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I am heavily invested in this Manhwa-I mean financially invested. I probably will end up buying the official translated version if they have 'decent' ending. I hope they won't get interrupted in the next chapter bc I dont see the rationale behind it. I mean they are already in the middle of doing it. got to say this Manhwa is so modern to me.
so she might have thought about why she slept with a guy or had something to tell to Sumin about it but never had a chance because of how she reacted
Well it's been 10 years since that incident and they haven't been together since then. I don't think they will ever sit down and talk about the cheating. There is no point now, especially now that Sumin is with Sungji. No point of discussing an ex's cheating with them when she dates another person and probably will never be back with Seju again.
Besides we've seen how the story focuses heavily on Sumin and Sungji right now, and at this point I'm not sure if they will focus on Seju in general a lot again.
But I do think that Sumin has to at least have an honest talk with Seju before getting involved with Sungji even more. It's obvious she is still not over her past, so trying to temporarly forget about it, is not the right way.
imo it's suck to be in Sumin's shoes now. Let's see how things pan out in the next chapters
I agree Seju probably felt responsible for Sumin's parents, n she also thought Sumin blaming her for it (re chapter 10). But to think she slept with a guy to punish herself is quite hard to imagine. there r some people who make bad decisions while under huge amount of stress. Alcohol certain doesn't help in those situations.
It can be as simple as a mistake too. We don't really have more details of why she did it, if there is a reason at all. But I don't think she did it for pleasure though.
Because sleeping with someone is a very intimate thing to do, so if done with the wrong person it can turn from something nice to something ugly.
Of course there are some people who simply see it as fun and nothing more, but Seju hasn't been with anyone else besides Sumin for all these years, so I think this shows who she is in this situation
I think Seju stops drinking alcohol after the incident. never like using alcohol as an excuse but the alcohol may have played a factor that night.
She was probably just like "F*ck it all!" and ended up doing what she did, because she was yearning to at least feel something good
I agree with everything you said except this part. I don't think Seju actually wanted to feel something good. She's gay, so it would make more sense if she slept with a woman instead of a guy to feel good.
My theory is that Seju was feeling responsible and guilty for Sumin's parents, and so she slept with the guy as a way to punish herself. I don't think it's a coinscidence Gaji chose the cheating to be with a guy instead of a woman.
I agree Seju probably felt responsible for Sumin's parents, n she also thought Sumin blaming her for it (re chapter 10). But to think she slept with a guy to punish herself is quite hard to imagine. there r some people who make bad decisions while under huge amount of stress. Alcohol certain doesn't help in those situations.
Sumin just enjoys sex with Seju can't blame Sumin Seju is hot , plus Sumin likes her sex. I don't think she's a jerk she likes the sex they have and sex in general. She gotta get it from somewhere.
Some adults act like that, you hate the person's guts but you love banging them.
seriously!!! Sumin n Seju r not some horny teenagers. When u r a responsible adult, u think of the consequences of your action. Sumin n Seju r no longer lovers after the cheating but they can remain friends. In my dictionary, u don't "screw" your friend over. So Sumin found Sungji. Good for her...then what's abt Seju?
last edited at Feb 13, 2016 7:04PM
Seju is indeed suffered but she brought it all on herself and she got what she deserved karma is a bitch
what karma has to do with this. Yeah Seju made a terrible mistake at the worst possible time. so yeah it happened. people make stupid mistakes. u can say Seju should do this that or watever. She has no experience how to deal with the situation. I agree that it doesnt excuse the cheating. here is the thing-I wouldnt have said it's a mistake if she seeked comfort fr an ex. Since Sumin cannot forgive Seju, they should have moved on. Seju hasnt moved on but I believe she will since this is a healing story. Just dont turn psycho. Sumin was a jerk for continuing sleeping with Seju while knowing Seju is still in love with her.
okay those who r anti-Nam character and Seju's fans need not to get ahead so fast. The story has ended yet-it is only half way through. I still dont know why ya seem to dislike Nam character. The author hasnt talked much abt Nam's background. Yes, Nam seems like a player n she likes to annoy the hell out of Seju. So? u know there is an old saying dont judge the book by its cover.
