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OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013
OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Early birthday present for best girl!

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Lilliwyt posted:

It's not that i'm against but that will an atrocious long time to tag every single work with the appropriate country.

I will be honest,it sound more like you want Dynasty to become a pseudo MD for Yuri because most of the changes you ask are from MD. I'm not saying it's a bad point but i just wanted to point it out.

Time isn't really a factor. I've also had some conversations in the past with some folks in this very thread about things that MD does better than we do, and vice-versa. I don't really use MD at all, but I'm still interested in what they're doing and will gladly copy good ideas and implementations they have. There's no good reason not to, as far as I'm concerned.

Nya-chan posted:

I think it's a bad idea to make a distinction about the country of origin of the works.

There's no value to it, except for a few narrow-minded persons who would like to filter only specific countries. Who cares if the artist is from China or Japan? What counts is if the story is good.

It's always been the philosophy of Dynasty: if the staff considers a work worthwhile to read, they will try to get it on the reader to share, whether it's Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Yuri or not.

While the conclusion is true, I'm not sure if the body is quite correct. You could probably apply the same logic to any tagging distinction, and even in cases where I'd agree, the point of tags is to allow customizability in user interaction. In my experience with Korean and Chinese stories, they've got their own tropes and archetypes just like JP stories do.

Naturally, those aspects may appeal to some readers more than others, so giving them the option to zone in on particular cultures they especially like doesn't sound like a bad thing to me. Moreover, everything from the artist name to the format to the presentation is a dead giveaway in most cases. If someone is seriously closed-minded enough to specifically care about country of origin, surely they'd already be clicking off content they don't like during the first page. If nothing else, the split would help in searches when dealing with hard-to-find stories, as again, you likely know the country of origin just by reading it.

Cornonthekopp posted:

I think that both country tags, as well as a long strip or webtoon tag would both be really helpful for organizing series, as well as making searches easier. Personally I’m a little more partial to long strip over webtoon but I think both do the job well and would be happy with either.

Yeah, Long strip seems to be the more popular choice, as it's very descriptive.

Currently the left to right tag can be seen as a stand in, but considering the non-zero amount of japanese webtoon style comics, it won’t show all webtoons. Of course there are also plenty of non-long strip style comics that fall into the read left to right category too, so it doesn’t really function as a stand in.

Not super related, but you may also use the Scanlator: Indie tag (just type "indie" and the tag will pop up) to find comics released in English.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Yuki Kitsune posted:

Brief history of terminology (as it was explained to me during an LGBT in Japan workshop): Unlike M/M stories that got split into Bara and Yaoi early on, Yuri was the general term in Japan for all F/F relationship stories, from platonic to hentai. When they eventually decided that they needed to somehow distinguish the "softer" works from more graphic stuff, they used the term "Girls' Love" or GL; that is, they used the English term because shoujo ai was already in use to identify het pedo hentai (yuck). Problem is, English speakers back-translated girls' love as "shoujo ai" -- so now it has a completely different meaning to English-speakers than it does to the Japanese. This confusion is, afaik, why the term shoujo ai is avoided on Dynasty.

I'm not sure how "Gilrs' Love" is used in other countries, but in Japan it is definitively a subset of Yuri. (I don't recall where in the timeline the term BL was introduced. Not my area of interest, I guess.)

Excellent post as always. Now, how it relates to the discussion above and a bit about what "Yuri" means to the site specifically.

When the site began over a decade ago, yuri was used with that original meaning; all stories of close F/F relationships were included. It's not until 2014 that we saw some divergence with the introduction of the Subtext tag, and then again (later) in 2014 with the Yuri crush tag (specifically for 4-komas/stories no development). Some of us on staff bristle a bit at the distinction between these categories and just how thin the lines can be between Yuri and Subtext. Still, splitting up the categories was our decision and it's one we'll stick to.

With that in mind, it should be clear we're not mixed up in the shoujo ai business, nor slavishly devoted to maintaining Japanese definitions on an English website. With our past switches away from the mirrored use of yuri, we've also created a slight reverse of the JP definitions - Yuri now refers to f/f romantic relationships, whilst Subtext and Yuri crush refer to relationships of a typically different nature. I'm fine with the contradiction. I'm also fine with continuing on as-is given our history, and if one looks at how new users find the site, they'll find web searches littered with "yuri" as the primary motivator behind it. However, this is all not to say that we might not change some day. If there's a time we're seriously considering it, I'll be sure to post somewhere first, to give everyone the proper opportunity to carry out whatever arguments they wish to.

Lastly, I'll reiterate that Yuri to us means f/f romantic relationships, full stop. As far as I know, this is the commonly-accepted definition throughout English-speaking f/f fandoms for nearly a decade by now.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

none posted:

Could we maybe add the names of cover artists at issue's pages when those are known?

