Forum › Posts by mvl89

WDTFS fans - off topic 08 Apr 01:33
joined Jan 13, 2016


Aaahhh...better hide.

Hiding is for coward..


Wow left the thread and now KitKat101 is Newp's wifey and mvl is Rainy's waifu? When did that happen? XD

I have no idea. Things just happened..


And still reading the thread, but I guess I missed a post somwhere cause I don't have any idea who is Timmy, a little help please? (T^T)

You gonna read all of this thread?? o,O


Suzuma Wow I can't believe I read this just now XDD Missed out on such a fun topic dammit. It's time to bring it back.. ^ ^
I don't really watch porn because as you've mentioned before its just so unrealistic and fake that it's actually a turn off for me.. but from one of the ones I've watched, I do recall them using spit. I never actually thought too deeply about it until now O_O.

You missed it when you were lovey dovey with Kitkat

I'm not a coward. I can fight any ghost or bad guys for you. I'm just afraid of you, so i'll just hide from you.

WDTFS fans - off topic 08 Apr 01:02
joined Jan 13, 2016

Wow left the thread and now KitKat101 is Newp's wifey and mvl is Rainy's waifu? When did that happen? XD

Yeah somehow ...
Rainy somehow has stolen my heart. I can never win any argument when it comes to her lol. Blah blah blah lots of things happened. You could have been seduced by someone too if you were here often.

WDTFS fans - off topic 08 Apr 00:49
joined Jan 13, 2016

Aaahhh...better hide.

WDTFS fans - off topic 08 Apr 00:47
joined Jan 13, 2016

why are you aaaaall getting paired uuuup???

Not all.. xd

what?! you are with mvl!

Hahahah yeah Rainy x MVL, Kitkat x Newp

Not sure how you found out my secret love with Honey Bee but yeah i am so in love with her.

Lol. You both are like so sweet all the time. How could we not find out about it ?? XD

Lol is it that easy to read? However i still want to keep my other 7 wives. Haha. Love does not stop me from cheating and having multiple wives.

kitkat cover your eyes Wifey, don't listen to MVL!!

What? I was thinking of cheating with you Newp. You were so sexy and were such a hot babe when i saw you the other night. Come on be mine tonight while my Honey Bee is not looking.

Holy shots. Chill out xD
I can't go cheating on my Newp when we still have this marriage plans ahead of us. XD
And I thought you like loyal people bc you are one ?? Then how come you're cheating ?? XD

Ok you got me. I will try to be true to my words and Honey Bee. I won't try to cheat on my Honey Bee while she is away anymore. Actually i just lied about the other 7 wives to make Honey Bee jealous.

WDTFS fans - off topic 08 Apr 00:32
joined Jan 13, 2016

why are you aaaaall getting paired uuuup???

Not all.. xd

what?! you are with mvl!

Hahahah yeah Rainy x MVL, Kitkat x Newp

Not sure how you found out my secret love with Honey Bee but yeah i am so in love with her.

Lol. You both are like so sweet all the time. How could we not find out about it ?? XD

Lol is it that easy to read? However i still want to keep my other 7 wives. Haha. Love does not stop me from cheating and having multiple wives.

kitkat cover your eyes Wifey, don't listen to MVL!!

What? I was thinking of cheating with you Newp. You were so sexy and were such a hot babe when i saw you the other night. Come on be mine tonight while my Honey Bee is not looking.

last edited at Apr 8, 2016 12:33AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 08 Apr 00:20
joined Jan 13, 2016

why are you aaaaall getting paired uuuup???

Not all.. xd

what?! you are with mvl!

Hahahah yeah Rainy x MVL, Kitkat x Newp

Not sure how you found out my secret love with Honey Bee but yeah i am so in love with her.

Lol. You both are like so sweet all the time. How could we not find out about it ?? XD

Lol is it that easy to read? However i still want to keep my other 7 wives. Haha. Love does not stop me from cheating and having multiple wives.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 23:44
joined Jan 13, 2016

why are you aaaaall getting paired uuuup???

Not all.. xd

what?! you are with mvl!

Hahahah yeah Rainy x MVL, Kitkat x Newp

Not sure how you found out my secret love with Honey Bee but yeah i am so in love with her.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 23:39
joined Jan 13, 2016

why are you aaaaall getting paired uuuup???

Not all.. xd

what?! you are with mvl!

Hahahah yeah Rainy x MVL, Kitkat x Newp

Lol is that how it is?

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 20:22
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lmao! XD
I honestly had no idea how many memes I could use with this username lol

GraciousLlama is your name. Distraction Llama is your job. Tiny difference. ;D

While I already can't stoop much lower anyway tho, and I'm sorry Fay for ruining your pure, sweet mind, but have you guys ever watched a porn video where one of the girls spits on the other girl's vag to lube it? I mean, seriously. Not even is it unhygienic AF, it's absolutely. fucking. disgusting. Like OMG, if you wanna lube it, either hone your foreplay skills or use actual lube! It exists! There are so many of them, just use one why don't you! (>A<)/

Ummm... i have never watched any porn. I don't mind recording a porn movie of my special someone doing some stuff and then watch it over it and over when i want to. But watching stranger naked bodies is not interesting to me.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 20:14
joined Jan 13, 2016

well I hope you make up soon ^-^

We will, no worries ^^ It's probably always gonna be a bit of an issue with the both of us being very headstrong and having our own very good reasons for thinking the way we do, but oh well. I mean, you don't tear down a house just cause the front door squeaks a little, right? ;) We'll be okay.


^^; Go for it. Love is beautiful! :D

Distraction Llama

Good idea! o.o New topic. Um...uhm...I got it!
Let's talk about porn!
gets buried under pile of bricks ... Urk...guess not then...

