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joined Apr 10, 2023

Based on what I'm seeing in this first chapter, this is a pretty pure dom/sub story. People who are into that will like it, people who aren't won't.

There's the surface level plot of "oh I want to get one over on her so she realizes she isn't so perfect and can have equal relationships with others" but the whole bets thing is just an excuse for them to do romantic DS stuff, both in and out of universe. I assume eventually Wakaba will realize "Hey wait a minute, I keep agreeing to bets that inevitably end with this hot girl ordering me around and making me kiss her and stuff, and that makes me feel good, what could this possibly mean?"

Anyway, I like the way they position the characters, with Komaki above Wakaba, wrapping her legs around her possessively. It was also a good choice to have Komaki be taller and fuller figured. I don't expect this to be an especially clever or original story, but they're getting the core appeal stuff right.

Did you read in rice to get that idea about the plot? like this ain’t the first time we got this kind of weird plot in romance were we have the biggest cunt act like that and we are supposed to think “she has feelings so she is gonna humiliate her out of love”

this is FAR from BDSM! this is the Japanese weirdo concept of “bullying out of love”

I think you're approaching this all wrong. It's normal to think “oh this is unrealistic, it would be impractical or immoral or unhealthy or toxic to do this in real life” when you see something like this, but if you want to enjoy this kind of media you have to be able to turn that part of your brain off. You have to enjoy this kind of thing on a completely libidinal, illogical level. You have to ignore your logical brain and go with your gut: “do i find this kind of interaction enjoyable or intriguing?” For a lot of people the answer will be no. That's fine. Different strokes for different folks. That's why we have tags on this website. This one's for the freaks (and frankly it's pretty light so far).

I always felt weird about people complaining about 50 shades of gray. They'd roast it for having a shitty plot or being an unrealistic unhealthy depiction of BDSM as if the target audience had any reason to give a shit about that. The middle aged women who read that crap just cared if they found it hot. Enjoyment of low-brow edgy romance fiction is a totally id-based thing, you don't need cerebral moralistic concerns.

I hate the idea that every piece of media has to be some kind of moral instruction manual for how to live your life. Like yeah, if I emulated the actions of these fictional cartoon characters it would go horribly for everyone involved, but who cares. I just want to see a toxic relationship in a comic book and go “oh that's freaky I like that” and if you can't relate, that's just a difference in taste isn't it?


I don't even think you need to turn your brain off (and in the case of the person you're replying to I don't think they need that advice lol), more just abstract the level from which you're looking at the story.
It seems very likely to me that for this manga you're not supposed to be looking at these characters and judging them as people on moral standards (almost no media is written for the audience to morally judge it, just like Chick tracts and garbage like that basically lol), but rather feeling these characters as bundles of emotion and conflict and desire. Of course Komaki looks like a haughty bitch, we're not seeing any sort of "objective" portrayal of a character, we're seeing her through Wakaba's subjective perspective, tinted by her emotions.

joined Apr 10, 2023

I do have to be clear about this though, I don't consider it my list. This is a collaborative effort. That's why I add games to the list that I haven't played myself as long as the poster can make their own recommendation for it. I generally trust people to judge VNs well enough to tell me if they fit the loose criteria of the list. Believe me, if this was my list, Yurinate! would never have made it in. ^^;

Keeping in mind that the devs went out of their way to make sure it's not futanari or any of the other... extremes of the Omegaverse I suppose it is only fair to consider this game a proper yuri title. Albeit one I will never touch.
I will add it to the list. However due to the uncertainties of this particular universe I will still take the precaution of putting it into the "Majorly Yuri content" category. I hope that's not too petty of me.

To show my goodwill I want to make clear that talking about Omegaverse content isn't a problem at all. Even more uh... characteristic examples of it could technically be put into the "Yuri adjacent" category. It is rather barren since its inception anyway. Not an awful lot of imposed bisexual narratives or futanari VNs going around in these circles.

