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joined Dec 27, 2014

Maybe just a poor choice of words on your part, but of course free scanlators don't have your interest as a priority. As for Dr.Mario, he has been dealing with some RL stuff for awhile that has impacted his time and ability to work on this. I do agree he should explicitly release the series to be worked on by others, but it's understandable that he might have a hard time letting go, given how much time and effort he's put in that he keeps wishing/hoping he'll be able to return to it.

Anyway, I eventually did hear back from Dr. Mario about a month ago, this is what he told me:

forgive me for answering so late.
I'm working on the next chapter but it might be best to hand it over after that one.
For what it's worth, I did not hear from darui again.
When the new chapter is ready, I will send it over for proofreading if that's still okay with you.

I replied back to let him know what was going on here, that there were interested people to put a new team together if he wanted to hand it off, and that I was ready to proofread when he was done. Haven't heard from him since. So I do hope the Dynasty admins will at some point come up with a rescue/reclaiming process for series in this situation and allow some others of us to keep working on it. I really don't think he'll be able to continue long-term, even if he eventually finishes the next chapter. :/

That's quite unfortunate, I had no idea. Thanks for informing us. I do hope this gets another chance though, the artist's art style is just so refreshing, and I do love this series.

joined Dec 27, 2014

I love how gay Nekozaki is for Mikoto and how she's so aware of it as well. Kind of refreshing to read, and I'm absolutely digging it.

last edited at Sep 17, 2018 5:49PM

Yuri Moyou discussion 17 Sep 17:37
joined Dec 27, 2014

Eeeeeep can't wait to learn about the fourth sister. Liking all of these archs so far

last edited at Sep 17, 2018 5:37PM

joined Dec 27, 2014

Damn I don't mind more of this, Kishi. Pls do more one shots.

joined Dec 27, 2014

Now I'm curious... How do you leave hickey though? (For educational) xD

You just suck on the skin to make the small superficial blood vessels burst. Basically you're giving someone a bruise, but instead of damaging the superficial blood vessels by blunt force, you make them pop by suck force
Sounds quite ugly when you explain it like that.
Though for the love of god, don't suck a hickey on the common cartoid artery in the neck, or any major arteries at that. This girl killed her boyfriend cause she caused a blood cloth that traveled to his brain. Don't want that happening.

last edited at Sep 17, 2018 6:32AM

Their Story discussion 16 Sep 05:47
joined Dec 27, 2014

Is it me or after the kiss the whole story became kinda dull and boring? (
Guess it's just me... г__г

With dull and boring do you mean no drama and just a happy care free story? Yeah kind of. I don't mind though. Fluff is nice.

joined Dec 27, 2014

Awesome, starting strong on the yuri, hope it actually goes somewhere... But it's fine either way, it's fun so far.

... Also, I can relate to Kasumi's lazyness.

It's been changed to subtext.... Noh T-T

joined Dec 27, 2014

Meh, it's kind of too obscure to be called rape. There was no sign of resistance or her saying stop or anything. And especially the way she said 'I came' and "i'm sorry" after it gave me the impression it wasn't rape.

O.k. thanks for reply. I misinterpreted the "I'm sorry" for guilt/remorse after committing an act without expressed permission. I shouldn't worry too much into such details in a work of fiction (alt-history)... Although this does bring up an interesting topic over when to fret over such things in manga... Kinda like where are the fuzzy boundaries for T-16 and M-18+. It gets difficult when artwork isn't "NSFW" but the text/subject matter is NSFW.

No that's the thing. It was the girl being pleased that said sorry. I was confused as well but since the 'I'm-' gets cut off, I assume it's her as well, and she's just moaning in between. Though now that I go back once again I start doubting it even more. Kind of unclear in this situation tbh.

And yeah, rape is often dealt with so casually in manga, I always just take into consideration what the artist's main goal was, or what their interpretation of it in that situation probably was. It often just doesn't work if you deal and percieve 'rape' in manga as seriously as in real life, since often there's no emotional depth to it in the manga, it's just overly simplified, there's no traumatic emotional disability to deal with afterwords etc. and tbh I don't think the artist often means for it to carry that weight that it so does in real life. I mean lots of people fantasize about getting 'raped' and get turned on, our fantasy can get fucked up. But in that situation all I said before applies. It's a fantasy without all the weight, all the damage and trauma that normally accompanies it.
Idk why I'm saying this at this point, I think I kind of derailed there, my bad.

And yeah, it's kind of hard to draw a line, especially with Japan's rules of sensoring

Lily Marble discussion 14 Sep 21:57
joined Dec 27, 2014

Hmmm... taking advantage of someone while they’re drunk, does that constitute a “dick move”?

At least this won’t end up like “Stretch”.

She showed up that night, dying to fuck. She made that clear when she made Risa cancel her plans, and then immediately got smashed again. I'm very serious about intoxication and consent, but there needs to be a concession for alcohol as a willful social lubricant. I never would have ended up dating my girlfriend if we didn't have alcohol to facilitate.

That aside, hooooo leeeeee fucccccccckkkkkk that scene was hot. Like, good*damn* that does a lot with just a few pages.

