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joined May 17, 2015

So basically their whole friendship is based on a three-way lie?

joined May 17, 2015

Nice to see some clear yuri from this author, as lighthearted as it is.

If this is clear by this author's standards, I can resist going to find the unclear stuff. I mean, it's fairly obvious, but it's not like anyone said they loved anyone, or asked anyone out, or kissed or anything.

Yeah, this was the story of two girls becoming better friends. If there was any yuri in this, it was so sub-text as to be invisible.

15Y+ discussion 24 Mar 20:54
joined May 17, 2015

...and then they all got lung cancer and died. The End.

Abyss discussion 18 Feb 14:51
joined May 17, 2015

Thor posted:

It's not a big deal for you, obviously, but it is a big deal for others. And if changing the tag helps others, is more accurate, and resolves the controversy, why not do it? Why not err on the side of being considerate? It costs nothing other than 3 seconds of someone's time to change the tag . . . which is far less time and effort than it takes to argue against it.

No, it's really just not a big deal period. People are massively overreacting. It's kinda ridiculous how childish some of the people on this site act all the time, lol.

You're calling polite requests for a little common courtesy "childish"?

Abyss discussion 16 Feb 06:18
joined May 17, 2015

Thor posted:

That way the people who are here for yuri and nothing but the yuri can stop at page 18 without being lulled into a false sense of security.

It's just basic etiquette.

It's not even that big a deal, lol.

It's not a big deal for you, obviously, but it is a big deal for others. And if changing the tag helps others, is more accurate, and resolves the controversy, why not do it? Why not err on the side of being considerate? It costs nothing other than 3 seconds of someone's time to change the tag . . . which is far less time and effort than it takes to argue against it.

Abyss discussion 13 Feb 20:39
joined May 17, 2015

-But there is yaoi in this. Tag should be removed.


No, the point is that some people can (be triggered/have their moods ruined) by a varying array of circumstances, and these people need to be able to rely on and trust the tagging system to get the best usage our of this site.

Even if the tag is technically accurate (and that's debatable) it is still used in a deceptive manner to spring a nasty surprise on the people who are trying to avoid the very thing they have been tricked into seeing.

A more useful and considerate tag would be something like yaoi on pages 19-22, or for those of you who might want to argue the technicalities implied yaoi on pages 19-22. That way the people who are here for yuri and nothing but the yuri can stop at page 18 without being lulled into a false sense of security.

It's just basic etiquette.

joined May 17, 2015

It's sad how the first few chapters of this were so brilliant, and the rest of them keep spiraling off on uninteresting new character tangents.

If all the new characters were as interesting or compelling as the supposed main characters, then it might be a fun thing, like a big box of mystery chocolates. But these side characters really don't have anything interesting to do or to say.

joined May 17, 2015

Missing the Aaaaaaangst tag.

Some of us really depend on the tags too, so we can avoid real downers like this one. :-(

last edited at Jan 21, 2016 8:52PM

Remarquer discussion 16 Jan 19:18
joined May 17, 2015

There's no there there. This is all frosting and no cake. Sweet and tasty, sure, but completely unsatisfying. It's like the thinnest of all yuri cliche plots, covered with sprinkles and a light dusting of powdered sugar.

My Odile discussion 27 Dec 04:26
joined May 17, 2015

Glad that this had the Aaaaangst tag or I might have accidentally read it. Sounds like I dodged a bullet.

Don't understand why some people like reading tragedies. There's enough tragedy in Real Life, why go to fiction to wallow in even more of it?

joined May 17, 2015

Ah yes. This is how it always goes. It starts with Monopoly and inevitably ends up as Naked Twister.


joined May 17, 2015

Faust posted:

Aw why is everyone so positive that it will remain platonic between the two of them?
Haruko is gay af (and Yume seems to be kinda gay too)

It will probably end in something because this is a yuri manga not a subtext one so it will be surprising if nothing happens

I've seen too many yuri mangas where it ends and we are left only with the unfulfilled and undefined yearnings of the main characters. For that matter, this manga already has 500% more kissing than 90% of the yuri mangas I have read.

joined May 17, 2015

srly this chapter was fun, but this is it, its starting to get ridiculous, someone has to find this out and put some fucking clue on her head. I hope her brother finds it out so she stops bullying him too.