Why would that VN be only "majorly yuri" instead of just "yuri". You seem to have some strong preconceptions about omegaverse stuff, but especially for Japanese works whenever the concept comes up you can basically just read it as "what if human sex pheromones were real for some people". I've never once read one with a caste system or breeding based on the ABO subtypes, it's such a relatively tame concept that there's even Chinese ABO comics published on Bilibili, lol. It's come a long way from Supernatural fanfics about werewolves going into heat.
Dynasty has already (rightly) established that physical variation on the girls involved does not negate something being yuri as long as those girls have gay feelings. So what about that VN is not yuri?

joined Apr 10, 2023

Damn, I'm a bit baffled that people are so prone to advise medications. While they do have a utility and are definitely life savior for some people, medications shouldn't be considered lightly. They can have a lot of heavy side effects, can be additive, and are poison for the brain medium to long term...

Well of course medicines shouldn't be considered lightly, but that's the whole reason we have doctors and psychiatrists lol. You know what else has heavy side effects, is addictive, and poisonous to the brain? Anxiety. Long term stress is terrible for your health. There's a risk to everything, including a risk to inaction, but stressing the potentially bad outcomes of treating an anxiety disorder in particular is putting way too much weight on one end of the scale given how anxious thinking works. If Hime needs something to take the edge off she should get it and feel no shame, lol. We can only hope she turns to a doctor instead of a liquor store if she reaches that point.

joined Apr 10, 2023

That just made me realize they've been secretly writing omegaverse this whole time lol

joined Apr 10, 2023

You've missed some subtext, and maybe some text there. I'm absolutely sure Tianli liked Xingyuan, not Wang. That "Why couldn't it be me" isn't about the guy, it's about her. She's sitting there thinking about how Xingyuan explicitly told her she wasn't interested in her romantically, and literally almost texted her "Why don't you care about me?" The girl has it bad, and not only is Xingyuan saying she isn't interested, she's becoming steadily more distant and distracted.

Xingyuan's getting more popular as she gets more successful, and it's distracting her from Tianli, who she takes for granted. Meanwhile Tianli is realizing that she likes Xingyuan and is hurt that she's becoming more distant while also taking opportunities away from her. All of that pain and jealousy and unrequited love overflowed until she did something she regretted.

Not saying it makes her okay, but it's not the kind of jealous spite you seem to think it is.

I wouldn't call it text, there's some stuff we can interpret as potentially a romantic interest, but it could also be wanting to keep the attention of the cool popular girl who used to be very close to her and has left her behind. And those types of motivations can't explain all the elements in the chapter, like Xingyuan pulling ahead of her in the competition to get the study abroad scholarship Tianli's family was pushing her to get, and Wang, the guy she introduced to us as her crush, wanting Xiangyuan's contact info. She doesn't seem interested in him anymore, but that certainly doesn't mean she can't feel bitter about the thought of her best friend succeeding in yet another area where Tianli did not. And when she remembers Xiangyuan talking about not liking every girl, the image is not from that scene but rather Xiangyuan being popular with girls at school.

Is Tianli thinking "why couldn't it be me?" supposed to be her jealous of Xiangyuan being popular and successful and happy, or is it her being jealous of those other girls getting attention from Xiangyuan, or is it "why couldn't I be the girl she likes"? I think that's deliberately ambiguous. I don't think there's any one cut and dry "it's just this and not that" explanation for her actions, because I doubt she could fully tell you. Teenagers are stupid and impulsive like that. But spite or bitterness clearly seemed to be at least part of it. The framing makes it clear that no matter why she wanted to do it, she was doing it in the moment to hurt Xingyuan on purpose, and while she immediately regrets it she can't take it back. That's some real big heavy shit to deal with for them both. Xianyuan might tell her she's forgiven, but will the guilt go away? Will they be friends again? It doesn't seem likely right now.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Why is it that translators always come across as total narcissists when talking to other people lol? You don't need to insult the other person's intelligence or accuse them of being some kind of fake news spreader.

