You are misremembering. Aki literally introduced the battle in order to make Shiho promise that if Aki could win, Shiho would reveal why she left the band. That was the entire reason. In fact, that happens right after Shiho is again snuck up on by Aki in a hallway.
Yeah my b shiho belittling aki and her friends and regarding them as low level band were all different instances but I guess is justified because she is oh so hurt by aki
Yes, Shiho makes some comments about Yori in an effort to tick off Aki (and of course her own insecurity). There was not a whole chapter about this at all. It was a moment at the end of a chapter. Hima confronted her about it and Shiho genuinly apologized and explained why she feels that way and where it comes from. That was when Shiho then confides in Hima and reveals that she had loved Aki in the past, again to Hima. If you'd call that some concerted effort to antagonize Yori with Hima, then fine. We'd have to disagree.
Nop she indeed throws shade at yori in order to tick off aki but in the festival chapter she just keeps bad mouthing yori in front of her girlfriend wich lead to hima stepping up, she does apologizes for that but let's not forget that when she notices yori jealousy she looks at her and gives a smug look, if that's not antagonizing yori by using hima I guess we'll just have to disagree indeed
Because Aki is a character just like Shiho is, and they will rationalize their situations using that language. Shiho also blames herself and admits her culpability to Hima in an earlier chapter. The latest chapter is about their reconciliation and overcoming their obstacles whether self-made, products of their past or their circumstances.
Shiho didn't actually overcame anything, she literally just ironed her will to be alone and throw aki aside just to literally be dragged by hima and then aki did literally everything to save that relationship
Shiho is not sorry for being rude to her friend she's sorry for not being able to throw them off completely. She hasn't and probably never apologize for all the times she called them and inferior band and other instances of her being a complete ass
it was about Aki saving Shiho from herself and her destructive isolation but also Aki fully embracing a life free of her unrequited love (which she already realized was dead, a few chapters ago).
Yeah I can certainly agree with that, this arc truly was about aki going head first into the mud that is dealing with shiho, to drag her out even is she didn't deserve it, truly cementing her as the best character of this manga