I hope Seju also find true happiness in the end. Here is the thing, Seju needs to live a little-dont put her happiness in someone's hands (especially in the hands of Sumin). Imo life in gereral isnt fair so dont compare-just learn to manage it.
last edited at Feb 13, 2016 9:23AM
I wonder how would No-rae react if it was Seol-A she's waking up to instead of Ina xD.
I think she'd probably reacted the same way. That Ena, so freaking fun n cool!
Now, can we expect a confession soon, as in 2-3 more chapters soon, or is it still to early to hope for anything? >_<
I dont think it's early. I hope the author will wrap it up by the of the trip.
Halmoni & Thatanon,
As always thank you for the translation & typeset!!!
last edited at Jan 31, 2016 7:24PM
As cute as Sumin x Sungji is, I get this strange feeling that Sumin is going to end up cheating on her somehow.
Sumin/Seju's relationship fell apart pretty much bc of the cheating. so I dont I think Sumin would want to go down near that road again. If she cheated on Sungji even with Seju, then Sumin'd be no good of a person/lover.
Their relationship fell apart for many reasons. The way I see it, they were both at fault. Seju cheated and she regrets it. Despite the shit Sumin pulled to get back at her, why Seju continues to stick around is beyond me. It's sad really how Seju still loves Sumin T.T Anyway, whose to judge and say that cheating or being reckless makes you a bad person? That's total bullshit, no offense haha.
dont u agree the cheating created the big crack? Imagine you r on the edge of a cliff trying to reach out to your lover hoping they can help you fr falling off. Then u found out u got no one. The only person u can rely on has betrayed u. I'd have nothing to say if u said u would take back your lover with an open arms. I did not say Sumin is fault-free in this messed up relationship. She shouldnt have gone back to Seju. Seju has been a fool. She should have moved on then.
Now moving on to good/bad person. It was my opinon. We all live by different values/principles. Being reckless & being a cheater are not the same. I dont think Seju is a bad person. Her cheating was a mistake. If someone cheating on their mate repeatedly then yeah I say that person is a bad person. Where r the moral values? If u cannot stay faithful then dont enter into an exclusive relationship.
As cute as Sumin x Sungji is, I get this strange feeling that Sumin is going to end up cheating on her somehow.
Sumin/Seju's relationship fell apart pretty much bc of the cheating. so I dont I think Sumin wants to go down near that road again. If she cheated on Sungji even with Seju, the Sumin'd be no good of a person/lover.
Agreed. This is supposed to be a healing story. And I don' think we have that many chapters left.
To be honest I'm not sure if I completely trust Sumin at this. She seems like she's hiding a lot of things from Sungji, and also she seems easily influenced, especially when she's drunk.
u mean sumin might sleep with Seju while she's drunk? i
If that happened, her relationship with sungji would end there. Seju/sumin can be together. then this wouldnt be a healing comedy.
One thing that I can say is highly probable, is that Sumin and Seju both have to move on from what happened in the past. Not just Sumin.
Ofc, they both need heavy therapy sections :)
So far we see Sungji for Sumin, but how this will affect Seju too? I don't think if Sumin simply cuts all contact with her will stop Seju from pursuing her, or at least suffer in silence.
Sumin is Seju's family. I dont think she would ever walk away fr Seju. I think in the end Seju will realise her romantic relationship with sumin ended long ago.
I think Sumin has to forgive her in the end at least. How this will happen could be the plot twist.
I dont think there is anything to forgive at this point. Seju just need to find her own hapiness and dont just rely on Sumin.
As cute as Sumin x Sungji is, I get this strange feeling that Sumin is going to end up cheating on her somehow.
Sumin/Seju's relationship fell apart pretty much bc of the cheating. so I dont I think Sumin would want to go down near that road again. If she cheated on Sungji even with Seju, then Sumin'd be no good of a person/lover.
last edited at Jan 27, 2016 4:27PM
They look more like a couple in this chapter!
