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joined Aug 10, 2015

they did not have much of a relationship before Shiho started to hate her as far as I recall

What Shiho hated was the fact that she was better at playing the violin than she was, not Kyou herself. It's basically the same thing that happened with Aki: Shiho couldn't stand not being number 1 and decided to cut ties with her entirely.

Before realizing kyo was better a violin they talked like two times, and it weren't like deep or really long ones, they weren't really that close before shiho decided to cut ties with kyo.

Citrus + discussion 23 Jul 11:42
joined Aug 10, 2015

Finally, someone with the common sense to drop a manga they don’t like.

I think you're misunderstanding something here, i (and probably most of the people commenting here) love citrus, it was one of the first yuris I've ever read and has a special place in my heart despite how critical I'm about it. Having said that I simply refuse to shower it with praises that simply didn't deserve, i used to love citrus that's why I'm so critical about it, because it pains me to see it's constant declining of quality. if I genuinely didn't liked it I'd just dropped it like I did with so many series
I will never understand the mentality that if you love something you have to turn you brain off and only say good things about it. For me that's extremely condescending and a borderline insult for the author, if I ever created something I'd definitely want people to tell me if I screw up

Citrus + discussion 22 Jul 20:15
joined Aug 10, 2015

True, if this moment and this moment aren't enough to settle her down, Mei might need to do more. It's just that Mei is also going through a lot work wise and is normally reserved so I don't see this settling for a bit. Mei might cuddle Yuzu then have a dinner meeting with Arata and suddenly Yuzu will become insecure again. They need some extended discussions about insecurities and work/life balance. Although part of Mei's current work is an attempt to free herself up for Yuzu.

Like, words are fine and all, but if your partner keeps giving you the cold shoulder almost every time you meet I'd be hard press to call it reasurring, as much as Mei claims that she enjoys her time with yuzu her actions and attitude say otherwise

Citrus + discussion 22 Jul 17:58
joined Aug 10, 2015

"do you have so little faith in me"
Woman what exactly do you expect when you leave her alone on her birthday despite being in the fucking same room and always acts as if yuzu were a nuisance. Like yeah at this point the jealousy trope is been long overdue but it's not like is unjustified, Mei hasn't really give yuzu a lot of reassurance or barely show that she is in fact in love with yuzu

joined Aug 10, 2015

Huh? Do we live in a world where it is okay to grab someone else by the collar and yell at them for expressing their opinion? No, that's not okay in any way. Shiho was emotionally and physically abusive to Aki, and never apologizes for it.

It's honestly kind of shocking that a story about same-sex romance will push the theme that someone else is allowed to judge you for falling in love with one person rather than another, and be correct in the end.

But... But... Aki hurt shiho by not reading her mind, she was oh so hurt, It wasn't her fault.
How aki dares to love yori s singing without shiho permission, she clearly deserve it

At this point you shouldn't bother to reply to this type of post, just as mei shiho is incapable of doing anything wrong in some people's eyes, all of her action are either other people's fault or out of her control and she shouldn't be held accountable for anything she does cuz feelings always justify ones actions

last edited at Jul 22, 2023 12:21PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Now into more productive discussions, does anybody noticed that a lot of popular woman targeted media seem to incorporate some form of the "I can change him/her with my love" trope and/or the "deep down she /he is a nice person". It sees to be a constant across all types of media western or eastern, like 50 shades of gray, twilight, kaicho wa maid, citrus, sasakoi, a lot of yaoi/yuri fanfics and long list of etc.
It was just recently that shoujo decided to take a more wholesome approach to romance ie sonó bisque doll, shikimori is not just cute, tonikaku kawaii, the dangers in my heart etc

last edited at Jul 22, 2023 10:37AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Haha yeah there it is. Yes, everyone else just doesn't like or understand not cant identify quality. At least you said it. I always respect it when it comes upfront rather than being wrapped up in other language.

