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joined Jan 8, 2014

Well im hooked, such an interesting premise...cant wait for the next part ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

"Applause" sad story, but so well done! And like I said before the art is really good! I wonder what other storys this mnagaka has planned ^_^
Thanks for translating!

joined Jan 8, 2014

Ahhh LuLu is so cute "garu-garu" ^_^ cant wait to see what happens next

joined Jan 8, 2014

Lol@Bolby !

The art is spectacular...I read this kinday like an extra since its not officially part 2...I dont think so anyway

joined Jan 8, 2014

Ooo havent seen a new Mira work in awhile, thanks for translating!
The sempai's confession was way to cute ^_^
And then that last page o.O lol! Perfect :p

joined Jan 8, 2014

Best chapter in awhile, not only yuri, but emphasizing the dangers of geeking out :p
Itd be fun to see Akina squirm when Kaede starts talking about some fan fiction she read online ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

That bow placement tho... o.O hawt

Toireimu discussion 16 Dec 01:52
joined Jan 8, 2014

Wtf? Lol! Is this how everyone felt who was brave enough to google "two girls and a cup" ?? Poor-poor Marisa >_< :p

Junk/Jewel discussion 16 Dec 00:51
joined Jan 8, 2014

And now second early christmas ^_^ Jin-sensei is for sure one of my favorite authors...thanks for translating :)

joined Jan 8, 2014

Huh, makes me curious to watch the anime...the comments, sounds like a fun "ship" show ^_^

Lily Love discussion 15 Dec 23:47
joined Jan 8, 2014

I really like the pacing on this story, it feels more natural than some other mangas...
I dont see this "forced drama" everyone keeps talking about tho...again it seems like natural stuff that comes up in real relationships....and hey if it forces Mew and Donut to sleep in the same bed, I am not against it! Hehe ;) ^_^
Anyway thanks for the new chs(especially since it was two at the same time!) And thanks for translating :)

joined Jan 8, 2014

Is it Christmas already? ^_^ thats how I felt when I saw a new Jin release ^_^
I always enjoy reading releases from this author, but this one was super fluffy cute, I really loved the inner monologue of the dark haired girl in all those different situations, super funny and cute...

joined Jan 8, 2014

Omg its so cute! ^_^ im over here ch = what should we do now ;) hehe *

joined Jan 8, 2014


Really? I havent seen Valkyerie Drive...anime or manga?

It is anime

Right on...I havent had alot of time for anime recently...but will have to check it out ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

Wow! How about that kiss tho! Kureha literally floored Ginko ^_^

Im interested to see how it plays out in the next ch

joined Jan 8, 2014

This was really nice I kind of wish this anime had a continuation. But this time no unnecessary stupid plot twist >.>. Like it would had been great they expended on her powers and if she is the only one who can do it. What if there are only a selective few that can do it? what if there is a government facility out there looking for individuals like her? The plot could had been about them fighting against these individuals. It could had also been about the main not wanting to hurt blonde (whats her name).God so much potential with this but nothing >:T
I I keep talking about all this things about wanting a decent yuri but maybe I should just make my own yuri lol. Sad part I dont have a decent drawing pad :/

What about a yuri story where if u happen to engage in lesbian sex an exchange of energy occurs and transforms the energy it takes to breed and give birth into the manefestation of supernatural powers(that of course vary based on individual talents) that is then coveted by a select group of special operatives...? Oh and they all live together dorm style(for kinks) lol ^_^
I know its not elegant; my description but it was the fastest way to describe it... now who will draw this, lol ;p

That sounds like Valkyrie Drive
One girl sexually arouses the other, and the latter becomes a weapon of some sort.
And they're all sent to an artificial island, so it's an island full of teenage girls with this ability


Haha what do you mean?
Yo I've been waiting for that anime ever since I spotted the trailer, and yeah it's ecchi and fanservicey af BUT it's YURI and given how ecchi is typically girls shamelessly fondled and exposed to men and falling for the shallow perverts, bruh, I'm VERY okay with Valkyrie Drive.
Also as it turns out I found out that I very much appreciate ecchi yuri, cus fuck the male gaze what about MY gaze.
- Rant over-

Really? I havent seen Valkyerie Drive...anime or manga?

joined Jan 8, 2014

This was really nice I kind of wish this anime had a continuation. But this time no unnecessary stupid plot twist >.>. Like it would had been great they expended on her powers and if she is the only one who can do it. What if there are only a selective few that can do it? what if there is a government facility out there looking for individuals like her? The plot could had been about them fighting against these individuals. It could had also been about the main not wanting to hurt blonde (whats her name).God so much potential with this but nothing >:T
I I keep talking about all this things about wanting a decent yuri but maybe I should just make my own yuri lol. Sad part I dont have a decent drawing pad :/

What about a yuri story where if u happen to engage in lesbian sex an exchange of energy occurs and transforms the energy it takes to breed and give birth into the manefestation of supernatural powers(that of course vary based on individual talents) that is then coveted by a select group of special operatives...? Oh and they all live together dorm style(for kinks) lol ^_^
I know its not elegant; my description but it was the fastest way to describe it... now who will draw this, lol ;p

joined Jan 8, 2014

Fun story so far, hope it has some solid yuri further along...
Thanks for translating ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

swoon ;

joined Jan 8, 2014

Huh, interesting...

joined Jan 8, 2014

^^^ insightful stuff ^_^
That face Meiling makes tho...yeah, MeilingVampSakuya... so hawt

joined Jan 8, 2014

A powerful ending for such a lewd manga, the comments shed some light into the possible meaning of the final scene, tho I did worry that she was in fact having a nightmare of her fighting and losing and that it may come to pass the that very night... :/ surprising ending for sure, im impressed

joined Jan 8, 2014

^_^ that was the best!

joined Jan 8, 2014

Absolutely splendid ch! All the cutes were there...along with a great finishing move ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

Lol, yeah I had a whole story also Matsuri roughs up the boy(physically or verbally) when she finds out.. or two, Matsuri breaks down in Ms.sunflowers arms about not wanting to lose her etc..
The problem is ms.sunflower is a character who totally experiences life like a book, you know like one step removed so the whole concept of her being part of the story or having romantic progression is foreign...thats why I was delighted by the teasing of Yuu-sensei maybe shell figure it out and be the one to confess? At least I hope so ^_^