Plot twist: Sumin ends up with Nam
and Sungji ends up with Seju?
can't say the same for no-rae tho, although she clearly like seol-a as well, just not the same depth, I think...
There are some inner thoughts of Norae in chapter 57. No-rae is also hoplessly in love with Seola.
btw, thank you for the typeset!
Ah, I thought the doctor was Nam's brother hahaha.
turned out it's Nam's dad, not ma :)
last edited at Jan 24, 2016 3:04PM
nooooo my baby is crying :'(
so much feelings! one of many reasons why I love ff.
However they have been stuck in the past for too long and the scar is too deep; I think its too broken to be fixed. If this is a healing story like the authors claimed, they should only move on from each other, not towards each other again. Thats what Sungji came into the picture for.
Exactly! Though, I am still not convinced Sumin is in love with Sungji yet.
Regarding Nam, its so long ago I cant recall exactly, maybe my memory messed up about her. I think she were talking about it with that model/actress she was sleeping with. Or maybe they were talking about that girl (if so, my bad)
It was chapter 30, when she was speaking with the girl whom, according to Sumin, she's been sleeping with every day.
"He's a crusty old geezer. After being in the business for a learn to get over your feelings, And to use your body as a way to garner trust from others" I believe this is the line you meant
I think it's pretty common for people to use their body for a specific purpose in the entertainment industry., so I don't think we can judge whether Nam's a good person or no based on that. I also think that it is too early to say that Nam cares for Seju. If She does care about Seju, it would be nice. I mean at least someone really care about her.(Other than that violent guy)
so I reread the scene in chapter 30 where Nam was with that model in a hotel room. This is not necessary meant Nam was sleeping around with men to advantage her career. She has been sleeping with a lady everyday (this model I think, according to Sumin in chapter 35). I don't exactly know why Nam made this comment. I agree that is it very common for people in the entertainment industry to use their body for certain purposes. its their body so they can do whatever.
a good person to me should have two traits considerate & fair. Yes, Seju seems to despise Nam. why? I hope we will get answer to it.
It's frustrating to see Seju keeps staying by Sumin's side. How on earth are they going to move on. Sumin is not going to move on while Seju is still in this stage.
All Nam wants through is to rub Seju the wrong way. ;)
Sorry I had to make a joke. I'll contribute to the forum more intelligently next time.
Seju just needs to open herself up a bit. I wouldn't like Nam if she acted like a sheep around Seju.
Regarding Nam, its so long ago I cant recall exactly, maybe my memory messed up about her. I think she were talking about it with that model/actress she was sleeping with. Or maybe they were talking about that girl (if so, my bad)
It was chapter 30, when she was speaking with the girl whom, according to Sumin, she's been sleeping with every day.
"He's a crusty old geezer. After being in the business for a learn to get over your feelings, And to use your body as a way to garner trust from others" I believe this is the line you meant
Thanks Martian. Yes thats the exact line I was thinking about when I said Nam was not "good." She doesn't take anything serious, while Seju takes matters about Sumin more than serious. There are ways to help or get closer with Seju, but I'm sure its not by joking about it to her like how Nam did. That would just rub her the wrong way.
I'll reread the chapter when I get home tonight. I cannot make assumptions until I re-read the chapter
I think it's pretty common for people to use their body for a specific purpose in the entertainment industry., so I don't think we can judge whether Nam's a good person or no based on that. I also think that it is too early to say that Nam cares for Seju. If She does care about Seju, it would be nice. I mean at least someone really care about her.(Other than that violent guy)
Yes I know its common. There are many ways to define "good." A thief could be a good person.
Yes certain thief can definitely be considered a good person. U got to know the whole story fr a to z to come to a conclusion. Let me give u an example. Remember that website Madison got hacked. Were the hackers bad? It depends on who u ask. If u asked the guys/gals who has been utilizing the service then yeah. If u asked me, I would say they r not bad guys. they violated the laws but that doesn't mean they r bad.
last edited at Jan 22, 2016 6:28PM
Nam is not a good lady thats for sure. She sleeps around so much just like Sumin hahaa
u mean she is not a "good" lady like Sungji?