you could just leave out all the narccy bull and still give all the same information.

inb4 bad attitudes and generated social apathy really lead to Ai generation

You'd take having an absolutely garbage machine translation over a human translator who dares to have opinions and feelings? Lol that's so cringe

joined Apr 10, 2023

Damn so Tianli deliberately outed her out of spite, yeesh. "She did better than me in school and the guy I liked wanted her contact info" is a pretty goddamn petty reason to betray a supposed best friend, yeah no shit Xingyuan isn't comfortable around her. I'm not sure how one even begins to make amends for doing that kind of evil on purpose, but Tianli barely even seems to have started beyond just putting herself in front of Xingyuan and hoping it just works somehow?? Just about the only hope for her I can imagine is one where she's still being dishonest: that text to Wang was phrased somewhat ambiguous and Xianyuan might not know it was an intentional act of spite. That would make Tianli an even worse person than how she appears after this chapter, though.
This context also highlights the importance of Xingyuan's relationship to Xiaoen, someone who's very open and uninhibited and an established adult who has basically no reason to ever be jealous of her. Xiaoen probably makes Xingyuan feel safe with all those character traits the other people around them criticize her for.

last edited at Feb 22, 2024 9:25AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Green is obviously the color of the magic fairies just off screen manipulating events to keep one or both of these women from dying as they should have a thousand times over given the events of the comic lol

joined Apr 10, 2023

I honestly really enjoy discussions about translations! But I feel like it's so easy to step on people's toes. Everyone has their own interpretations of words, especially if we include the sometimes wide array of interpretations among native speakers...

恋人?愛人?How do you translate those!?

(As a side note, my friend has been getting on my case for using the word "lover" in English as a gender-neutral term. I wish we had a good word for 恋人 that didn't imply anything heavy, like "partner" often does)

Wait is your friend saying "lover" is not gender neutral? I'm confused. If you're looking for a word like "partner" but less heavy then imo lover works pretty well, because it's got a connotation of two people in relatively new love who have not made any significant commitments yet, as those commitments would change the name of the relationship. They could be in something as light as a mutually acknowledged crush or explicitly short term interaction, like two people who met while traveling and will soon part ways. The relationship between two people where one of them is cheating is very frequently a "lovers" type relationship due to the preexisting commitment getting in the way of them being "official" with each other, as with Yuni and Fuuko.

last edited at Feb 22, 2024 1:54AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

That was really cute. Dunno why people are arguing about the glasses as if Sasaki told her to remove them, cuz she absolutely did not. Yuzu entirely did that on her own, and since Sasaki fell for her before she did that I can totally imagine that being something she brings up, wanting the glasses back.
Speaking of Sasaki, I was wondering if she was named after the Azumanga Diaoh character because Yuzu gushing over her reminded me of Kaorin's famous gay euphoria scene, only to look it up and realize that character is "Sakaki". Ah well.

joined Apr 10, 2023

It still feels to me that it's less of a conscious effort and more that she doesn't like to compromise on what makes her feel comfortable

Lol what is this distinction supposed to be? She's conscious of how she best feels presenting herself, is conscious of the pressure to conform, and is consciously making a choice to refuse that pressure. Obviously it's all conscious, she's gone to the effort of getting all those piercings, even a tattoo (something very rare in Japan), and her outfits are clearly well thought out. It's not like she's just laying around in sweats and t shirts. She's not just avoiding stuff she doesn't like, like skirts, but actively pursuing the stuff she does, the stuff that lead to Aya first reading her as an "onii-san".

joined Apr 10, 2023

She's not specifically "trying to look like a boy," and yet her fashion choices matter far more to her than merely what she thinks looks good on her. Go back and read Rhythm B. Her clothing is tied into her identity. She does not think "I won't dress in an unflattering way," she thinks "I won't lie to myself". Hey perspective is a fundamentally queer one, not simply one about what clothes she thinks looks best. If it was just that then she'd be open to trying out other things even if just once, like her former friend wanted her to. If it was just that she wouldn't have "swore to never wear a skirt again after high school" as one of her defining features in her bio.

joined Apr 10, 2023

That was surprisingly the best chapter in the slowest pace this manga has ever been so far. Gave this story a hard time early on but you know what given the recent draught of good stories of this genre in recent times, this story is without a doubt one of top dogs of this genre.

