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joined Apr 15, 2011

This may already exist, but could what tags are available when posting in the forum, be place in a more common and easily found location? also, is it possible to add the ability to pm users so discussions can go offline.

i hope these are not too outrageous of requests.

last edited at Dec 23, 2013 12:09AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

Awwwww! that was too precious! that E.T. reference was classic!!!!!!! My only gripe is that it played too fast for slow readers, but c'est la vie.

Thank you EvilDevil. :-D

last edited at Dec 22, 2013 2:39PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

Stumbled across this a couple months was really awesome, I fell totally in love with it. At the time I did a bit of digging around for other info about it and found, first of all, that there was a translation of a later update by Medley from 2ch in this thread.

And also from a thread on /u/ that Medley actually keeps a real life twitter (with occasional mentions of Huskey) here.

Finally I also discovered an apparently pretty classic Vocaloid song which was inspired and dedicated to them, Sweetiex2, as well as a subsequent NicoNico dance meme.

Altogether this entire story and its legacy is just an incredible thing.

this is sooo cool! that 2ch thread was too funny :-D it was like a weird celebrity interview. too funny, especially the "keep your voice down" game part.

joined Apr 15, 2011

I do enjoy a good debate, so let's extend this a little longer. ;-)

Yes, she is flustered. Being confessed to by a random stranger in the middle of the street will do that. Compare that blush to the others, the difference in intensity is significant.

Talvalis, you are projecting. better yet, that is your perception and how you interpreted it.. I disagree, but that's my opinion.

Also look at Matsuri's character here. She is established as cocky, snarky and she had no problem reproaching Koyuki before. If she is indeed straight, she is either a raging, disgusted homophobe - which, considering the author's past works and the magazine this ran in, is about as likely as her being half dinosaur - or she would have flat-out rejected her, even if it hurt her friend. The only scenario where this shrinking violet routine is not completely out of character is "I'm struggling with emotions I didn't expect from that direction" kind of inner turmoil.

I would not consider Koyuki a raging homophobe, but the shrinking violet example "could" fit this scenario, but not for the reasons you are alluding to and here is why:

  1. for all the 70+ times Matsuri rejected Koyuki, she took each confession as a joke. however, even straight people miss obvious clues and because she took those seemingly benign admissions as jokes, they were non-threatening because to her, they were a joke.
  2. There is still the possibility that her final reactions are from fear because a girl, gasp, liked her. but equally it could be because she cannot deal with the fact that a girl likes her because she too likes Koyuki. As I stated earlier, we the readers are not given enough information to come to a final conclusion and thus the situation it ambiguous.
  3. Just because a story ends up in a Yuri/Shoujo Ai publication does not mean that the all characters will play to that genre. There still is the possibility that Matsuri is straight (if you will) and just isn't into Koyuki. It's not like it doesn't happen in real life.

But let's play devil's advocate here... OK, Matsuri is just a little overwhelmed and ignores Koyuki because the situation is just too much for her to handle. Fine, but as I mentioned previously, Koyuki is wasting energy and effort. However, she does seem persistent , but so what? There is no follow-up story, so we the readers won't know what will happen. this is both an exercise in futility and in using our imagination to fill in the blanks for how we'd like the story to end.

And Koyuki's main established character trait is that she's stubborn. The entire story is about a girl who didn't give up getting her feelings across even after failing 70+ times and succeeded at end. The implication here is that she will now try to get the girl "for a while" and finally accomplish that as well.

Well good for Koyuki, however if we project real life on this situation, would you not agree that Koyuki is in denial and may very well be wasting her time?

So again, it's all a matter of perception. if you want Koyuki to get the girl, then Matsuri is running away from her emotions. If you think that Matsuri is "not into that," then Koyuki is engaging in a endless game of wait-and-see . Either way, at the end of the story, girl does not get girl.

Disclaimer: like all posts, it's an opinion. nothing more, nothing less. Btw, for the sake of cutting this debate short, I respectfully reject your original argument. but heck, you seem to respectfully reject my arguments. Shall we both agree to disagree and leave it at that?

last edited at Dec 22, 2013 10:44AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

Wow, I forgot about this manga. I forgot how beautifully complex it was. sigh I just love stories like this.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Hmmm..... that was a nice little development. In the last two pages, is Riri starting to realize that she may like Aoi? or is it still too early? Inquiring minds would like to know...

joined Apr 15, 2011

Oh boy, yuri fans and their stupid paranoid victimization routine. Whenever there's any ambiguity about a character's sexual orientation, she must be straight. Whenever a guy shows up for 2 panels, it's going to be het. Whenever the ending is left open, it's BAD END.