Lol if by everyone else you mean you and the small minority that seem to believe this is some sort of flawless masterpiece and will deflect all criticism by claiming it's from haters or headcanon a solution out of thin air then yeah, but hey don't le me disturb that echo chamber of yours

last edited at Jul 22, 2023 6:59AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Lol so wich is it? What was aki supposed to do? leave shiho so she could heal her one sided love or persue her more insistently, there's comments amost back to back, 1 saying that she should let shiho alone and the other saying that if she truly cared for shiho she would go after her Inmediatly
At this point every pro shiho argument goes like this
Shiho didn't do anything wrong - if she did it was justified - if it isn't justifiable it wasn't that bad - if it was that bad it's because she a teenager
I guess I'll just accept that shiho can literally do no wrong

joined Aug 10, 2015

If that's how you want to continue to view it (blame, deserve), that's your right. We obviously are focused on different things.

More like responsability but again I guess being oh so hurt like shiho justifies basically everything, I guess not everyone is interested on craftsmanship of a story and would rather just enjoy the emotions of the moment regardless of how the character got there

joined Aug 10, 2015

You are misremembering. Aki literally introduced the battle in order to make Shiho promise that if Aki could win, Shiho would reveal why she left the band. That was the entire reason. In fact, that happens right after Shiho is again snuck up on by Aki in a hallway.

Yeah my b shiho belittling aki and her friends and regarding them as low level band were all different instances but I guess is justified because she is oh so hurt by aki

Yes, Shiho makes some comments about Yori in an effort to tick off Aki (and of course her own insecurity). There was not a whole chapter about this at all. It was a moment at the end of a chapter. Hima confronted her about it and Shiho genuinly apologized and explained why she feels that way and where it comes from. That was when Shiho then confides in Hima and reveals that she had loved Aki in the past, again to Hima. If you'd call that some concerted effort to antagonize Yori with Hima, then fine. We'd have to disagree.

Nop she indeed throws shade at yori in order to tick off aki but in the festival chapter she just keeps bad mouthing yori in front of her girlfriend wich lead to hima stepping up, she does apologizes for that but let's not forget that when she notices yori jealousy she looks at her and gives a smug look, if that's not antagonizing yori by using hima I guess we'll just have to disagree indeed

Because Aki is a character just like Shiho is, and they will rationalize their situations using that language. Shiho also blames herself and admits her culpability to Hima in an earlier chapter. The latest chapter is about their reconciliation and overcoming their obstacles whether self-made, products of their past or their circumstances.

Shiho didn't actually overcame anything, she literally just ironed her will to be alone and throw aki aside just to literally be dragged by hima and then aki did literally everything to save that relationship
Shiho is not sorry for being rude to her friend she's sorry for not being able to throw them off completely. She hasn't and probably never apologize for all the times she called them and inferior band and other instances of her being a complete ass

it was about Aki saving Shiho from herself and her destructive isolation but also Aki fully embracing a life free of her unrequited love (which she already realized was dead, a few chapters ago).

Yeah I can certainly agree with that, this arc truly was about aki going head first into the mud that is dealing with shiho, to drag her out even is she didn't deserve it, truly cementing her as the best character of this manga

joined Aug 10, 2015

However, Aki and Hima did indeed push this confrontation onto Shio. Their first meeting was random (Aki and Shiho did not know they would be in the same event), then Aki pushed her questions (which she has a right to do). Aki was the one to introduce and challenge Shiho to this battle of the bands. Hima was the one to trick them into meeting for lunch and work behind the scenes for them to meet (once again tricking Shiho to go).

Maybe I'm misremembering but I'm pretty sure aki didn't force the battle of the bands as a means to get an answer out of shiho, iirc shiho as usual started to antagonize sunny spot and belittle them as an inferior band and in the heat of the moment aki challenged her. Himawari clearly overstepped in this situation but trying to paint the situation as aki "pushing a reconciliation" is simply not true

Shiho also was not bad to Hima and certainly did not go out of her to antagonize Yori by involving Hima.

