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Kancho discussion 14 Jul 23:54
joined Oct 16, 2013

Lol k

Image Comments 13 Jul 00:34
joined Oct 16, 2013

Mmm boobs- i mean boba

joined Oct 16, 2013

Nice. Cheering for Utena to go together with main magical girl. It'd be great if they end up showing that the pink haired is actually a masochist and has been secretly liking the bdsm.

Actually rereading the chapters, I highly suspect the blonde is the masochist lmao

joined Oct 16, 2013

Nice. Cheering for Utena to go together with main magical girl. It'd be great if they end up showing that the pink haired is actually a masochist and has been secretly liking the bdsm.

joined Oct 16, 2013

This one is my fave of the shorts

joined Oct 16, 2013

Nice they brought Himawari's childhood sniffing habit into play.

joined Oct 16, 2013

I see, so letting her put sunscreen under the straps is more embarassing than kissing her(in publc or not). Ok natsuko, sounds logic.

It's "Natsuko Logic"!

joined Oct 16, 2013

I groaned when Lily denied it, but hurrahed when Marika understood anyway. YAY for a not dense MC who pushes for communication!

joined Oct 16, 2013

Yesss my favorite AyaChisa doujin finally uploaded on a site that isn't a hentai site xD.

This literally has everything I could ever want in a AyaChisa doujin. Idol scandals! Drama! Angst! KISS! Happy ending!

Also super happy to hear the sequel is being worked on as well. Looking forward to it!

joined Oct 16, 2013

Damn, boob sucking happens every night

joined Oct 16, 2013

Damn so did that one dude get trigger happy or something and shoot his commander when the commander tried to grab his gun?

I'm sad Yuki did get bit, but also glad that the author didn't chicken out and pull a half ass mc armor move and have the Randall soldiers save her before she was bit. It's kinda cool that both interpretations of the previous chapter's ending ended up being right!

joined Oct 16, 2013

That's a pretty toxic mindset you got there.

I mean, if she had still feeling it will be strange and we still don't know the state of that, even if she seem to have somehow move on.

It's what people should do instead of wallowing in their jealousy and becoming vengeful bitches.

I didn't say that.

Ok I worded it a bit strongly, but I still stand by my statement. The opposite of helping someone you have feelings for = purposely doing nothing to help because you have feelings for them = not being a good friend and wallowing in your unrequited crush.

I'd honestly be surprised if she didn't have a crush on Yori from how buddy buddy she was acting.

You can act buddy buddy with someone without having romantic feelings them you know.The way she was acting doesn't give the vibe of someone who was in love.

Yes but this is a manga and there's always like a 75% chance that the affectionate friend has a crush on MC.

Because you know they don't feel the same way and you want them to be happy even if that means it's with someone else

Pulling off a Sayaka i see.

Sayaka confessed her feelings and accepted the rejection. Dunno why you think being supportive of your crush is such a bad thing. Just accept the friendship and move on to someone who will love you back.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Noice S&M play. You can tell the bully does end up caring for her since she did change into less revealing clothes. Super cute.

I prefer Mochi's old art style though with the thicker lines.

last edited at Jun 29, 2019 1:25AM

Room "2" discussion 28 Jun 18:13
joined Oct 16, 2013

Well it seems to be a free range farm since the chickens are so happy. No complaints here.

The escaped chicken is probably gonna die in the wild tho since she can't fly like the crow...

joined Oct 16, 2013

Wow actual development

joined Oct 16, 2013

Poor Aki, but she seems like a really supportive friend right now and her crush was revealed in an extra so I'm pretty certain there won't be any unnecessary love triangle drama in the main story.

Random triangle is random.

Didn't feel random at all. I'd honestly be surprised if she didn't have a crush on Yori from how buddy buddy she was acting.

Making Aki said that when she is the one who help Yori the most with Himari is very strange.Why would you help someone you love to get in love with someone else.

That's a pretty toxic mindset you got there. She obviously values their friendship and thought there was no chance for her so she's moving on and helping her friend be happy. It's what people should do instead of wallowing in their jealousy and becoming vengeful bitches. The only thing I can scold Aki about is not confessing her feelings first before moving on, but i know it's easier said than done.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Ooof that was one of the longest panty removal scenes I've ever read

joined Oct 16, 2013

It's pretty cool seeing all these character's lives intertwined with each other. Great story telling. Sad I didn't check it out earlier, but with tags like that I'm not surprised I didn't hah.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Deliveryman romance....that's something I can get behind.

joined Oct 16, 2013

What a twist! I was really surprised that Yori gave a serious confession with no room for doubt so early in the series. I'm glad she did though, because it is true that the same plot started dragging a little with each chapter, but now the story's really getting started.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Didnt realize theres been 5 updates since the last time i read this!

Utterly ridiculous, but still a ton of fun.

Citrus + discussion 19 Jun 21:30
joined Oct 16, 2013

Lmao the business plan was all over the place and didn't make a lick of sense, but everything else was sweet. Im glad they're taking the time to properly develop Mei this time around (without any of that 1 step forward, 2 steps back bullshit).

joined Oct 16, 2013

Lmao love the setting

Image Comments 15 Jun 08:16
joined Oct 16, 2013

What is the nun outfit for?

Old school SIF cards

joined Oct 16, 2013

I kinda get why they had to get married when they did. Societal pressure is a shitty thing, especially in Japan. I saw a comment about talking things out and ending the relationship, but I know divorces are also really frowned upon as well. It's why "rent a husband/wife" things are an actual business in Japan. It's just a lose lose situation so I can see why even if there's no love, they'd stick together if there's nothing glaringly wrong with their life.