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joined Oct 1, 2020

It's funny how Touhou lends itself so well to a high-school setting precisely because it wasn't originally written to be one, and therefore has all the chaos, insanity and quirky diversity that you'd find in an actual school of hormonal, confused and dumb teenagers, as opposed to Moe Sakura Highschool #5999 with your five stock character archetypes. Desperately need more stories of this kind.

joined Oct 1, 2020

^Excellent comment, and I agree completely.
While the whole butch/femme trope isn't as ingrained in Japanese media as it is in the West (although the tachi/neko dynamic is brought up in some of the the more adult-aimed Yuri series), I've noticed that lots of Japanese media still tends to sort female characters into 'cool' or 'cute'. This is also the country that gave us the Takarazuka Revue, so clearly, even when alternative means of gender performance are allowed, they're rarely accepted beyond certain degrees, and can often end up being just as constraining themselves (heck, even the whole 'tomboy' term just relates all assertiveness or sportiness on a woman's part to the opposite sex as opposed to treating it as something that has inherent uniqueness and value). At some point, we need to look past tropes and at a wider image of self-acceptance and I think that's what this mange is angling for.

On a related note, Flowers: Le Volume Sur Automne is a VN that has one of the best in-depth explorations of the 'butch lesbian who wants to be a femme, but feels afraid of changing up her princely aesthetic' trope that I've ever seen in any form of media, so you should check it out if you're interested in these kinds of narratives.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Just watched Omoide no Marnie, and wow, it's been a shit-ton of time since I was ever so disappointed by a film. When I first heard about it, I was wondering why it didn't get any buzz, because for all intents and purposes, it looked like Studio Goddamn Ghibli had made a yuri film, which should've put it at the top of every recommendation list. After that terrible ending, though... yeah. I need to, like, gargle my soul or something.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Rodd sure is smug for someone who can only lend one helping hand

He was supposed to use one for spanking people's girlfriends and the other for high-fives, but then realized he was in a yuri story and nobly made an adjustment.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Oh hey, it's Ballroom e Yurikoso. Saw this on mangadex around a month back, and I'm glad it made it here.
I love how soft the art is, and it blends perfectly with the poetic, flowing nature of the prose. The overall style reminds me of Yamada and Kase's fluffiness crossed with the indirect, fleeting snapshot panels that Nakatani loves to use in Bloom Into You. Fundamentally, it feels very yuri (or maybe the term I'm looking for is Sapphic?).

Bimonthly serialization's gonna be tough to bear, but I hope Yuri Hime doesn't nuke this until we get to see at least one willowy girl in a suit with coattails and a rose pinned to her lapel. I love the cast dynamic, since it's the perfect mix of 'Silence, bottom!", and "You should really express yourself more, Bottom-senpai."

All in all, this manga has the Koito Yuu seal of approval, and I'm looking forward to following this story at the rollicking pace of 6 chapters a year.

joined Oct 1, 2020

This manga sparks happiness. No, it literally generates it. I felt like I was looking at a sunrise or something. Yamada and Kase author too stronk.

joined Oct 1, 2020

I need a chapter of "Sexual education 120%" describing what BDSM really is.

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

Just ask if they're an S or an M instead.

joined Oct 1, 2020

i swear reading hachiko and taiyaki's work will land me in FBIs watchlist

I'm pretty sure Hachiko's stuff will murder you with diabetes long before the feds show up. And Taiyaki is clearly a 1000-year old member of the Illuminati who has personally supervised the growth of the U.S. as a nation, training the people to say 'motherfucker' until they're subconsciously accustomed to the idea of mamacon, and will rush out in droves to buy 1 1/2 when it gets licensed.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Maybe the source of Leopold's power is the level of her gay. The stronger the gay becomes, the more stars she acquires.

Applies to everyone, tbh. This dates back to good old DBZ, when dudes got shirtless, looked at each other's abs, and proceeded to issue progressively louder levels of gay screaming in an infinite cycle of getting ripped and horny.

joined Oct 1, 2020

This was one of the first manga about trans people that I encountered, so I didn't really see a lot the issues on my first read. The segments that everyone described as preachy, for instance, came off as fairly informative to me, because I wasn't well-educated about the issues at hand. With that being said, I kinda noticed that the actual events and plot weren't anywhere near as elaborate as the poetic musings about gender issues, and I definitely felt like the ending was nuclear-level trash.
Now that I've read it a second time, after having explored various other trans narratives, I can say for sure that this series is a massive disappointment. The one thing it has going for it is that it's very clear in what it wants to express, but the ending pretty much dunks all the buildup into a bin, making it one of the worst works about trans people I've ever read (heck, you could argue that it isn't even about a trans person so much as her cis best friend and her saviour complex). Almost feels like the author is one of those people who go 'The A in LGBTQIA+ actually stands for ally, because look how hard we work to give our oppressed little buddies the spotlight!'

joined Oct 1, 2020

Just because one person's an S and the other's an M doesn't give the S license to straight up wail on the M with zero warning, lmao. There's a reason it's called roleplay and not improv battery. She's lucky her friend was so accommodative. Coupled with the oneshot from yesterday where the lesbian ended up assaulting a homophobe who also just happened to be a lesbian, it seems like ridiculously lucky yuri protagonists are a trend these days. Good for them, I guess.

Anime season 13 Oct 00:24
joined Oct 1, 2020

^Pretty good summary, overall.

I was pretty surprised by how little I liked the yuri in Assault Lily Bouquet, despite the fact that the show is explicitly bursting at the seams with it. I think it might be because the characters are so incredibly generic and tropey that at this point, they don't feel like women so much as anime archetypes with boobs and thighs stapled on.

