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joined Aug 16, 2014

@ none

Started watching Orphan Black.
I'm about to finish the first season tonight. I like it so far so, thanks for the recommendation!
Really love Alison – the soccer mom (^_-)b

I like her too, she's pretty funny. But sadly she gets a bit out of focus on later seasons. My favorite clone is Helena tho =P
Also, gotta love Tatiana Maslany, that girl has some impressive acting skills, and I say that as someone who doesn't take notice of acting often, neither for bad acting nor for good acting.

joined Aug 16, 2014


And for all the darlings, some Billie. Actually, let's go with a classic, because I'm peeved it wasn't included in the deluxe cd I bought not long ago.

super late but still
I love how you call us darlings! <3 makes me want to draw a picture of you being fablouse and saying "hello my darlings" XDDD

You're all my darlings now!

Also a bit late but thanks for the songs! I added to my track, I love these type of oldie songs =//w//=

Billie is awesome! Great voice, but a very sad life story. If you liked her, here, have some more :3

Alien Girl discussion 01 Feb 19:26
joined Aug 16, 2014

I'd also pose that that there's evidence of reciprocation of affection from the alien, but I'm not sure I get the feeling its the same that we see from the good doctor...

I'd risk saying that the little white hearts are more than enough back up to your proposition.

last edited at Feb 1, 2017 7:27PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

[...] wish I could be as aggressive in love as she is


joined Aug 16, 2014

You might've a better chance if you take your request to the author themself.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Oh, please don't make me feel so old! ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

Sorry, not my intention in the least D;
My first imagery was actually kind all-loving grandma, because that's what grandmas are, but I didn't go with it to avoid this implication... The keywords should be kind and all-loving...

Good thing you don't actually think I'm that old... (`・ω・´)/ YAY!!

And you, uncle, you're not creepy, just misunderstood! (。◕‿◕。)

Also, don't worry, I'm in peace with myself. I chose to embrace all my creepiness, evilness and general unsavoriness with pride :<

That's not how I got to know you at all! ^^ I mean, creepy, evil and unsavory
You have to change that if you want to convince me ;)

Aww, you flatterer, you 8D
Don't say such things or people will accuse me of misleading them when I show up how evil I am :<

Gay robots! Now I want to share Björk too!

last edited at Jan 31, 2017 8:41PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

So... Anon is the kind all-loving mother of the family?

...more like the creepy uncle that people would like to ignore but who still always shows up (;ↀ⌓ↀ)

Eh, I thought that was me, you def look more the part of all-loving mother 8D

Oh, please don't make me feel so old! ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

Sorry, not my intention in the least D;
My first imagery was actually kind all-loving grandma, because that's what grandmas are, but I didn't go with it to avoid this implication... The keywords should be kind and all-loving...

And you, uncle, you're not creepy, just misunderstood! (。◕‿◕。)

Also, don't worry, I'm in peace with myself. I chose to embrace all my creepiness, evilness and general unsavoriness with pride :<

joined Aug 16, 2014

Oh well... it's like a big family... not everyone gets along perfectly... doesn't mean we don't love them nonetheless... (´・(ェ)・`)
When people come together some vexations are bound to happen, I guess... But I always liked having you around. And I'm sure I'm not the only one!

So... Anon is the kind all-loving mother of the family?

...more like the creepy uncle that people would like to ignore but who still always shows up (;ↀ⌓ↀ)

Eh, I thought that was me, you def look more the part of all-loving mother 8D

joined Aug 16, 2014

Okay, I know I'm not terribly welcome in the Café

Who said that...? T_T
Of course you are always welcome! Anytime!

Can't figure out how I got a different impression on that.

Oh well... it's like a big family... not everyone gets along perfectly... doesn't mean we don't love them nonetheless... (´・(ェ)・`)
When people come together some vexations are bound to happen, I guess... But I always liked having you around. And I'm sure I'm not the only one!

So... Anon is the kind all-loving mother of the family?

joined Aug 16, 2014

I don't really do Touhou, but this was brilliant. Thank you for bumping the thread 8D

joined Aug 16, 2014

I guess you will live...

The dead will always live! ^^

Dead is the new alive.

joined Aug 16, 2014

The thing about fiction as opposed to factual litterature, is that the reader's experience is pretty much the whole point, and whether that experience is what the author had in mind or not is, in the end, largely irrelevant.

Couldn't've put better, Roppo.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I'd say not that the author doesn't know anything about their own work, but that what he knows/thinks about it is irrelevant.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Contributing this to the playlists.

joined Aug 16, 2014

The great & powerful Anon has risen from the dead! What is thy command o great Anon!?


