancing was extremely gay
  • Viviana is a prity cool knight, seh snuffs out lights and doesn't afraid of anything
  • foster mom doesn't count >_>
  • ngl Simp McKee's schoolboy crush on her is sorta cute tbh
  • half the time she talks to Maggie it sounds like flirting srsly
  • if she doesn't get turned into an Operator sometime down the road I'll eat my hat
  • needs moar Gravel in cool red-eyed combat mode
  • Blood Knight looks like the biggest edgelord evar
  • but Dika-chan is actually mega bro and all around chill guy
  • probably because "Tola ate all the edge" (as one YT comment had it)
  • edgy hors boi is also a frequent victim of lulzy roasts
  • fuck those Blood Blades tho >.<
  • the running gag of Armorless of all ranks getting constantly more and more exasperated with interlopers is gr8
  • Platinum really can't catch a break, can she?
  • no wonder she sounds 24/7 like a cynical student burned out from shitty temp jobs
  • there's far too many ironic parallels between her and Malkiewicz for it to be anything but entirely intentional
  • but where can I buy one of those Radiant Knight plushies?
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^random historical reference + nerds in attendance = you gonna get lectured :v

^not sure if it's the example you're thinking of but the long barrow style of monument-building was making the rounds around the Meso/Neolithic transition ("Early Neolithic"). That distribution map also nicely underlines how the southern Baltic region was linked to the Atlantic exchange networks by way of the North Sea.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^goes well further back; all the way in the Neolithic megalithic architectural practices primarily originating in Brittany - the headland dominating the crossroads of the Atlantic seaways - spread across the entire "Atlantic Europe" down to Portugal in south, Scandinavia in north and Ireland in the northwest for ex. Later "cultural complexes" of the region display similar patterns ergo connections.

And long-distance trade in desirable goods is a very ancient thing indeed - stone particularly well suited for particular tools was traded from the Urals to Finland for ex, and lapis lazuli from the primary Eurasian source in what is now NE Afghanistan has been exported over continental distances since the mid 7000s BCE.

joined Jul 26, 2016

...Jean and Lisa have some of the least complicated and outlandish outfits in the roster tho. Assorted minor details aside (like the amount of skin shown) they're not far removed from some real-history garments and those strapless corset-like tops should be rather easy to get off. If anything they ought to be rather more difficult to put on - at least without assistance - given they're laced at the back...

joined Jul 26, 2016

They have couple's gatherings, trips and even pissing contests to determine whose love is more true.

When did this happen?? O_o

3 couples had a staring contest where they measured how long they can stare at each other without looking away.

Lmfao, and I was trying to figure how these girls had competed for who can pee farther xD
There's a HUGE difference between a staring contest and a pissing contest

It is a figure of speech. Not a literal contest.

Rather like how when people talk about "Cold War dick-measuring contests" they don't mean the POTUS and Soviet General Secretary literally unzipped and slapped 'em onto table on live TV :U

joined Jul 26, 2016

^not sure what's "recent discovery" about it when for example the Ancients themselves described the export of Cornish tin as far afield as the Levant. (Sitting astride the land routes between two seas was a major factor in making the Gaulish princes filthy rich.) It's no news that Europe's "Atlantic facade" has been the scene of bustling shipping routes for a very long time.

Long-distance trade mostly worked by relays of middlemen though - you sold to your neighbour who sold to his neighbour and so on and so on, and then a Nepalese brass statue of Buddha ends up in a Viking grave in central Sweden or something. That the generic term is derived from a more distant connection rather than the Gaels' immediate neighbours (ie. primary trading and brawling partners) around the Irish Sea would imply they were particularly memorable and impactful for one reason or another - compare how derivations of "Frank" became the umbrella term for Western Europeans in the Islamic world, and by extension and osmosis over large stretches of Asia.

joined Jul 26, 2016

But I also hate Seven Seas so I'm also very sad to see them specifically picking this up

Let's hope they will ganbaru and do a good job.

Ah. An optimist.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^p sure they're on the floor, else the author completely skipped the kind of creasing body weight causes on bedding

joined Jul 26, 2016

^"Gaulish" and "Gallic" are both valid - "Gaullic" OTOH isn't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Funfact: the Irish word gall 'foreigner' (pl. gaill) is derived from Gaul, "who in pre-Viking Gaelic history were the archetypal "foreigners". Dumville says that "what [the Gauls] had done in Gaelic prehistory to gain that status is unknown and was probably unpleasant."" (Caesar recorded some of the Gallic tribes of the Atlantic coast were very accomplished shipbuilders and seafarers and Ireland isn't too far away by sail...)

joined Jul 26, 2016

^^because you're a shamefur failure as a Roman and have dishonoled familia

also cuz Hentai Bangs op pls nerf

...meanwhile the geek in me is tickled by the amount of detail given to the mail shirt and the presence of the shoulder doublings widely used in Classical Antiquity, although these look more like the Celtic-style "cape" rather than the linothorax-derived "yokes" of Roman mail and lack the front hook closure common to both...

joined Jul 26, 2016

^tbf that is a setting where people can casually jump off buildings and planes - the isekai'd R6S crew was a little shocked by the sorts of stunts the natives pull like nothing particularly special.

School Zone discussion 14 May 20:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm glad that the fanbase is more or less on the same page about the siscon angst storyline being a blemish on an otherwise perfect yuri comedy. There is seriously sooo much good in this manga and their stupid melodrama is just so boring in comparison. And fuck a siscon ew

Wildly selective and tendentious generalisations are a pursuit most unbecoming in a gentleman.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I can haz dungeon crawl tiem nao? owo

Slow Start discussion 13 May 19:26
joined Jul 26, 2016