OK, I'll bite. that may be true, but we must take into consideration two scenarios:

  1. Matsuri-san is straight which means that Koyuki has no chance in hell or at least a slim chance in hell, or
  2. Matsuri-san cannot deal with that idea that Koyuki-san actually likes her in a romantic, non-friend way; which means that Koyuki is SOL (SOL = sh*t outta luck). AND until Matsuri processes those feelings, Koyuki STILL has little to no chance. Not to mention that she, Koyuki, is already experiencing a rather frigid reaction from Matsuri.

So while we the readers are left to our own devices, the end result is victimization; but not because a character has one sexual orientation vs. another or whether a story is heterosexual because a guy is introduced into the storyline, but because the story IS left open-ended and nebulous. if that seems too esoteric, let's look at it from the point of the characters...

Matsuri - victim? maybe. more nieve then anything.
Koyuki - absolutely the victim because not only has she lost a possible love interest, but also a friend. [ref: three instances of being ignored]

As to whether or not a story is "bad" because the ending is left open is purely a point of perception. so that "to me (and this too is a perspective)" is a moot point.

There's nothing to indicate that girl's straight. The massive blush and hyper-awareness at the end hints at the exact opposite.

maybe, maybe not. remember, she was blushing when the guy confessed to her as well. there is quite the possibility that because she is nieve, she just cannot wrap her mind around that idea that someone likes her OR she is easily embarrassed. so +0 points because we the reader do not know.

And it's a oneshot. Finishing the story in your head however you like is kind of the point of a lot of them.

Exactly! and because this one shot leaves you on the edge of a cliff with what "could" happen next, you are left to your own conclusions. this is not a bad thing, so +1 points.

Finally, yes we Yuri fans are opinionated because heck, we are here to read yuri-based stories. so yup, there IS a good chance that folks will grumble 'cuz it didn't end the way they expected it, but so be it. people gripe, then move on. sides, you cannot honestly say it doesn't happen in other genres can you?

anyhoo, like all posts, it's an opinion. nothing more, nothing less.

joined Apr 15, 2011

** BÔÔOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **

man, talk about giving someone the ultimate cold shoulder :-(

well, that was kinda depressing, but those types of situations do happen. I've gotten so use to the nice neat endings that it seems odd not to see the girl get the girl. But I guess outcomes like that are more the norm than the exception.

whoever made the comment about not falling for straight girls, hit the nail on the head!

joined Apr 15, 2011

** Woohoooooo!!!!!!! ** ** applause ** ** sniff sniff **

that was wonderful! OK, I'm officially sad and yet happy at the same time.

but it was kinda nice how he wrapped it up. :-)

Hana no Iro discussion 13 Dec 02:12
joined Apr 15, 2011

i guess the author has a fetish for exhibition and orgy

yup. pretty much all of his works are like that. Tag, Exhibition and Orunito especially. btw, some may find Tag distasteful, but if you are into exhibitionism and orgies, then you may find it worthwhile.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Lildevil: did you get the answer you were looking for?

Citrus discussion 13 Dec 01:10
joined Apr 15, 2011

ummmm... I guess Yuzu is a bit like Himeko (that's her name Kitty_Kat). anyone, correct me if you this this is an inaccurate comparison, but:

**** general personality traits for both Yuzu/Himeko ****

  • both are kind of airheads
  • Yuzu is very protective/caring towards Mei. Himeko is same towards Chikane
  • each has a moment where they feel compelled to put their significant others ' feelings/well being in front of their own desires
  • one could argue that physically Yuzu resembles Himeko, but I'd say that other than being blond and having healthy sized tatas (i.e. breasts), they do not really look alike.

  • besides, Yuzu is rather loud and urusai (noisy) where Himeko is very quiet and almost mouse-like. however, over the course of KnoM, Himeko breaks out of her shell. In Citrus, I'm going out on a limb and saying that Yuzu is toning her "in-your-face", loud attitude down and becoming calmer (the opposite of Himeko).

well that's the way I see it. btw, I'm being lazy and decided to make general comparisons. however, a neat and fun exercise is to rewatch/reread KnoM (Kannazuki no Miko) and then compare/contrast Yuzu and Himeko for yourself.

DISCLAIMER: I'm usually full of sh%&$#*t so feel free to ignore, dispute or whatever floats your boat.

Candy discussion 13 Dec 00:22
joined Apr 15, 2011

yay! the little lost orphaned series found some willing soul to keep it alive. should the abandoned tag be removed?

joined Apr 15, 2011

I suppose because Eiko does not wear her feelings on her sleeve, her subtle way of expressing them are all the more sadder to readers observant enough to spot them.

