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joined Mar 16, 2018

Like the title said I would be very interested in finding out what you view as your favorite romantic moment. I'm talking about the moments that might have made you tear up or gotten you to believe in love again. I'm talking about the showstoppers, I'm talking about the barn burners, I'm talking about the fucking feels train man!

My favorite romantic moment without a doubt goes to the ending scene in the one shot Present by Kurata Uso
I don't know how he did it but every damn time I read that last scene my eyes well up with happy tears.

Anyway, now it's your turn.

(Oh, and put it in spoilers if you are going to give away the best part)

joined Mar 16, 2018

joined Mar 16, 2018

I like having male characters in my yuri it gives it a more realistic vibe to the story than some mystic fairy world where guys don't exist. In fact, ideally I'd like to see multiple relationships represented apart from the yuri one. I find it a slightly annoying when literally every single girl is paired off with another girl. That's why I appreciate yuri stories like Bloom Into You and Candy.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Yep, I feel like this lil' bro is going to be a great wingman
Also, hell yeah this is going to be a yuri. You don't break out in that much sweat over someone who is only meant to be "just' a friend. It doesn't matter who you are.

I miss Yuri Danshi now for some reason.

joined Mar 16, 2018

I'm pretty pumped about the new possibilities with this series
The whole ex girlfriends is a cool new spin on the whole yuri vibe so hopefully it pans out into something meaningful
I'll be rooting for the camera girl x lizard girl as well.

I really enjoyed the authors previous work so hopefully this as good if not better.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Well, that was claustrophobic and hard to read as always

joined Mar 16, 2018

Yeah, I think that's one of the reasons I love this so much as well
I mean, I'm down for some slow burn, angst filled, drama laden, this is going to make me feel either miserable or pissed off, or both, yuri. But sometimes, I just want to see two people fall in love with each other, without all the bullshit that can go along with it. That one of those people is clearly superhuman is just a bonus.

Citrus + discussion 19 Apr 14:46
joined Mar 16, 2018

Mei was expressing herself directly to Yuzu. Several times through normal conversations, before she finally went to ask Harumi for assistance.

Yuzu just didn't listen to her seriously. She heard the words, but didn't act on it. Even Harumi had to be pretty aggressive to get the message through to Yuzu and literally force her to look at herself in a mirror.

Also, it was good progress for Mei to talk with Harumi. They never really communicated directly before, and Harumi's mirth about Mei's rather cute request was amusing. Her image of Mei seemed to change quite a bit.

I want to see those conversations happen, don't just tell me that those conversations happened.
Any good writer worth their salt knows that it is important to show not tell.
These last two chapters we are told that they have lots of conversations but I didn't see a damn thing.
Meibot stopped progressing as a character a long time ago.

Still Sick discussion 19 Apr 14:43
joined Mar 16, 2018

Pg 24: Oh my god this is the most obvious confession bait in the world. She's gonna say "my first [something that isn't love/yuri related]"
Pg 25: WHAT THE FUCK IT WASN'T BAIT!? Page 24 was the most obvious bait flag in the world but it wasn't bait!? But wait, the author predicted that I would think that it was a bait but it wasn't so... it was kinda a bait-bait?
Pg 26: "Just Kidding" ?????????? So it was bait after all!? So author-san baited me to think it's bait but it wasn't bait so I got baited by the bait but suddenly it's wasn't not-bait but it was bait all along?
Pg 27: So It was originally a bait but then the bait was the bait and it wasn't bait all along but it turns out that was also a bait and it was originally a bait all along but then suddenly the bait becomes not a bait?

This is some advanced 4-step ladder 5000IQ baiting. I literally got baited by a bait of a bait but in the end the bait becomes a not-bait

Citrus + discussion 19 Apr 09:18
joined Mar 16, 2018

Every chapter I have some stupid hope that we will finally get to see the story from Mei's perspective but each time that hope is dashed and it's just meibot again

Harumin is really the only reason I still follow this

joined Mar 16, 2018

I think it speaks to the raw power of Nikaidou more than anything
With one chop she alters the chemistry of Kirigaya's brain and forces her to have a mental breakdown and see the error of her ways

Now that's power!

joined Mar 16, 2018

For some reason I always love these kinds of tomboy stories like 'Your Cuteness' and 'A Crow With A Glistening Trinket In Her Jet-Black Feathers'

That's my fucking jam

joined Mar 16, 2018


I ain't sayin nothing.


joined Mar 16, 2018

I was wondering when we were going to see an update of this manga and here it is!
One of the few crossdressing manga's I can actually tolerate

joined Mar 16, 2018

I just want to see more of that side couple

Is that so hard an ask?

Image Comments 11 Apr 20:59
joined Mar 16, 2018


joined Mar 16, 2018

Lil sis should do something to those damn friends so that the two of them could be alone

Yurigurashi discussion 11 Apr 20:57
joined Mar 16, 2018

Still a much healthier relationship than that student x teacher one

joined Mar 16, 2018

Everything about this oneshot is magical
Pure fucking love, desire, and devotion right here people

joined Mar 16, 2018

my prediction for next chapter: Nikaidou lashes out at the bully, Tadokoro defends the bully because Tadokoro is too nice for the world, the bully is touched by Tadokoro's kindness, and she develops a crush on Tadokoro instead.
Nikaidou completely wrecks the bully.
Either scenario is fine for me :P

It would be better if Nikaudou kisses Tadokoro in front of the bully to show their true relationship then the bully girl will be fully awakened as a yuri fangirl.

While calmly breaking every finger in Kirigaya's right hand

joined Mar 16, 2018

Read this volume in the bookstore today and I was sure that I had read this before

So it turns out that I had
Still a pretty dope yuri and it has one of the best dude characters in it
Big ups to him not becoming a jealous dickwad and graciously accepting defeat.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Shit is about to hit the fucking fan dog

I've got the music all queued up

Still Sick discussion 07 Apr 23:46
joined Mar 16, 2018

Yep, I'm still down with the sickness.

Image Comments 07 Apr 14:11
joined Mar 16, 2018

Ugh that was so god damn heartwarming
Okay Asuka you can win.