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joined Jan 8, 2014

Oooh it's official, new love triangle! and man what a beautiful intro...*wheres the like button* ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

Not bad...

joined Jan 8, 2014

I feel like there's too much sex and not enough plot lol. But still, the art is awesome and it's a welcome change from all these angsty yuri mangas which only rely on subtext and where you never get a satisfying end. At least we know that here, there's a happy ending with lots of yuri sex. :D

Lol ! Yeah! What's the next ch gonna be!!??

...anyway I was actually impressed with the action in this ch...really well done ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

Im expecting a lot of fun inexplicable nsfw moments in this series because, first that title then those tags :p

joined Jan 8, 2014

Adorable stuff ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

That was super cute, just goin about her buisness, stopping super power battles with common mediation skills... lol ^_^ and that last panel... :p

joined Jan 8, 2014

This is... not my fetish.

Not my fetish either.... (reads anyway)

joined Jan 8, 2014

Always good to see more works like this here.

On a side note I can't be the only one who ships those background school-girls mentioned and shown on Page 1 can I?

Im in that same boat! Side story time! ^_^ hehe

joined Jan 8, 2014

Lol, that foot convo tho ^^^^^

.....> _ <

last edited at Sep 30, 2015 10:47PM

joined Jan 8, 2014

Yes! The anime was cool, could definately see the subte,t even without goggles ^_^

Yuri Danshi discussion 30 Sep 22:41
joined Jan 8, 2014

All of these comments are really interesting, I still havent made up my mind about the series as a whole but the first 2chs were decent...but anyway im commenting for all the male yuri fans here - I have no preconceived notion that guys cant get into yuri, or need to hide themselves or disguise themselves on forums like these, be free yuri fans of the world!! Lol ^_^

I do however have a problem with yuri that is blatantly geared towards males...ya know cuz im all uhh that has no appeal :P

joined Jan 8, 2014

Maybe Akagi has a...trauma in the past? Seems to me there's something going on BEFORE things became like this. Still hot tho and yet no less depressing. Damn. They have angst attached to their lives indeed.

Perhaps, we'll never know though xD

Why is there almost always some kind of tragic undercurrent with this pairing? Don't see much with other parings if at all.

We don't see this kind of thing with other pairings is because they're not as popular and/or 'important'. As in throughout the anime we see how Akagi is more or less irreplaceable, so it's kind of natural, plus I wouldn't be surprised if historically there is something as well.

Maybe she pushes her away/denys the love because they battle...never knowing if you'll survive, but knowing how hurt the other would be if you didn't??
Again I dont like the arrangement in this story, but luv the pairing :)

Stretch discussion 30 Sep 21:54
joined Jan 8, 2014

Oh man... o.O ya know what the mangaka is a sadist! :P torturing us, not letting us know whats going on in the slightest...I love it but, smh...nah this was a good ch tho,
sigh I will hope for the best, maybe a last minute confession...? But people dont always stay in your life, which is sad...and UGH!!!!!! They should be together dammit! Poor Ran she's had a rough night(prob days too)...
Anyways as usual anticipating further ch's, thanks for translating ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

Lol @ Nozo-sempai ^_^ :P

joined Jan 8, 2014

Very cute! I hope the author gets to do more of these two ^_^

Yuri Danshi discussion 29 Sep 12:09
joined Jan 8, 2014

Lol, that punch tho! The art is good, im interested in his classmates story for sure, and I grinned when he got KO'd cause yeah he's a bit creepy, but his monologues like that whole short story made me laugh...this might get even more interesting as the story progresses!
Thanks for translating!
Oh and does "Danshi" translate to anything?

joined Jan 8, 2014

Anticlimactic....but for what it is, a good moment...they should just elope now that she has claimed her dragon maid ^_^ lol

joined Jan 8, 2014

Awww...good read tho! ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

I dunno ... "casual bondage/bdsm" ... I think since I ship this pair I cant get past the "arrangement" between them, but for a sex book it was decent, good drawing and such

Choir discussion 27 Sep 06:52
joined Jan 8, 2014

Thanks for translating, I read this from ch. 1 tonight(i really should be sleeping lol)
Glad it got picked up by another translator, a decent series for sure, and I have to agree with elevown definitely one of the best makeout scenes ive seen drawn...I like how the relationship develops like a side story but they keep the yuri appeal thru the series while still managing a good pace and fun story

joined Jan 8, 2014

So cute, so fluffy ^_^
What a fun read to start off today

joined Jan 8, 2014

im enjoying these "almost moments" the author is giving us...and yeah the drama is turning out pretty good too...tho I do wish the mc would figure out what Hotaru is really trying to "communicate"... ^_^
thanks for translating, can't wait till the next ch.

joined Jan 8, 2014

ok, I was like "wow look at those tags" ...
now I'm like stuck with this dumb grin and occasional chuckle from the look on Madoka's face in the last panel...
it was great seeing the Madoka dom and Homura sub again....but yeah, Madoka had NO idea what she started LOL!
never the less Madoka looked pleased as punch if not overwhelmed...the artist did a great job with the reaction faces to Homura's video message...

joined Jan 8, 2014

I figured that might be it...thanx for the info, checked the release post link but all I found was a sad

joined Jan 8, 2014

Anyone else having trouble loading or am I just lucky like that...