Y'know, I get that a lot of yuri fans are kinda cynical about series making ships canon until they see super-explicit confirmation, but I never had that sense of anxiety with this manga? It was pretty clear from the start that Izumo's put a ton of effort and dedication into developing Shamiko and Momo's relationship, and I'm 100% confident that she'll give us a perfect conclusion. There's a legitimate plan at work here, a real sense of progress and growth, and Izumo has brilliantly captured how friendship turns into affection, and the road to establishing it as mutual. I once read a review of She-Ra where the reviewer said that that they knew right from Season One that the show's main ship would be canon, and I definitely get that exact same feeling here.
I dont get the anxiety, how often does Works in Dynasty dissapoint?
Depends on your definition of disappointment. Some people only feel satisfied if get a kiss and dating, others are just happy with a confession. Lots of yuri series, and particularly CGDCT series with yuri subtext go the 'we're gonna be BFFs' route instead of having explicit confirmation. It was even worse back when you had Class S works that straight-up had the girls end up with men post-graduation, completely invalidating all the prior drama. Things are better these days, but a lot of yuri series still get the axe, leading to rushed endings that either feel unsatisfying, or simply preserve the status quo till the end. Heck, one of the main reasons the 'shoujo ai' tag came up in the West despite being nonexistent in Japan was because of the massive amount of yuri-themed manga that never got serious and queerbaited audiences till the end. Of course, then you also have stuff like Futaribeya, which inspires massive debates because it doesn't really operate like a regular romance series with conventional 'progress', Yuru Yuri, which is very gay, but also divorced from the flow of time, and Nettaigyo, which seems explicitly designed to trigger endless wars upon the line between friendship and love. I'm just scratching the surface here- the history of Yuri fans being burned could fill a five-volume encyclopaedia.