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Arknights! 17 Sep 21:03
joined Jun 29, 2015

Ah, CC.
This was my first-ever real CC (I was too low levelled for the previous one).
Managed a week 1 risk 15 clear, and risk 18 week 2.
For the daily maps I manage to risk 8.

Image Comments 17 Sep 21:00
joined Jun 29, 2015

This taste is the taste of someone who's gay!

glad to see my favorite Operator BP getting some yuri love.

joined Jun 29, 2015

Dorothy X beatrice YES I live for this

joined Jun 29, 2015

This totally made my day, I love Aiikari

Image Comments 19 Aug 02:13
joined Jun 29, 2015

Hell yes
Unexpected gay couple that made a great event even better

joined Jun 29, 2015

Finally got my first doppel. Sure it's welfare girl Melissa but hey, I'll take it. Plus she's from tart Magica -huge plus for me!

joined Jun 29, 2015

Wholesome tsubahono. All my yes.
And the screaming guys made me lol

Arknights! 30 Jul 22:11
joined Jun 29, 2015

I was thinking I could fit this on my phone, but no way since Magia Record alone takes 4GB of space.

I bought a new phone partly because i really needed to upgrade (my tablet is a really old dinosaur that can't handle something like this, its a running joke within my friends and family that I have the least upgraded devices) and partly so I can play arknights and finally relate to my other friends playing the game lol
And yes I'm also playing Magia record on this phone. (the only other game I'm playing is Granblue Fantasy, which thankfully, doesn't take up space whatsoever being a browser game)
Emulating games sounds attractive except because of my living circumstances I don't have access to my home PC most of the time.

joined Jun 29, 2015

Did you use event girls like Darc or Melissa? It's a bit too late to know now, but they provide a x10 damage boost to the boss.

I used Darc, Meliisa and Elisa, but since i slacked a lot before this event I don't have much level up gems/upgrade items. Lapin's Magia just destroyed me.

joined Jun 29, 2015

As someone who adored Tart magica, this event was a total joy for me (even though missed the earlier tart event)
I got lucky and pulled Darc, Elisa, and Corbeau.
The event was hard for me since i'm barely two months into the game and for most of those I was lazy :D
But Tart event got me to be very serious.
The final Lapin fight was hard. I had to chip away her HP slowly and since I kept dying before the 8 turns I can't auto it. 30 or so minutes of getting my ass kicked by that vicious pink bunny.
I bought out the entire flag shop so I can work on Melissa. I'll likely end up relying a lot on her for the foreseeable future.

last edited at Jul 30, 2020 2:38AM

Arknights! 30 Jul 01:35
joined Jun 29, 2015

Used the 10 roll, didn't get Nian. I did get Darc in magireco on a single draw so I guess this is the universe's way of balancing out. Friend got her in a single 10 roll though. She also got Blaze so the gacha gods love her.
Back to stockpiling orums. Granblue fantasy trained me to stockpile em hahaha (sitting at around 20K atm). Saving up for the next limited Operator because I really liked the design of that one.

I usually like figuring out stages for myself but for Annihilation 2 I used gamepress guide. I need those free orums...

Working on levelling all the guys I regularly use. Then I'll focus on E2 (Silver Ash because he's good and Blue Poison for waifu reason).

last edited at Jul 30, 2020 1:42AM

joined Jun 29, 2015

Burn bright red, Exia! Trans-am! Wait, wrong series.

Exu 1, Texas 0. You go girl.

Full Moon discussion 27 Jul 10:27
joined Jun 29, 2015


That was really cute.

joined Jun 29, 2015

Gundam? Here on DN? Why not!

joined Jun 29, 2015

Yes, this keeps me alive until the movies come out. Can't wait for more Pripri

joined Jun 29, 2015

Liskarm is now 500 coins richer and Franka got her kiss.
Win win!

joined Jun 29, 2015

It's nice to see doujins elaborate on the future seen in the last ep of Star Twinkle.
Precure now leading the doorway to interstellar relations :D

Arknights! 18 Jul 07:56
joined Jun 29, 2015

Edit: ^welcome!


I just finished 4-9 and I'm just working on grinding my guys so they're roughly around the same levels.

Only have 2 6 stars so far, Hoshiguma and Silver Ash. Not E2 yet.

Arknights! 16 Jul 22:29
joined Jun 29, 2015

Oh hey, Arknights!
Currently playing this as a side gacha to Granblue Fantasy, liking it so far.

joined Jun 29, 2015

The whole bit with Doc wearing the animal ears and failing to elicit a smiile from Kalsit really cracks me up hahaha

joined Jun 29, 2015

"First, we attack his heart!"

I totally read this in Willem Dafoe's voice.

Anyway wow what a chapter. They got a savage beatdown from X!

Image Comments 19 Jun 07:14
joined Jun 29, 2015

Finished my first run through of Extra with Saber so now she holds a special place in my heart...

Image Comments 19 Jun 07:08
joined Jun 29, 2015

Ah, multitasking at its finest!

Got into this game because of my friends, but sadly was too late for me to participate in Code of Brawl.

Image Comments 30 May 09:33
joined Jun 29, 2015

hell yes, I can get behind this

joined Jun 29, 2015

Goddamn that was the lewdest thing i have ever read