I personally gravitated to yuri works because I found the characterization and exploration of feelings in wlw works much more profound and engaging than in het stuff (on average), so it's rather disappointing to see shows that explicitly use yuri to bait horny otaku rather than focusing on the characters themselves. Assault Lily is particularly bad with this, because the show's reason for being yuri seems to be primarily 'girl on girl sex is hot'. It feels pandering in a way that I haven't ever seen before, and I think this is because the show is basically your standard, Classroom of the Elite style harem battle academy show, but with a female protagonist.

At this point, it just feels like the same people who produced thousands and thousands of soulless harem shows with cardboard protagonists and mindless waifubait harem-ettes have realized that they can appeal to otaku even more if they replace the self-insert protagonist with yet another generic girl that they can also fap to. It reminds me of a panel from a series I saw some time ago, which basically stated that yuri is the final step in the evolution of the harem show, because every obstacle to the gratification of the straight male has been erased. At this point, despite there being an all-female cast, it feels like this show couldn't care less about the women in it as individuals, and is more invested in marketing them as products for a gacha game (and considering that the franchise was originally a toy line, this makes sense).

I get that a lot of people will still love ALB because it's gay, and I think it's fine to appreciate that, but it honestly makes me feel cheated in terms of just how much it panders to a very specific brand of otaku. Again, I'm not saying that fanservicey yuri written by men is universally bad (Gunbured Sisters, for instance, is a great example of this kind of series done right). I just feel like the combination of bad writing, extreme waifubait and gacha-game tier character objectification creates an unbearable level of trashiness.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Well, considering that the first couple in Biblical history comprised a guy and a creature born entirely of his body, I think we can safely say that the G-man was an incest fan.
1 1/2 is therefore the purest interpretation of the Bible ever written.

Image Comments 12 Oct 22:30
joined Oct 1, 2020

Every 60 seconds, a new ship is created in the Touhou fandom, and everyone still wonders why it wasn't created earlier.
I guess Eiki used her power to divide Reimu's legs and arrive at absolute justice.

Image Comments 12 Oct 22:26
joined Oct 1, 2020

"This is our Emperor. She is a very smol Emperor. There are no others like her, because that's not how monarchy works."

Image Comments 12 Oct 22:22
joined Oct 1, 2020

I guess even Medusa occasionally wants to gorg-on a pretty girl.
I shall see myself out.

Image Comments 12 Oct 22:21
joined Oct 1, 2020

"Day 5967 of Lunarian Infiltration. They may have figured out that I'm gay."

joined Oct 1, 2020

Does someone know any old yuri/shoujo ai?

Shiroi Heya no Futari (1971) is considered the oldest yuri manga ever written. It's only one chapter long, horribly depressing and oddly French. Might wanna give it a read if you're interested in the history of the genre.

joined Oct 1, 2020

On the latest episode of How to Train Your Dhampir, we learn that it might not be the best choice to bring your Dhampir into the workplace, since it may be targeted by the Unchosen Lesbian, a normally-docile animal that is occasionally prone to depressive hatesex. Also, any pet owners who refer to their pets as chess pieces, talk about ending wars, and publicly scream that they're turned on should be reported to your local constable (unless said constable is the Unchosen Lesbian, in which case, you can probably just go home).
So far, this manga's been fun. I'm looking forward to seeing how Dolores' 500 IQ plan plays out, and will be personally disappointed if she doesn't beat God to death with a dildo in the final chapters.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Got licensied for whatever reason

Clearly, people realized that this manga is more than a work of entertainment or art, and an actual gift to misguided horny teenagers everywhere. I look forward to the day when parents sit their kids down and say, "Okay, kids, it's time to learn about the birds and the bees. Open to page 15 of Sexual Education 120%".

joined Oct 1, 2020

This manga is the answer to the question, "What if Mochi au Lait rewrote that one play from Bloom Into You on a particularly bad day?"

joined Oct 1, 2020

Hold on a second here....if this is 100% Noel in real life (not a dream) then is she just part of their organization? Glasses is practically saluting her here.

Yep, best-case scenario, Noel is a mindless slave of the organisation, worst-case scenario, she's actually complicit.

joined Oct 1, 2020

The vast majority of yuri webtoons aren't hosted here, since they're tied to various apps and platforms. Taming Grace and Hummingbird Effect are two that come to mind. Also, Her Shim-Cheong is my favourite yuri story of all time, so I'm glad to see it mentioned.
Shokei Shoujo no Ikirumichi is a yuri isekai LN that got a manga adaptation, which you can find on mangadex, plus an ongoing wordpress translation. It does some interesting stuff and won an award, so it might be worth checking out, especially since it's a lot darker and grittier than I Favor the Villianess or Revolution of the Genius Girl.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Tokito: I'm gay and homophobic. Yes, we exist.
On a more serious note, this was a surprisingly fun read. The protagonist just laying one on her homophobic coworker based on a popular belief about closeted lesbians and somehow scoring herself a relationship was a bit surprising, but the author managed to make it work, particularly with the way it tied back into her family situation. I like how both leads aren't exactly perfect or nice, but manage to bumblefuck their way into communication.
Also, 10/10 depiction of men as barely-sentient asshole mushrooms. This is what people mean when they call you a fungi.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Tsuji being in her element as a natural, no-nonsense lady who talks unabashedly about sex whilst still respecting people's boundaries and sexualities is an absolute treat to watch. We need more people like her on this unnecessarily-horny planet.