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joined Apr 26, 2016

I hope she's trans and gay which is basically gay to a level most lesbians aspire to

joined Apr 26, 2016

I'm not fine with my body I want it to be more feminine. I just don't want to check boxes and conform to either gender.

Plenty of non binary people take hormones wear binders etc

joined Apr 26, 2016

I really don't understand the point of bothering to identifying oneself as agender to others. Basically, this just means the person has no sense of gender and thus is completely indifferent to gender rolls and what society sees them as, right? So basically if they are completely indifferent and neutral when it comes to the idea of gender then they can pretty much just roll with whatever is easiest and fits the situation best aka if they are physically male they would use the guys bathroom. They would also have no objection to society treating them as male because the entire idea of gender rolls are just meaningless to them.

It's not that they see gender roles as meaningless or are indifferent to them but that they don't fit into either male or female. For many agender people, being perceived as male and being perceived as female are both distressing, and they don't want to be thought of or treated as either. To put it another way, it's not that they don't care, but that they care about not being male and they also care about not being female.

Well first
1. Agender people are trans since they still don't identify as assigned gender.
2. Not always, I don't want to be perceived as male but I am not female. Most of my dysphoria is over not being feminine enough but I find the idea of checking a box for gender so obnoxious, I don't participate in gender.
3. One reason the insistence on only writing trans women being with cis men is toxic, is that we aren't all straight. I'm a trans lesbian and proud. And trust me that's the vast majority of trans literature written by cis people

last edited at Nov 4, 2018 2:59AM

joined Apr 26, 2016

Is the topic of girlyboys (aka otokonoko) in fashion in Japan at the moment?

The way I see it, the school they attend specifically allows boys and girls to dress with either uniform. Hence, why Mogumo moved to be closer from this school.

We still haven't seen the helper of Mogumo (which may be a girl, a boy, or an otokonoko or whatever).

Anyway, I just can't feel the hype reading this. It's just like Prunus Girl with more questions about gender identity. And less lesbians. And more pseudo drama.

He doesn't want to be either a girl or a boy. But then he's shown as a 100% (flat) cute girl, because "he likes cute clothes". At this point, what makes him NOT a girl externally? How are people supposed to guess that he doesn't want to be considered a girl?

It's like the author makes the whole cast of "girlyboys" really easy to trigger, while the main male lead seem to be the reasonable one (and the bro, but he's a grown up).

This manga is actually everything that is wrong about how gender is perceived in Japan or elsewhere. Everyone is cute and look just like a girl, but by the fiat of the theme, they are actually "boys" (at least genetically).

And the male MC is just some self-insert placeholder with no personality to speak of. The "generic nice guy", like the MC in Prunus Girl, which will eventually fall for the ambiguously gendered character.

About gender identity, Hourou Musuko is a lot more inclusive and well done.

Originally Mogu was agender which means not identifying with any gender but it seems like they are getting rid of that angle.

joined Apr 26, 2016

Not just love triangle but they're seriously making Mogu a binary trans girl. I liked having a feminine person not having a gender. It makes everyone gay

joined Apr 26, 2016

Is... is this the direction the anime takes as well??

Sort of still a couple but more subtext
Next two precure series go full text.

Candy Trap discussion 22 Jul 13:49
joined Apr 26, 2016

Can we please have a character with the bi tag act the same as a lesbian

joined Apr 26, 2016

I don't understand why people think Nanashi no Asterism ended with no one getting together. It's not explicitly said, but everything points to at least one yuri couple in the end.

Every triangle can't end in polyamory. And all yuri crushes don't mean they are gay and will necessarily end up with a girl.

As for Robert, I'm not sure they need to be labeled with the transgender tag. They say themselves to be "half and half".

The term is used for binary trans people also enbys exist

last edited at Jun 13, 2018 8:42AM

joined Apr 26, 2016

Fuck. Aside Misora rock it trans pride bby

joined Apr 26, 2016

I wonder if Misora is still a trans girl
I am also pretty sure Anonymous is genderfluid

joined Apr 26, 2016

One of them said she was feminine for guys

joined Apr 26, 2016

Anonymous isn't just an ace at making coffee

Citrus discussion 21 Feb 12:38
joined Apr 26, 2016

I genuinely do not know what this is doing like this feels like something from 30 years ago
Japan actually has a higher marriage age than the US so I don't know I almost think in fact it's probably true that this is mostly for drama and that we are overthinking this we need to stop thinking about how realistic this is and just think how can more drama come about

last edited at Feb 21, 2018 12:40PM

joined Apr 26, 2016

Few things
1. Is taking her scholarship legal (it is in the US due to ncaa deeming them amateurs)
2. So she kissed a girl without dumping her boyfriend
Stop writing bi girls as sluts

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 15:18
joined Apr 26, 2016

Lovers work things out together tell her and maybe she can help you

Citrus discussion 03 Feb 19:26
joined Apr 26, 2016

I'm just sigh this might sound weird I don't want this to be like Twilight
I don't want baby gays to want a Mei

Citrus discussion 03 Feb 11:07
joined Apr 26, 2016

Uh... Can I just say
Mei can legally say no and maybe I don't know talk to Yuzu

joined Apr 26, 2016

So who's the best lesbian side-couple? I'd nominate Akechi and Michi of Centaur no Nayami

Kouya and Yamato from Loveless are a personal favorite of mine.

They were shown both with ears and without ears, did that mean before and after ___?

Sooooooo everyone is gay

Panel source

last edited at Feb 3, 2018 9:40AM by Nezchan

joined Apr 26, 2016

well, this is why u don't associate urself with bisexual lol

Go fuck yourself

joined Apr 26, 2016

Is this the Manga version of Hayley Kiyoko song sleepover

joined Apr 26, 2016

How old are these girls just I dont read nsfw if under 18

joined Apr 26, 2016

Um issues but at least the bi girl didn't cheat
Like why why why

joined Apr 26, 2016

I think the girl died and the grean girl get her heart and so she remember something from the dead girl

Yeah, it's a play on "phantom pain". The girl who received the heart feels the longing for the love she can't be with, but doesn't know why.

The storytelling is so vague though, and it's hard to sort what's flashback from what's present-day and the point of view keeps shifting. It's a good idea but the execution lacks.

also that's not phantom pain that is when a limb is removed you still get feedback as if there

You know that, and I know that, but does the author know that?

No probably not
You can't get memories unless you somehow can transplant brains which digitally might be possible in 2045

joined Apr 26, 2016

I think the girl died and the grean girl get her heart and so she remember something from the dead girl

Yeah, it's a play on "phantom pain". The girl who received the heart feels the longing for the love she can't be with, but doesn't know why.

The storytelling is so vague though, and it's hard to sort what's flashback from what's present-day and the point of view keeps shifting. It's a good idea but the execution lacks.

also that's not phantom pain that is when a limb is removed you still get feedback as if there

joined Apr 26, 2016

I wished the story explained why Ryouko got married. I would be fine, with the ending, if she was pressed into it by her family. But, if Ryouko was just trying have her cake and eat it too, it would suck. Either way, I think poor Sei, is going to end up hurt.

Or she's bisexual I don't know why is this true with everything with characters who date both