I was expecting



joined Aug 16, 2014

Aaah, true love. I'm moved to tears before the beauty of this one-shot, I only wish it was slightly longer. Thank you, Roppo :')
Please translate more stuff like this ♥

last edited at Jan 28, 2017 5:36PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

I remembered another very good movie, Antiviral. Since you like horror(?), maybe you'll enjoy it too, Anon.

And for all the darlings, some Billie. Actually, let's go with a classic, because I'm peeved it wasn't included in the deluxe cd I bought not long ago.

Image Comments 28 Jan 02:02
joined Aug 16, 2014

Lovely and sexy, I like it.

joined Aug 16, 2014

^ Where are you from...?
I could ship that book to you for less than a tenner... If you don't mind used condition...

That's sweet of you Anon, I wouldn't mind it, but I expressed myself wrongly and ended up misleading you there, it's not so much that they're prohibitively expensive, but more like the cost-benefit isn't on my side anymore (before, it was cheaper to import my books, now, it's at best the same deal, with the downside of the shipping time), so I'm both buying less books, and buying them TL here. Sadly, after applying rates, the prices would still be equivalent ;x

I'm interested in knowing what you thought about it, tho...

last edited at Jan 27, 2017 8:32PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

Yes, sorry, I mean the 2012 one, never watched the older one. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and was surprised to find gayness in it, be them a result of the goggles or not xD
I want to get my hands on the book too, if I can.

Ah, I see ^^ Then I have no idea either ;)
Is the book so hard to get...?

It is to me, specially with our currency being even more devalued right now. I used to import most of my books (which meant that it took months to get here; funny fact: I once ordered two manga, and it arrived in one month. 3 months for a shipping from UK, 1 for a shipping from JP), but the current exchange rates doesn't make it advantageous anymore.

last edited at Jan 27, 2017 8:18PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

I'm not sure, other people's opinions don't help season 2's case... I mean, I was already greatly disappointed it wasn't set in Louisiana too.

That greatly changed the atmosphere, true. But also: Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn... O_o
And Justin Lin didn't help much either, I guess... But oh well...

In case you're looking for some other crime shows I'd recommend American Crime, The Night of, or The Killing (the first two seasons were great!). They don't have that scary and mystic vibe but those are deep.

I'll look into them, thanks =)

EDIT: Another good-movie-that-I-intend-to-rewatch-sometime-soon™: Foxfire.

Oh... Foxfire... That takes me back... ^^ to the times when gayness on TV was still so scarce that you were happy with every little piece you could find... Was Foxfire a good movie...? I really don't remember... At least it didn't leave me impressed, otherwise I'm sure I would remember it.
Or do you mean the one from 2012...? Never watched that one...

Yes, sorry, I mean the 2012 one, never watched the older one. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and was surprised to find gayness in it, be them a result of the goggles or not xD
I want to get my hands on the book too, if I can.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Season 2? Not really... Unfortunately... It tries so hard to be everything season 1 was and more but it fails miserably. It's not even funny... I was really looking forward for more...
But tastes are different, you might wanna give it a try to see if it's to your liking or not...

I'm not sure, other people's opinions don't help season 2's case... I mean, I was already greatly disappointed it wasn't set in Louisiana too.

Do you have some good TV shows or movies to recommend...? ^^
I'm always in great need ;)

Hmmm, let me think. For TV shows: Hannibal (best series I saw yet, I don't understand how it wasn't renewed) and Orphan Black (the first seasons are better, but the characters and Tatiana Maslany's acting keep me going). For movies, I guess there're too many, but a very underrated movie I always recommend is Jack & Diane (Juno Temple ♥ ).

Oh, now I remember a movie from your homeland that I enjoyed and intend to rewatch sometime soon: Kriegerin, I believe.

Also, gayness in Orphan Black and Jack & Diane ;)

EDIT: Another good-movie-that-I-intend-to-rewatch-sometime-soon™: Foxfire. Also gay (maybe it was my goggles, but I don't believe they were too tight on my face at any rate)

last edited at Jan 27, 2017 5:36PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

If you really like disturbing stuff like that I have two recommendations for you:
Zodiac, the 2007 movie by David Fincher and
True Detective (season 1)
Both brilliant crime stories with a really dark and captivating atmosphere.

Do you rec season 2 too, Anon? So far, the people I know weren't enthusiastic about it, so I've been putting it off forever

joined Aug 16, 2014

I second the change to Gaybies.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I offer you more sexy abs, then!

OMG I loved this Manga too!! @//A//@ it was so so so cuuuuuuuuuuttttteeeeee! >w< I wish I could find more of this artisit works honestly QAQ

Indeed, it's a shame we don't have more Saida Nika yuri, she has gorgeous art and cute stories
The confession in Cirque Arachne is still one of my favorites ever ♥