Did she not tho? I'm pretty sure there's even a chapter when hima has to step up to confront shiho because she simply won't shut up about how he's better than yori and how she will beat Sunny spot

Either way, blame, again is not really a useful lens to look through here. The fixation with that is really messing up any useful discussion and I do not think the author intended for that to be what you get out of this (and that may be what separates our ability to enjoy this arc) but we obviously disagree.

If the latest chapter weren't about whose fault was, why there's such an emphasis on aki realizing her "mistakes" and her apologies to shiho in the form of her song

joined Aug 10, 2015

Victim-blaming ? Victim of what ? Of someone not wanting to be her friend ? If someone says they don't want to be friend to you, they are required to pour out their personal feelings first, otherwise you have a right to harass them every day to come back to you ?

This is quite a distorted straw-man argument. “Saying why” (even if it’s just an excuse) is not the same as “being required to pour out your feelings.”

So in your world, when people who are friends suddenly declare they’re no longer friends but refuse to say why, the normal thing to do is to shrug and say, “Well, that’s that.” And to try and make up with such a (former) friend is an ethical violation. A novel view of interpersonal relations, I must say.

Not only the mental gymnastics are amazing but the selective memory is also in another level with the shiho fans, it's just hilarious that people are trying to blame aki of anything when in reality aki did gave shiho space, as the mature person she is, she accepted shiho s childish tantrum and kept on with her life and band activities. Shit really went south when himari intervene and tried to forced a reconciliation and even at that point aki always acted mature and never tried to force anything out of shiho
It also hilarious that people were lika nah bruh the shiho character development is coming there's no way Takeshima eku will just put everything on aki and call it a day. And when Takeshima eku did just that as I predict they just went "actually it was aki s fault all along"
Nostrabenja back at it again

joined Aug 10, 2015

I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but is definitely fun, welll paced and it definitely draws your attention whether you like it or not. The author had a clear vision of what type of story she wanted to tell and so far has been executing it flawlessly.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Bruh the Kasumi x micchi sunk faster than the god dam titanic, well another

joined Aug 10, 2015

I'm having a hard time following this one, it feels like random events happening at seamingly random moments without notice or any kind of foreshadowing and then we go right to next drama

last edited at Jul 12, 2023 2:06AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

BTW is there any update on hagino sensei, how is she doing and what she's up to?, I'm kinda worried

joined Aug 10, 2015

It's beyond me how an episodic light comedy managed to get 2 characters into a intimate relationship faster and with more chemistry than citrus

joined Aug 10, 2015

was this axed? Why is it so rushed lol

The author got a new idea and they thought they could do 2 series at the same time. SPOILER ALERT, they can't.

BTW what's the name of the new Manga, is any good

last edited at Jun 28, 2023 3:25AM

Citrus + discussion 22 Jun 14:04
joined Aug 10, 2015

the Aihara tradition of forcing yourself onto someone as a stress response is still alive and well I see

LOL at this point of the story only a kannazuki no Mike-esque development can save this mess

Citrus + discussion 22 Jun 14:02
joined Aug 10, 2015

Sigh I think you misunderstand I didn't mean she's head over heels for her in this chapter I meant as in throughout the series in general, she just has her own way of showing it & if you reread the series you might understand.

Yeah there's some examples of Mei showing genuine concern and love for yuzu but a lot of them come from the OG citrus. In citrus + Mei feels like more like an older sibling taking care of her younger relative, always nagging yuzu about stuff and sometimes allowing yuzu to show her affection without really reciprocate it and never committing to the bit

joined Aug 10, 2015

Shouldn't this be tagged as parody I'm pretty sure this is a reference to gekkan shoujo nozaki Kun

last edited at Jun 22, 2023 2:22AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Sheesh that really was something else. I don't recall reading something uncensored here before

joined Aug 10, 2015

Idk how to feel about this, I've always switch between on and off my hobbies, even if I don't fully commit to it they're always on my mind and I can always enjoy them one way or another. Heck there's times that I swear I'll stop doing something just to return to it some weeks
or even days latter, it's hard for me to conceptualize just leaving something that I love like that

joined Aug 10, 2015

Bocchi like a a rock

joined Aug 10, 2015

Nijika deserves all the love in the world