^my thoughts exactly. Except for the gf part. #single

joined Dec 27, 2014

Should there be a rape tag?

Meh, it's kind of too obscure to be called rape. There was no sign of resistance or her saying stop or anything. And especially the way she said 'I came' and "i'm sorry" after it gave me the impression it wasn't rape.

last edited at Sep 14, 2018 9:45PM

Touma-kun discussion 14 Sep 13:14
joined Dec 27, 2014

"make everyone cuter" is not the same as "go around and woo everyone"

After having seen "Girls become cuter when they are in love." or "You've become cute, are you in love?" in half of the romance series I've read... maybe Touma-kun is simply using a double attack of hair styling and brain chemistry to raise her efficiency.

Haha I like that train of thought

Soiree discussion 13 Sep 15:43
joined Dec 27, 2014

Oh, that's what confused me about the "it'll hurt afterwards" scene, the word balloon is pointing at the wrong person! I couldn't figure out why Hina was saying that so it seemed to say "stop touching me" when it was actually Sato's line saying "stop biting your finger/holding back".

I don't think so though, she's saying 'stop touching them', not 'stop biting then' or something like that, so it must be Hinako saying it. Maybe Hinako's nipples hurt if they're played with too much or something -which is apparently a legit thing "Sexual activity can be another cause of nipple pain. Body friction or sexual activity that involves the nipples can cause soreness. This pain is usually temporary and is often treated by simply giving the nipples time to heal."-

joined Dec 27, 2014

all the previous comments basically sum up my opinion

joined Dec 27, 2014

Me: Hmmmmm.....
Stares at right upper corner panel.
Me: ....Holy shit is that an Adventure Time reference?

Literally came in here to make a comment about a Steven Universe reference in the top right panel here and now this lol. How fun

this author has a fair amount of SU/AT fanart on their tumblr so i'm sure they are legit references. So fun though, something you hardly see.

joined Dec 27, 2014

I honestly felt that I was better without the toys, but that could just be because I'm not into them. ( ̄∇ ̄)

Tbh I also felt it went downhill when the toys started entering the scene

No Way Out discussion 12 Sep 20:33
joined Dec 27, 2014

I liked it but then the blood and the scissor finish... Oh well the beginning and the passion was nice.

joined Dec 27, 2014

.... Now I'm extra sad that they broke up, even after all that, with Michelle who gave up everything etc. ... I need some fluff rn. Tokoharu my friend where are you?

last edited at Sep 12, 2018 8:01PM

Yuri Moyou discussion 11 Sep 07:09
joined Dec 27, 2014

Am I the only one who thinks the 4th sister is the only one that already had sex?

Hah, now that you mention it her reactions to the conversation do raise some suspicion.

I would absolutely dig that arch

Liberty discussion 11 Sep 06:58
joined Dec 27, 2014

Yay people are overreacting about a simple joke again

Come here so I could slap you and then tell a simple joke afterwards. Lol sure it was a joke but the action prior to it was not. The problem was not the "slap joke" but rather the real slap that happened to the MC. Why joke about it when you can say sorry instead for slapping her without reason.

Because that's how some people deal with problems. I recognize myself in it tbh. Rather than apologizing I tend to joke around about the matter later on, or turn it into a joke the moment after it happened rather than apologizing straight away. I know it's not right and I should change my ways, but hey I'm working on it.
Just saying, humans are very diverse, they deal with issues and situations differently.

But I have to agree that the story is very chaotic. Liz atm just seems like some kind of polymorf character. I get she was upset about her past and maybe slapped her half because she wanted to test her half because she was just angry, but it still doesn't justify it. And then with the sudden change of moods and uhg idk just too chaotic man.

last edited at Sep 11, 2018 7:05AM

joined Dec 27, 2014

I can't read Japanese so I have to bug girls from Chaosteam more for faster chapters releasing :v

please don't bug us,we don't work under pressure

B-But... it's ME :(

chapter 12 is already on translation :)

Dog gifs truly are the best

joined Dec 27, 2014

I'm a simple gay woman. When I see Tamamusi, I clicked.


I’m Bi, but i click just as fast too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Same as the person above

Yeah, that got me too. :P

Can straight people join in too? :3

I dont identefy with any sex for i am a dragon.

Tohru go home, you're drunk.

This is why I love the dynasty comments

joined Dec 27, 2014

Animal ears are the beast.

joined Dec 27, 2014

Now that the former part is out, we can see that these two are kinda bad at locking doors.

And that black-haired girl is starting to get used to it.

Nah, she always been there the whole time, she just wait for the right moment to show up ^^

Keep in mind she knew where the relationship was going to lead right from the start. Personal experience, maybe?

I bet she has a girlfriend as well.


last edited at Sep 10, 2018 2:05PM

joined Dec 27, 2014

well that escalated quickly o.O lol

Ikr is has such a subtle pace an suddenly whoaw sixth gear and everything

Sisters discussion 09 Sep 19:14
joined Dec 27, 2014

F'cked up but in an interesting way.