It's sort of like the "Golden Age" of television, where no matter what happened in the episode, everything would be back to the status quo at the start of the next episode.

I'm still loving the series, but I find myself tapping my toe, waiting for one of the many partitions Akina has erected to come crumbling down, and having her deal with the aftermath. Not only that, but the fact that Akina is sopping wet for Kaede is so freaking blatant, that somebody (even Akina herself!) needs to notice it. Yes, I realize that one of the themes of this manga is that everyone has their own kind of geekery that they mono-focus on, but there are limits to credulity.

joined May 17, 2015




Different strokes for different folks, I guess, but this is still completely messed up.

joined May 17, 2015

Hey, could someone who has read the Ch 7 raws and actually understands enough Japanese to get the gist of it spoil the ending for me? I want to know whether our MC goes back to Tokyo with her dad or stays.

joined May 17, 2015

That said, there are a lot of things tagged as yuri that are just subtext on this reader anyway.

I've noticed, and it's pretty frustrating at times. It dilutes the tag down to meaninglessness, and makes it un-useful for finding the type of story you are looking for.

Two girls having sex? Yuri. Two girls making out? Yuri. Two girls in love? Yuri. Two girls that are friends with each other? Yuri. Two girls in the same comic panel? Yuri.

Everything else is broken down and minutely characterized. Is there Pseudo-heterosexual subtext between a female wolf spirit and an sentient shade of blue that identifies as male on page 23? There's a tag for that. But if you have two girls sitting next to each other on the train, that's just yuri. Argh.

Of course, even if there was a great willingness to go through everything and correctly label things, there would have to be some sort of agreement on what "yuri" is or isn't, and if "shoujo-ai" is the same thing or different, and who gets to make the judgement call on edge cases.

joined May 17, 2015

Is this called "yuri" because there are two female protags who get along well, or is it going to be actually yuri at some point with at least a scintilla of romance? Because right now the so-called yuri barely rises to subtextural levels.

joined May 17, 2015

These long flashbacks are killing me. FF is a slow meander into a relationship between two people who are second-guessing their own feelings--I get that, and that's fine. But that means that the forward momentum of the story--the part that contains any sense of urgency--the part that makes the reader go "..and then what?!"--is slow and gentle. That's well and good if it is uninterrupted, as it can lead to a long hot boil. But these flashbacks stop that momentum dead in its tracks. They throw ice cubes in our pot and kill the slow boil. They just kill the pacing, especially since past experience has told us that it will take a couple chapters for the momentum to build back up after the flashback finally ends. Which is a dirty shame, since the interaction between these two characters is so very interesting. The unnecessariness of the delay makes the waiting so much more painful.

joined May 17, 2015

well uh... that was that... disjointed storytelling...

You're being far too kind.

joined May 17, 2015

ah yes the japanese truck plot device

He got Fuuka'd!

joined May 17, 2015

Chapter 51!

flashback time!


This ex-BF guy is a hindrance to both the progression of the romance and my enjoyment of the recent installments.

Last-second box-blocking is always the most frustrating way to stretch out the story.

Teppu discussion 06 Nov 19:16
joined May 17, 2015

Page 2 is after 19. Wrong page order.

Looks like a general filename problem where the files are named "foobar3.jpg" instead of "foobar03.jpg".

Sticking a "0" in the filename for the first 9 pages and then reloading should solve everything.

joined May 17, 2015

Don't mind the art. See Gunnerkrieg : went from average to awesome.

Er, what?

I agree that football-head Antimony was a bit of a detraction to the early days of Gunnerkrigg Court, but aside from that, you can see that Tom had a well-developed sense of style and was constantly pushing boundaries. Some of the art as early as Chapter 3 is breathtaking. Plus, Tom's writing on Gunnerkrigg has always been exemplary, right out of the gate.

As for this . . . well, let's just say that there is a lot of room for the artist/writer to grow.

joined May 17, 2015

Well, that was interesting.

That's a far more diplomatic critique than I would have given it.

joined May 17, 2015

I think it would be best if each panel was uploaded one at a time, every 11 hours.