That is a fabulous idea. I'll look into it!

Maybe this idea can be incorporated with the recent decision to add covers to image batches. This way we'll have easy access to both a high res version of the illustrations and to the artists.

Yeah, definitely had that in mind!

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Risamari posted:

i think years ago i asked for a tag like this to be created, they said there was no reason for it to exist
who's laughing now


OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 19 Jul 12:45
joined Mar 20, 2013

Aw this is so wholesome

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

ozzy posted:

I wish Dynasty had a feature where you could subscribe to an author and get notifications whenever something new gets uploaded under that specific author... something like AO3. This author's work is just so appealing I literally cannot stop binging haha.

Not sure how similar this is to AO3, but if you use the Lists feature up at the top, you can add chapters, artists, etc. to your Subscribed list, and we'll see you e-mail notifications whenever a new chapter goes up.

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 19 Jul 11:38
joined Mar 20, 2013

In-between image batches, we'll be adding covers to hosted series on occasion. I haven't decided how the tagging for them will work yet, don't mind the spam.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I'll have more to say later but, I think it's best if we just drop this non-productive conversation for the time being.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

MZH posted:

Chapter 12 seems to be missing.

Fixed! Thank you.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

For the time being, you may also use the Indie tag for a reasonable approximation of works originating from the English-speaking world.

is there any discussions about changing the tag from 'yuri' to 'Girls Love' or something like that?

I can't say there have been serious discussions yet, but with MD going that direction it's definitely not out of the question.

And on a similar note has there ever been discussions of including country of origin tags?

Yes, somewhat frequently in the distant past. Given that we're growing more comfortable adding stories from China and Korea specifically, it's a discussion worth having. There have also been consistent discussions of a Long strip or Webtoon tag, so how we deal with all of these types of manga may change in the near future. I'm not settled on an implementation yet, but I would definitely like to address these in some serious capacity.

As for retroactive tagging, it is unfortunate but in general we're willing to deal with the drawbacks that any new tags bring, so long as they're creating some other value as well.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Was very excited to see the folks at Gouma-Den pick this up, very appreciative for their work and my apologies for our delay in getting it here!

I wonder if they’ll progress past the point of just being two strangers near each other

Same. There's an interesting line in their relationship, it's hard to tell where they're headed.

OrangePekoe Admin
Spoilers discussion 16 Jul 21:17
joined Mar 20, 2013

RadiosAreObsolete posted:

Okay, but am I the only one feeling that the spoilers tag is actually what spoils it sometimes? I am talking about images here, not doujins.

Yeah, I feel that. Even though I'd include doujins at times. You can hover over an image to see the tags before clicking on it, but in any case I'll mention this to the relevant parties, thanks.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

This artist really has a thing for boobs lol

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Uploaded, thank you for your work. Due to speed and traffic constraints, page size has been reduced from 3497px to 3000px.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

This was recently requested; bumping to note that it's already here.

joined Mar 20, 2013

FluffyCow posted:

It was never tagged as Yuri on Dynasty in the first place, as far as I recall anyhow. I don't understand why you'd drop something that has enjoyable aspects, like for you the colors, only because there's no Yuri. Enjoy it for what it is, and ship the characters together if you want. A series doesn't have to be Yuri to be good and friendships can also be top tier I think.

It wasn't, but a lot of people have pretty limited free time. Don't see anything wrong with prioritizing what gives you the most satisfaction and cutting out all the rest.

joined Mar 20, 2013

All caught up to the raws now. Chapter 1 has been updated with better raws, chapter 4 has been updated for readability and a consistency change to better correspond with chapter 6.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Surya P posted:

I think this needs a sequel tag. Same characters from

Nice catch, thank you.

joined Mar 20, 2013

Cornonthekopp posted:

...Maybe we need to make an aquarium tag


aRURIver posted:

Can we add the romance Tag yet?

I always wonder, what the difference in putting the tag and not? I mean what the manga has to include to use the tag?

Added. There's a pretty long answer to this that I may add to the FAQ at some point, but the short of it is this. A story should be tagged Comedy when there are sufficient attempts by the artist to create comedic situations. Similarly, a story should be tagged Romance when there are sufficient attempts by the artist to create romantic situations, preferably with extensive and continuous development between two or more characters. Kissing, "I love you's", internal "I love her", an emphasis on feelings or discussions of feelings, etc.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

We're moving on from the pedo discussion, as it has very little to do with this story. Further discussion on this topic will be removed. Also, let's cut down on the massive image posts (and re-posts). Rarely necessary. Thanks.

last edited at Jul 15, 2021 12:53PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

You're very welcome.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Abcd posted:

How can I delete my account?

Just asking is fine. Your account will be deleted soon. Take care.

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 10 Jul 17:49
joined Mar 20, 2013

Wow where was this scavenged from, this is great.