Haruto don't pull any dickhead moves.
I'm excited to see more. this is so cuuuute
wh a t did I just read. very accurate tagging 10/10
at the end all I had to say was, "...oh"
you're wrong yuu. it's not just your heart beat. it's also mine. oh my god call 911
whoa feelings. so many feelings. Eli is so reliable aaa
from a scale of 1 to okay this gets a solid no from me
oh I just finished aoi hana... now I love ryouko even more
AAAGH I love this manga so much. Shimura Takako is amazing
I do love this two parter. it's more real than a lot of one shots I see.
aaaahhh wow it feels so good to be drama free. very heart warming stuff.
oh... well that left a bitter taste
this was one of my first yuri manga. so glad to see an update. a CUTE update. a LOVEY DOVEY update
aaaaaaa teasing! good good very nice
gooood I love Sakamoto Mano's art so much.... and the writing twisted my heart in all the right ways
I'm dying and this manga is responsible.... aaa
I actually can't handle this
pheeewwww I'm gonna cry
on another note, I'm 99% sure that it's "crêpe"
and what that felt really short
last edited at Aug 28, 2016 10:45PM
I love Tamamusi's work so much... I can't handle this..... finally a new twist on the amnesia thing
hrrrrghhhh..... hnnnngggg this is so cuuuute
my heart can't handle this. too sweet. too sweeeeet
I'm looking forward to seeing more of this
oh my god why have I not found this until now. beautiful
loud gasping noises