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joined Aug 22, 2013

Oh my gosh! The doki doki effect in this chapter was off the charts lol...

And Kanae and Haruka... Daaaaang Haruka, get it girl!!! I thought it was just going to be the portrayal of a platonic cute friendship but dropping the “normal friends” event flag makes me think otherwise. Totally onboard with this ship hahaha

joined Aug 22, 2013


Awww I miss the paper clip dude... that guy would keep me company when I pulled all-nighters writing papers lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

White Rose posted:

I think the hottest scene of the whole manga was this without a doubt (first panel)

But, but... that's chapter 1!!!
Does that mean the manga has been going downhill since then? Σ(꒪ȏ꒪)

Sadly yes!! it went from a 100/10 and currently is just a mere 10/10 ............ lo/

ayano looks a lot more sexy in the older chapters - honestly ayano and miyoshi have kinda lost their sexual tension since its taking forever for them to even acknowledge anything romantic between them

Okay less lewd goofing around sure... but I’d say the stakes are even higher with all this feelings talk that’s been happening in the later chapters... and let’s not forget that lewd hand holding that was going on over here

joined Aug 22, 2013

Ah i finally caught up lol... so much to comment on... i don’t even know where to start lol

First, Ayano and Miyoshi, so rooting for them... it’s been so long since the first release that i have no idea when, but somehow they turned from typical high school girls goofing off to something hopefully potentially more lol

For everyone else... too much to say... lol, but I really like how KT captures the varying levels of intimacy between people

Taking a glance at some of the earlier chapters, I definitely like how the style has evolved... KT has always been expressive, but the expression and body language has definitely leveled up; it looks great!

Also, does anyone know what chapters the tankoubon covers are in? For some of them they’re in the first chapter, but for others? The covers are gorgeous too!

Image Comments 30 Sep 07:48
joined Aug 22, 2013

There’s been such a big gap between releases that I’m not sure when/how these two turned from two high school girls goofing off into something more lol... either way the last few chapters with them have been gold... they ended up being one of my favorite couples

Kishi Torajirou, was always good with facial expressions and body language, but looking back at the earlier releases and now... wow... definitely kicked up a notch... much improvement on something that was already quite good...

Oddman 11 discussion 21 Apr 17:40
joined Aug 22, 2013

I bet it was 6, not the sister, because she said friend.

Going by the context clues, the one who sent the text was likely Fujou, who wanted to stop Kirara and Nuida fighting during the festival.

Yeah... I was wondering who the friend was... and that makes sense... seems like something Fujou would do... except was she around when that whole conversation with Setsu about the strongest Oddman and staying away from them was going around? If so then maybe not... and maybe it was the sister....

joined Aug 22, 2013

I’m not sure if there’s a right or wrong choice in this situation... but somehow Kase is just rubbing me the wrong way. Kase is free to express her opinion and free to feel jealous, insecure or worried etc, but what she’s expecting if Yamada, is not the same expectations she sets on herself, and it comes across as a double standard. She complains that Yamada isn’t listening to her, but she’s not even listening to what Yamada says. Kase says “you haven’t been thinking about me at all” even though Yamada asked Kase first about going. Yamada said that she isn’t going because she wants to go to the mixer because she wants to look for someone, but because she wants to support her friend (who wants to go). I’m not sure it’s fair for Kase to judge whether Yamada’s explanation is valid either. Again, Kase it’s totally fine to express how she feels, but once she starts judging whether or not Yamada’s choice is valid it comes off as egotistical/narcissistic (especially since she neglects to tell Yamada what she is doing or ask how Yamada feels about Kase going on a trip).
I’m glad Yamada stood by her decision initially. In the end the reasons for Yamada going grew more complicated (not just to support her friend but also possibly because she was feeling neglected).

Yeah Yamada may not know exactly how mixers work, but they doesn’t mean she wants or needs Kase to save her. Part of growing up is figuring things out on your own. I can understand Kase’s desire to protect the person she loves but at the same time she also needs to respect her gf’s choice. And just because someone hits on Yamada, doesn’t mean Yamada will show interest in that person. Yamada is totally capable of saying, “NO” on her own (and in the past has been shown to be firm for certain things when pushed). Also, and more importantly, Yamada going to the mixer was just to be her friend’s wingman at a mixer (IE the friend wanted to go to a mixer (finding a date maybe implied, but not necessarily what the friend wanted ). I think being someone’s wingman at a dating event and dating someone can be mutually exclusive.

Maybe it’s because we see the series from Yamada’s point of view so we don’t know what exactly is going on through Kase’s mind... but from her actions, Kase seems to set a double standard. I would have thought Kase showing up was cool, but from her initial reaction it seems like she’s just trying to control the situation and doesn’t trust Yamada.

In the end though, they’ve still got a lot of growing to do, so hopefully the mangaka continues exploring the feelings and complications that come up. I think the mangaka has done a good job of showing growth on Yamada’s side (maybe because we seem to spend more time in her head) so hopefully we will also get to see Kase’s growth.

joined Aug 22, 2013

Has Yuri gone too far?

You know, after seeing those red blood cell x female while blood cell arts I supose anything can be turned into gay. Like it doesn't surprise me that much anymore.
Still feel a bit weird about the iPhone x Laptop one tho ._.

Where was the blood cell art? I’m so curious!

Pink Rush discussion 02 Oct 20:49
joined Aug 22, 2013

I’m so glad this isn’t dead! I hope it finishes before getting dropped or cancelled ;_;

Now that it’s been thrown out there that Sana likes girls... I wonder how Maru reacted? Defending Sana’a honor? Or claiming her? Lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

All it needs is Blackberry as a drill-haired stalker who's jealous of all the other phone girls being more popular than she is.


