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pkChinensis Uploader
joined Jan 9, 2011

If the index is anything to go by then they seem to have skipped a chapter. But there is already a chapter six translated. Did you guys translate the index then skip chapter six and just attach it to seven for convenience? Just wondering.

We translated chapter 6 before volume 2 was published, so we put the covers and table of contents in the first chapter we did from the tankoubon.

pkChinensis Uploader
joined Jan 9, 2011

More continuation from Morishima-san:

That was published as a physical doujinshi, too. Our scanlation of it should be out soon.

pkChinensis Uploader
joined Jan 9, 2011

BTW, does anyone know what the 6th Piece is in relation to the table of contents in the first chapter (p. 00h)? Is it "Love & Pieces: A Season Concerns It"? I'm assuming Lililiscious is releasing it in order, but I could be wrong.

6th Piece is the first chapter of volume 2. We're doing Love & Piece separately from the main storyline so neither one is waiting on the other.

pkChinensis Uploader
joined Jan 9, 2011

I do recommend reading the JManga version if you happen to come across it, since I revamped my old scripts for them.

pkChinensis Uploader
joined Jan 9, 2011

I suggest removing the Het tag. Up to the staff of course.

Sorry about that, I wasn't sure if it was supposed to function as a warning (like on fanfic) or a general descriptor. I won't put it on similar projects in the future.

pkChinensis Uploader
joined Jan 9, 2011

Lililicious will be putting JManga titles back up on our site at the beginning of June, since the JManga viewing period is over at the end of May. The one possible exception is Sweet Blue Flowers (Aoi Hana), since DMG might have licensed it.
If other uploaders would like to help us re-upload the titles to the reader then, that would be great.

pkChinensis Uploader
joined Jan 9, 2011

maybe i'm wrong, but i don't see any other story of this book on yuri project,
is it because they aren't yuri?

Lililicious is doing the other stories from the collection.

pkChinensis Uploader
joined Jan 9, 2011

Also is Lililicious planning to the rest of these two collections? (Koi no Kaori and Love Flicker)

We are doing "Love Aroma" (from Koi no Kaori; originally printed in Yuri Hime issue 21), but that's it.

pkChinensis Uploader
Girl's Ride discussion 11 Apr 07:04
joined Jan 9, 2011

Thanks for your kind words, Silveda! I really like the feel of Girl's Ride, too.

pkChinensis Uploader
Yuri Game discussion 05 Apr 06:34
joined Jan 9, 2011

pkChinensis - Thanks for taking the time to clear up some of those things for me :) If there is no sequel then i'll just look forward to future chi-ran yuri then.

No problem.
Unfortunately, Chi-Ran isn't drawing much manga at all these days, and her latest books have been BL. But maybe she'll decide to draw more yuri someday!

pkChinensis Uploader
joined Jan 9, 2011

Lililicious is not picking this series back up.
I've heard Digital Manga Guild might be licensing it in any case (based on their upcoming releases list and hints from their Twitter account).

pkChinensis Uploader
Yuri Game discussion 04 Apr 13:58
joined Jan 9, 2011

Yay - I love all chi-rans stuff - realy enjoyed this :) Ofcourse it needs a follow up though!

I don't think she ever did one, unfortunately.

A few queries tho- on page 13 when she says ' who would want some chicks who throw themselves at guys 'AND'
treat them like objects?' That seems like it would make alot more sense if the 'AND' was a 'WHO', given who's
saying it, I cant see her caring about the guys.. It could be mistranslated, or even a typo in the japanese?

I'm used to seeing that the other way around, too, but she really was talking about the guys there. As Phyis said, she was commenting on the "you can't have this guy because he's another girl's property" attitude the girls had. I don't think it's so much concern for the guy as her not wanting to date someone who treats their significant other like their property. It's possible there was a typo in the Japanese version, but I think this interpretation makes sense too.

Then on the next page, whats the gibberish in the background? It dosnt seem to be on a sign, more like a comment, but it cant be an translated right, why would the author put gibberish in?
'The bitter iron that would in fostering the process, of turkey' ?? If thats realy what it says and i was translating this i would of edited it out because its meaningless.

Chi-Ran likes to use bits of English in her backgrounds sometimes. From the content, I'm guessing she gets them from newspaper articles. Some of them are almost poetic but I don't know if that's deliberate or not.

And lastly what does anyone think of the blond girl saying yes she is with someone, a very beautiful girl? She is talking about the main character right, not some girlfriend? I didnt read it that way at first, but when she finishes on the next page with 'then maybe we can start off as friends' - this wouldnt make sense if she had some amazing girlfriend already- and hardly seems like a player given what she said earlier.

I assumed she was talking about another girlfriend, but your interpretation is interesting too.

pkChinensis Uploader
Delivery discussion 04 Apr 13:47
joined Jan 9, 2011

I haven't read all of the artist's other works, so I can't say for certain, but I'm pretty sure it's a stand-alone story. I would have loved to see a follow-up of them as a couple.

pkChinensis Uploader
joined Jan 9, 2011

Lililicious did not forget about or skip this story--our scanlation of it is in editing. The editor had some IRL stuff come up but still wants to finish the project, so we will still be releasing it, though I can't give a concrete date.