Ah, the harsh life of an idol('s voice actress)...
If at least mangas acknowledged how fucked up this is, but of course they don't ...
Didn't this one just?
Not to mention that it is literally illegal and officially cannot be enforced.
I mean, yes, but the bigger problem is the reaction of the fans. They don't need to enforce it, the hate from the fans is enough to ensure you'll be out of work for quite a while. Usually blows over after some time, though. But yeah, as bad as the industry is for requiring this, it's what their customers demand. :(
fyck those customers then, an industry like that should just burn to the ground
Oh yes, Japan's idol industry/culture and their bullshit no romance policy. Their life is too cute amd wholesome that I forget they're living in a backwater bullshit society.
Fujiwara family is from China, I don't know why Japan suddenly related to her.
Her name is Fujiwara no Mokou, from the Fujiwara clan famous for their regency of the Japanese imperial throne. Where do you get that "Fujiwara family is from China" thing?
They have been living together for 7 years, they passed the point of romance already.
I don't think in real life people can be that close and live together for not long can have no involvement with each others, aside from being blood-related.
Ooshima Tomo's former name is Nikaidou Mitsuki and has went by several other names before, but has settled on Ooshima Tomo as she's been assisting Ooshima Towa as her partner.
they way you phase it make it somehow sound less innocene