And then like a Nokia candy bar phone being completely left out and abandoned lol

Kind of reminds me of the OS-tans haha

last edited at Sep 25, 2018 10:06AM

joined Aug 22, 2013

I think this is the first time I've ever seen the acronym CBD used outside of urban planning discussions.

They use it all the time in China and I’ve heard it used in other Asian countries (Indonesia/Philippines).... maybe its an Asia thing?

This is quite an interesting setting... can’t wait for more!!!!!!!

Citrus discussion 20 Aug 08:03
joined Aug 22, 2013

lol that little kouhai hiding in the bushes... she's just thinking what we're all thinking... that Harumin has feelings for Yuzu and Matsuri has feelings for Harumin, Yuzu and Mei hehe....

On a side note about the second to last color page... i wonder who is the guy with the Japanese fans, and the two girls on the bottom right of the staircase (blue/black dress and green dress)?

joined Aug 22, 2013

When I first read that line about Kase-San saying “that kind of stuff doesn’t suit you, you should stop” I thought it was a red flag/seemed a little possessive (not in a positive way). I think the way page 17 is drawn it’s eroticizing the lipstick application process/it’s something that Kate-San is interested in/something that Kase-San likes... so I wonder if the “stuff” that Kase-San is referring to is the “being mature like everyone else” aspect. I don’t think we really get a sense of why Yamada-San wants to try on the lipstick, other than “everyone at uni wears makeup and looks so mature”. If this is the case, I actually agree with Kate-San. I don’t think Yamada-san needs to force herself to be mature/force herself to be like everyone else. I think she’s definitely got a childlike innocence to her (as seen as her reaction to the plane ride, the trains, talking about sex etc), and to force herself to be more mature because everyone is kind of going against who she really is.

Especially since we’re coming up with the whole past relationships vs new experiences/people, this mature (older me) vs the younger/high school me will be an interesting dynamic to explore. Kane-San and Yamada-San fell in love with each other because of certain qualities/aspects they had in high school. Part of the whole university/post-high school experience is growing up/understanding different parts of yourself/finding out how you want to be. It will be interesting to see if and how they grow to accept the new aspects of each other.

Furutani-ke discussion 01 Apr 05:25
joined Aug 22, 2013

Yeah I thought it was an April fool’s joke haha

joined Aug 22, 2013

Rest In Peace SSamba. You touched a lot of people with your comic. We all enjoyed it very much.

joined Aug 22, 2013

Considering this one ended with a "fin" and the last one ended with "to be continued", I guess this is the last part. Guess Ayumi really was just a two-timing bitch.

Aww hope that’s not true about it ending. I was hoping to see the story from everyone’s POV, and how each viewing angle would have revealed another layer of the complicated love square pentagon thing lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

Did truck-kun appeared??lol

Only Stairs chan lol


Citrus discussion 22 Oct 08:47
joined Aug 22, 2013



Also side note... what did Matsuri scratch into the ground on the credits page? Yuzu x Mei? Or Harumin x Matsuri (⊙v⊙)

Maybe Yuzu x Mei drama will inspire Matsuri to be bold and say “Harumin-Sempai let’s not waste anytime. Let’s get together” lol

Image Comments 26 Sep 12:38
joined Aug 22, 2013

I’m not sure why I do this to myself... reading it for like the billionth time and I’m still(TT^TT)lol

last edited at Sep 26, 2017 12:38PM

Citrus discussion 16 Sep 20:08
joined Aug 22, 2013

Came for Yuzu/Mei... stayed for Matsuri/Harumin haha...

I hope we get to see more of Matsuri/Harumin. I like how Matsuri's so forward, but devious and Harumin's basically like "I know what you're up to; cut that out" lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

This reminds me of the one-shot about a girl who always cheers others, including the girl she liked when that girl confessed to another girl, though it's ending is on a much lighter note compared to this one.

yes, and after the delusion she cleaned out the pachinko, that one shot is really fun

which one-shot is this? It sounds familiar...

joined Aug 22, 2013
joined Aug 22, 2013

Since we've only seen the story from Tsukasa's point of view, my impression of Kotooka was that she was kind of the airhead/oblivious of life going on around her/was purposefully ignorant so she wouldn't have to deal with what was right in front of her. But I'm glad we got a chapter from Kotooka's point of view as it shows not only how perceptive she is, but how she also understands the weight and consequence of having these feelings. Going back, her seemingly distanced facade carries more weight to what is going on.

Also, Nadeshiko seems to have had an "ah-ha" moment and I hope we can see a chapter from her perspective as well.

joined Aug 22, 2013

I wonder if in a society that places a lot of emphasis on relationships/your position in relation to society, there is more hesitation in disrupting the "social status quo"/relationship status quo. I agree with a lot of the comments here, that if someone just said SOMETHING, they wouldn't be stuck playing these games. But at the same time, I wonder if that's because I'm coming from American culture/a culture where our relationship to other people isn't as important as say our individuality.

I think it really shows how important the people to people relationship is when you look at the language. ex. in Japan they are always addressing someone by Sempai/Kouhai, as opposed to directly saying their name, where as in America you would just call a classmate by their name. I wonder if the trope of hesitating to reveal your true feelings is a common feeling in Japanese society, and if those feelings are brought about by the emphasis of the people to people relationship...

Oddman 11 discussion 31 Oct 19:01
joined Aug 22, 2013

By the end of this manga, I think she'll eventually go out with the guy. Only to find out it's not what she imagined it would be.

And it'll have a harem ending. Setsu's harem.

lol I hope so...

Also we've spent so much time with the Female Oddmen it's hard to imagine Dowman Sayman writing Setsu with the guy... there wouldn't be any emotional payoff since we know almost next to nothing about him...

Also Number 7 is just too cute o(≧▽≦)o