Haha Sungji is an angel, you cant expect anyone to be "good" like her in the same story. I mean Nam hasnt done anything to prove she will be good to Seju. She has that player attitude and even sleeps with men to advance professionally. I wouldnt judge Nam good as of this point (yet). Kinda a wild card
An angel? seriously? which chapter discussed Nam sleeping around to advance in her career? I couldn't recall. I can see she concerned abt Seju through her visits. She knew it is not easy for Seju to see Summin hanging out with Sungji.
Nam is not a good lady thats for sure. She sleeps around so much just like Sumin hahaa
u mean she is not a "good" lady like Sungji?
last edited at Jan 22, 2016 1:58PM
What if they don't know what to do with Seju and they just kill her? I don't want to think about it but she can't be with the person she loves and her family hates her. I'm curious about what will happen with her.
Somewhere on this thread, I read someone mentioning that the author was considering of killing Seju. She really got no one to rely on, not even Sumin. She's alone on her own, so I won't be surprised if she commits suicide in the end. I'll just feel sad...
the author said before that this is a healing series so I don't they r going to kill off Seju. as far as I can see, both Seju n Sumin need healing.
I dont know why many fans despise Nam/Seju as a couple. Nam seems like a cool good lady. As long as Seju likes Her back then I dont see why not?
Ah please just don't go down the usual K-drama route where one character gets sick and die or the other character dies in order to save the other character...anyway I was wondering if the doctor is related to Nammi since he has blue hair
I think the K-drama route is likely to happen in this series. It is sad to see Seju staying by Sumin after all those years. I still don't think Seju should end up with Sumin-just love/guilt not enough for a heathy relationship. maybe my experience clouded my thinking. Anyway, the doc is Nam's mom
last edited at Jan 22, 2016 6:49AM
I will add my two cents n keep it short-
I just mentionned it as an example of "manga" not from Japan that could be compared to FF. Basically, two girls falling in love. And suddenly, some people started to attack LL.
I dont see attacks on LL. They r considered negative comments-u brought LL up. They didn't go to LL thread to spoil the fun. Btw LL is better written than FF? They r two different stories written by two authors who come fr different cultures & background. I don't care much for LL storyline. It is not RELATABLE. However, the drawings r awesome!
LL tells the characters' journey in their relationship and do not dwell on their angst before the relationship actualyl starts. The pace is faster, but the author keeps it interesting while avoiding the hand-wrigging of angsty characters.
- Pace is too slow for the projected length. Meaning the part where they will be in an actual relationship (if ever) is going to be really short, or an ellipse (and they lived happily ever after...)
- Tropes/Cliches are used to slow down the pace and create unnecessary drama and angst. Plus, they are used multiple times. Ex-boyfriend-cockblocker, Twice. Accident? Thrice. Overheard conversation? Thrice. Third-party nodding knowlingly at their relationship? Twice (Ji-hwan and Enah).
the journey Seola/Norae is going through called LIFE. If those who go through life without angst, heartbreaks, tears, regrets, ...then congrats to them. Though I'd rather continue on with my "journey"
Seola/norae have been "friends" less than a year. Neither one has experienced in this type of relationship ship. Is it long? Maybe to you but certainly not to me. The cliches/events in ff do happen in real life quite often really. I know a friendwho was involved in three accidents within 3 months (two accidents were not her fault, one accident occurred in another state). I can give tons of real life situations where certain people interpreted them as overused cliches
All in all, I think Ssamba had really good characters but her storytelling skills didn't do them justice.
Completely disagree. It is very uncool criticizing the author's storytelling skills bc YOU disagree with how the story should have progressed
last edited at Jan 24, 2016 2:25PM
I've sent a message (months ago I think?) to Halmoni on tumblr and no reply... :(
I'd recommend resending the message to her
P.S. Who's that girl on the last chapter that has blue eyes... She looks so similar to Sungji...
I guess one of Sumin's conquests
btw if u don't already know, lezhin has started posting translated version of this manga. They only have up to chapter 7.