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joined Feb 18, 2015

Now you can see Yuu starting to want to get closer but being afraid to set off Nanami's trauma... It probably doesn't help when Nanami compares her to her sister...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Chapter 7... WOW! This just gets better and better... Morinaga-sensei at her best!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Read this one again for the first time in a while. This is one of the very best. So dang sweet. Makes me cry every time.

joined Feb 18, 2015

That was just about the sweetest thing I've seen in ages... An age gap story that doesn't come across as icky or wrong...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Dear Ssamba,

It breaks my heart to hear about your illness and I hope for your recovery with all my being. You are a fantastic story teller and wonderful artist. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us. You have fans worldwide who are rooting for you!

Zen in the US

Graphite discussion 13 Jun 10:31
joined Feb 18, 2015

This was a good one. It has a strong sense of mood and the leads have good chemistry despite the short length.

joined Feb 18, 2015

I like the new version of chapter 17 better... Maintaining the distance between them through the race and Moe being the one to break down and run to watch makes for a better story. I really love the love story between those two...

joined Feb 18, 2015

This series just keeps getting better... It does seem a bit forward for her to invite her to a hotel, but this is a great chapter!

Oh, and Ibuki has a pretty amazing figure! (Wasn't she Eve originally? Or is that a nickname her grandfather calls her?)

last edited at Jun 5, 2016 9:01PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

This is such a good manga! Does anybody know how often it comes out or if it is already complete or something?

As for this chapter, Haruto certainly was thrown off his feed by seeing them kiss. In Japanese culture, homosexuality, especially between women, is pretty much not on the radar for most people. (That is why the "invisible storm" from Yuri Kuma Arashi was such an apt analogy for the treatment of queer women in Japan... They are pretty much overlooked and ignored as if they didn't exist.) So Haruto's reaction is pretty spot on for what might be expected. The strange thing is that I hadn't gotten the feeling that he really was "in love" with Minato... It seemed more like he just expected her to marry him, not that he was passionate about her. In any case, I can't wait for the next chapter!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Unrequited love... sigh... I hope she doesn't end up doing something because she is jealous of Yuu...

joined Feb 18, 2015

The credit page about Citrus is FANTASTIC!

Not sure why the story seems to be bouncing around though. This chapter looks like it goes more naturally with chapter 6... Or maybe it is just that it doesn't flow from chapter 7 at all and just starts up with Toudou and Yamanaka having wine... Nice backstory though...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Chapter 3: Not that it is to the same level, but didn't the glasses girl pretty much just do the same thing to Reo that Meiko usually does?

Pulse discussion 06 May 10:27
joined Feb 18, 2015

Hmmmm... will the girl who should avoid getting her heart racing make the coldhearted doctor's heart begin to race for once? Can't wait for more!

joined Feb 18, 2015

This is too cute! The first thing that I thought of when they started holding hands was "what about going to the bathroom?" I was surprised that it actually went there, though...

Honey Crush discussion 05 May 18:01
joined Feb 18, 2015

This was just so sweet and sad and funny and ... awesome!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Well... that was a bit manipulative there at the end... This story hurts to read sometimes.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Does anybody know what the schedule for this one is?

Personally, I almost always dislike teacher student relationships, especially if she is doing anything physical, but I realize this is fiction, not reality. (Those type of relationships do happen in reality, but not with the frequency of fiction...) I'm hoping that we are supposed to despise the teacher in this case. I also hope to find out that she isn't doing anything physical with the girl and is just taking her places and building up her self-esteem or something like that, but I doubt it. (It could end up being that she is working with the girl to make her friend jealous, too...)

Pulse discussion 02 May 16:15
joined Feb 18, 2015

Fantastic set of chapters and quite the cliffhanger. is Lynn faking it to see how Mel reacts? Is she doing a "swooning so my heart hurts" joke? or is she actually having a heartattack right there on the roof?

Can't wait for more!

Lily Love discussion 02 May 16:06
joined Feb 18, 2015

This pair of chapters are really the highs and lows... First she finds out that her mom would be totally fine with her relationship. (I bet her mom already suspects...) Then the study abroad bomb hits... It was totally wrong of Mew to not tell her that she was applying, though I think there was an indication early on that she wanted to study abroad...

But the worst part is the Ice thing... I totally am angry with Ice. She can tell that something is desperately wrong and Donut is torn apart by it. That is NOT the time you confess your feelings to your longtime friend!

I have looked at the raws enough to know that they are OK, but I can't wait for the next two chapters! I bought the digital version of volume 3 so I could see the art, but I haven't read them... And my app stopped working for some reason, which really sucks! I really want to know what is going through Donut's mind in the next chapter especially...

last edited at May 2, 2016 4:07PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

WOW ... just ... WOW!

That was one heck of a chapter!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Okay, are the japanese ankles made out of wet tissue or what? I've had that kind of accidents happen to me many, many times and at worst it only left me sore for some minutes, never at getting to the point I couldn't walk.

Well, when I was about the age that these characters are, I sprained my right ankle three times in one year. The first time is was just a normal sprain, but I was told to stay off of it for about a week. The next time it was more of a situation like this where I fell down with someone else. What actually happened to me was that I twisted it again and went down, but hit the legs of the guy next to me and he fell ON TOP of my already twisted ankle. That put me on crutches for a month. The first day back in PE after I got off of the crutches, we played the same game, and the same exact thing happened, putting me back on crutches. All of the ligaments and tendons in that ankle were pretty much trashed that year and now if I twist it it has a momentary twinge and no after effects... Nothing left to hurt... But it is pretty easy to hurt it enough to make walking difficult for the rest of the day... Especially if someone else falls on it.

Age 15 discussion 25 Apr 15:18
joined Feb 18, 2015

Hope Hana will stay with Miku, I like them together more than the idea of the older woman.
I kind of like that pairing as well, except that Miku is "on the rebound" and obviously likes guys. I don't know that she is bi even. I think she might just be going with the flow and letting her friend comfort her, since she is unused to even having friends...

The scanlator responds to your questions, a new feature. (Disclaimer: this feature may be skipped or discontinued at any time at the sole discretion of the scanlator.)

What is up with the whole Anna putting her crotch in Ema's face like it's its going to get sexual but Anna never really stops and questions it or Ema doesn't go farther?

It seems Anna doesn't stop it because she thinks it helps Ema and she's decided to allow it. It doesn't go further because Anna made it clear she won't allow it. Sorry, but if you want to understand any better than that, you'll have to get the artist to tell you.

Not to mention that Ema was not DRUNK this time...

In the long run, I can see Anna taking care of Ema, and occasionally letting her go beyond certain boundaries, as being a deal breaker in any (healthy) relationship she tries to have with someone other than Ema... I also, very sadly, expect that Miku will break Anna's heart into little bitty pieces.

joined Feb 18, 2015

This one is funny... and a little creepy... but I expect the loli is really not a kid. (She doesn't act like one...)

joined Feb 18, 2015

SO far this is really good. It certainly looks like a fully circular triangle...

joined Feb 18, 2015

I don't know why I took so long to find this one. It is a great series, but a bit short.

As for the NTR argument, it really doesn't seem like that at all to me. In the entire series, Iono only actually has sex with one person despite having all of these Sobame. (There is one other potential partner, Kass, but it only shows them hugging really.) And she only actually marries one person, despite the fact that she could probably legally marry several. The fact that she has thousands of attendants and is looking for more doesn't mean that she is looking for sex partners, even if she might have been at the beginning.