Yes. This time i will loosen my wall and really fall in love and allow myself to cry.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 19:59
joined Jan 13, 2016

@Su and Lin. Your love is really cute and inspiring me. I have never allowed myself to fall in love before but your love stories of each other are just touching me deeply so now i decided to let myself fall in love once. Before i just thought i should just get married to someone from far away without actually love that person. I was thinking just marry for my undecisivenesd. You know what your love stories make me want to fall in love for real.

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:59PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 09:59
joined Jan 13, 2016

rainy, mlv
you're really flirty with each other, aren't you? >.>''

You want to become Honey Bear?

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 09:56
joined Jan 13, 2016

rainy, mlv
you're really flirty with each other, aren't you? >.>''

Lol. You want to join? I don't know what is to flirt and what is not.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 09:46
joined Jan 13, 2016


WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 09:40
joined Jan 13, 2016

Honey Bee what time is it now where you are?

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 09:09
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lin to Su: This doesn't work! throws wool on ground and starts stomping on it
Su: o.o;... grabs rollator and flees while complaining about back pain*
Fay: u r a good team, right mvl?
Honey comb: yeah..
Me: smile everyone

Probably more like this. v.v gave me a good laugh.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 08:49
joined Jan 13, 2016

There wasn't any moon this morning--just a bunch of clouds in the sky and many cars on the street.

Wow.. you r a promise keeper..
Good morning ;*

oh... water dipper? o_o I would freeze... I need to have water falling on me all the time, even on summer with 30C (maybe 35C not but well >.>)

Oc it wont suit u.. we have tropical climate here... it's hot all day..

hmm? well, it can get pretty hot in Greece too but I still get cold... >.> how hot is it there though? do you have 40C + often?

Not that extreme.. around 30 - 38 here. My city is next to equator

Yes i hate breaking promises so i have to always do what i have promised others. I will remember and try to do what i say i will do. Besides i sincerely wanted to do it.

Woww.. ♡ that..

Heheheh yep that is the kind of person I am.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 08:36
joined Jan 13, 2016

There wasn't any moon this morning--just a bunch of clouds in the sky and many cars on the street.

Wow.. you r a promise keeper..
Good morning ;*

oh... water dipper? o_o I would freeze... I need to have water falling on me all the time, even on summer with 30C (maybe 35C not but well >.>)

Oc it wont suit u.. we have tropical climate here... it's hot all day..

Yes i hate breaking promises so i have to always do what i have promised others. I will remember and try to do what i say i will do. Besides i sincerely wanted to do it.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 08:20
joined Jan 13, 2016

There wasn't any moon this morning--just a bunch of clouds in the sky and many cars on the street.

WDTFS fans - off topic 07 Apr 02:25
joined Jan 13, 2016

Well it's a trade-off lol. Her mom loves me and thought she was crazy to get so mad after rushing me and not talking about it with me first. So yeah we both have maternal naggers.

Oh my god. I bet your mom and your kanojo's mom will get along perfectly well.
That's sooo nice tho.

They've met once briefly when my parents were in town and we all went to brunch. Her mom was being super awkward that day though, because it was the morning after she witnessed one of her daughters devouring another woman in her living room. There's really no good way to talk yourself out of those situations.

I like how you just put the word 'devouring'. xD
So something like that actually happened. So, what did her mom said after she saw you making out for the first time ? xD

Lol "making out"... I think to this day she sees me as a sheep in love with a wolf wearing wool. She didn't say anything and went into the kitchen for a glass of water. She didn't say anything to me, but she told kanojo to "at least take the poor thing into your room first". I apparently play innocent well.

Dude your love story is always interesting to me. I can never get bored on the side of the screen reading your story. I can really hear it!

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 23:10
joined Jan 13, 2016


This is directed to mvl89

I order you to show up. It's not even midnight at yr place yet..

Damn you Honey Bee. I swear you must have put some sort of spell on me. All you do is called my name and i'm all crawling back to you. Now i'm pretty much do whatever you say. Man oh man...

What happened??

I'm still alive here.

I'm talking about missing post - shrinking pages of this thread..

Maybe i was bored and needed something to do.

I wont comment on that..
But i'd appreciate if you can say sth i/o just deleting posts..
We are questioning here if we said sth wrong..

Alright as an apology i will send you a picture of the moon to make up for it.

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 22:48
joined Jan 13, 2016


This is directed to mvl89

I order you to show up. It's not even midnight at yr place yet..

Damn you Honey Bee. I swear you must have put some sort of spell on me. All you do is called my name and i'm all crawling back to you. Now i'm pretty much do whatever you say. Man oh man...

What happened??

I'm still alive here.

I'm talking about missing post - shrinking pages of this thread..

Maybe i was bored and needed something to do.

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 22:45
joined Jan 13, 2016


This is directed to mvl89

I order you to show up. It's not even midnight at yr place yet..

Damn you Honey Bee. I swear you must have put some sort of spell on me. All you do is called my name and i'm all crawling back to you. Now i'm pretty much do whatever you say. Man oh man...

What happened??

I'm still alive here.

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 Apr 22:41
joined Jan 13, 2016


This is directed to mvl89

I order you to show up. It's not even midnight at yr place yet..

Damn you Honey Bee. I swear you must have put some sort of spell on me. All you do is called my name and i'm all crawling back to you. Now i'm pretty much do whatever you say. Man oh man...

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 11:57
joined Jan 13, 2016

Btw, you are 30.. ;*

Nope. You will never be able to guess it right Honey Bee.


19 works with me but nope.