You mean to say that, now that she’s been told twice, Kaoru knows that Uta loves her?
Third time's the charm.
Although I wish we had more pages to expand on what happens after that, I really appreciated the pacing-- it felt really natural. But yeah, I'm ready for more angst.
Credit where it’s due—I’ve been critical of the pacing and structuring of events in this story, but this sequence felt pretty natural and straightforward. (When the pages are read in order, that is.)
If the next chapter immediately cuts to the Three Yuri Stooges or something, though, I’m going to be pissed. Lol
(I know it’s an ancient reference, but I suddenly realized that those three actually match up to the Stooges pretty well.)
I'm more into the yuri Marx sisters to be honest
last edited at Feb 25, 2019 2:14PM