Quibbling over such fine details... heheheeee
this was kinda fun :-D

so the only question now is if a side-story were written, whom should it be about? Eiko and the development of her feelings toward Shina? Shina and the development of her relationship with Satsuki (rem: they have a hot date after Satsuki's training camp)? Or finally, another side-story complementary to Fever Retreat but from Shinas' POV (point of view)?

oh the possibilities are endless. oh well. it'd be nice if something were done. one can only hope.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Kana-san's pickup lines are way too smooth. I need mad skills like that.

joined Apr 15, 2011

What a breath of fresh air in the genre of unrequited love! Some readers found the other chapter sad, but I think there's little to no sadness or angst in this story. My impression is that the message of the story is that love is not always such a monumental experience and does not always have to be fretted about—or make you depressed, if it is unrequited. Like most everything else, most love will come and go, and in many different shapes and variations!

this is true, however, the scene where Eiko-senpai's hair gets caught on Shina's blouse symbolizes their connection for that brief moment. Where Eiko wishes to stay connected to this one person (Shina), Shina is working to untangle the bond and re-enforce the point that it is only a brief connection because her heart belongs to someone else. What is sad and indicative of the points you are making, is that from the prequel "Love Prep Room," Eiko's feeling toward Shina evolved from nonchalance to longing and possibly jealousy towards Satsuski.

While I too would not tag this as angst, i would tag this as sad because Eiko is trying to gauge Shina's reaction by 1) saying she would cut her hair, 2) by trying to extend the physical connection (i.e. making Okui have a second orgasm), and 3) attempting to embrace and kiss Okui much longer than expected. after each of those instances, go back and look at the expression that is drawn on Eiko's face. Point in case is the last page ( On the top panel in the dialog box, Eiko's desire is revealed and in the middle and bottom panels , her disappointment at having their connection severed is shown.

but heck, this is just my interpretation. while for the most part I agree with what you have written, I just argue that there is (if only in this story) a sadness element. angst? no. that could come in yet another follow up story.

joined Apr 15, 2011

for the series Earth Girls, the reader is changing chapters out of order. chapters proceed in the following order: 3 ---> 5 ---> 4.

Earth Girls discussion 10 Dec 23:28
joined Apr 15, 2011

hey powers that be... the reader is changing chapters out of order. chapters proceed in the following order: 3 ---> 5 ---> 4.

Earth Girls discussion 10 Dec 20:57
joined Apr 15, 2011

All hail Mira, goddess of yuri. This is probably one of the best series I didn't know I wanted. How do you even come up with prehistoric yuri lol

best kept secret. this is a keeper.

Love DNA XX discussion 10 Dec 20:36
joined Apr 15, 2011

They have a chapter 16 up somewhere. But I do t feel like it wasnt translated very well. (No offense I know how hard it is to translate.) It feels more like a rough copy but you still get the idea of what's going on.

hopefully this doesn't get me banned, but FYI it's up on MangaFox.

PS: the translation suck rotten eggs :-\

last edited at Dec 10, 2013 9:22PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

Threesome. It's always the solution to a love triangle. No more problems.

NO! NO! NO! NO!!!! threesomes ALWAYS end up with someone getting hurt or left out. although there is a faint chance that it works here. faint, ya'll hear?

that rant being said, I really feel bad for Eiko. In "Love Prep Room," her attitude was nonchalant. but to think she'd actually fall for Shina?

I'm thinking this could be continued as another story called "Sweet Little Devil Too"? what'chall think?

last edited at Dec 10, 2013 8:59PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

looking past the harem tag, the character Kimi sums it up pretty nicely. this is a story about finding balance between two equals. unfortunately, the equals have not figured this out. I think this is where the story will develop the most.

joined Apr 15, 2011

this is different. i kinda like it, although I feel very selfish for expecting the same-ol', same-ol' kinds of stories from Morishima.

I like that this is basically a parody of Marimite and Strawberry Panic and all those. Good fun. And cute!

@drpepperfan: you are so right. it took me a second to get it. I kinda thought something was up when they all wished "Maria-sama" ( i mean sensei, hint-hint) a wonderful day.

joined Apr 15, 2011

awwww I hope there is a ring coming as well.

Loled @

So close to the end...

omg, I love that scene where Suu-chan gets ultra protective of Kina-chan. almost like she was daring Arata-san to come take Kina from her. It felt like she was saying MINE!

joined Apr 15, 2011

The only reason Saori's sad is because she denies herself the truth. She's in love with Yurika but insists on telling herself that she's only interested in guys. Once she embraces the truth she'll find her happiness too.

but what will it take to make that happen?

Ooooohh, I just thought of this. wouldn't it be ironic if Saori was the daughter of the main debt collector? If Saori does not realize that she is in love with Yurika, the debt collectors will come and get Yurika and Yurika's life will be ruined forever...

OK, I am acting loopy. so g'night all and sweet dreams.