That's... really unintuitive. science babies for magic babies, with no science behind it? That's the silliest thing I've ever seen. non-science babies for regular children? that's even sillier. These tags need revision. Easy solution: adoption/adopted, step-child tags. Calling those "non-science babies" is the most ridiculous tagging thing I've seen in a long time.
I don't even see why we keep arguing over this when this all is already explained in the tag description. Although, thinking about it a bit more, it may be easier to understand if it had a slightly different wording as not science babies
In any case, I think this discussion has come far enough away from reasons the chapter was tagged as such to discussion about the meaning of the tag itself that it would be better to stop derailing this thread any more and, if there's still something someone wants to say about the tag itself, any further discussion should be taken to the tag's own thread.