On a devilish note: I hope the moms hook up with each other. Yuni's mother corrupting Fuuko's would be peak debauchery..

Oh God you just had the BEST idea. Let's all pray it comes true.

... Of course if it does, this manga will turn into Citrus. Oh no

joined Apr 10, 2023

I would be thrilled if this leads to a real conversion about gender between them, actually. Mitsuki is clearly very butch at minimum, but how does she feel about identifying as a woman in general? I'd love to know.

I think it'a less that she's butch and more that she is somewhat oblivious to social expectations and just finds a more masculine style of clothing comfortable without thinking too deeply about it. I don't think she has ever had any noticable objection to dressing feminine beyond "oh, yeah, I don't have very many skirts, do I...? It probably wouldn't look good on me anyways."

In her character bio (chapter 9.1) Mitsuki swears to never again wear a skirt once she graduates high school and can thus leave her uniform behind. In the flashback to her childhood in Rhythm B when a friend tries to get her to wear a skirt, her immediate reaction is "urgh...", trying to deflect, and then outright refusing when the friend doesn't let up. She thinks about how she doesn't have any skirts and doesn't want any. She absolutely has a deliberate concept of what she feels comfortable in and how she wants to present to the world, she's not accidentally dressing boyish because that's what happened to be in the closet lol.
This doesn't necessarily mean she's trans or anything of course, but combining that style of personal presentation with being a gay woman = butch, that's just basic math :P

joined Apr 10, 2023

I don't necessarily hate the stunned reaction, although it carries on for WAY too long, both in the sense of how long she's stunned and how this blank empty brain state fills up an entire chapter (at least, who knows if she'll be better next month). Especially since we're not seeing what she's thinking. We basically spent the entire chapter with one character in a stupor and the other just sitting there awkward, and that's extremely low density storytelling, and the ending didn't help. Tonally, this is the kind of chapter I expect to see after someone fucking dies, not a chapter after the heroines kiss. No matter what she's feeling, this framing can't be right for it unless she hated the kiss. You'd think the title of the manga was "Our Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected in a Dream, and Ended With Me Getting Kissed and Realizing I'm Not Gay After All" looking at this chapter.

last edited at Feb 20, 2024 1:58AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

So she just see the stupid baby and that's it? problems solved? no broken heart anymore ? talk about ridiculous.

That would be ridiculous if it happened but I have no idea why you'd assume so. People who are sad can still enjoy happy moments like seeing a baby niece for the first time.

joined Apr 10, 2023

That manager looks pretty goddamn unhinged with all those middle of the night phone calls. It's she obsessed with Io? In love with her? Related to her? Either way I hope she gets hit by a car

joined Apr 10, 2023

I hope Fuuko forgets about any resentment she has towards her first crush and becomes her baby's honorary aunt, that'll be so cute.

My og comment seems to be coming true. Idk if the resentment will fully go away but at least the baby will be loved and that's all I want

The moms need girlfriend too
Also, how the baby has this much hair?

Anime babies can't be bald, that'll be blasphemy

But for real, I don't think these mangakas know what infants look like. There's a birthrate decline in Japan after all

Sometimes babies can in fact be born with that much hair, especially if they're born a bit late. I mean it's actually probably the baby's appearance being fudged a bit for aesthetics because that's a much cuter look than a typical newborn, but it IS possible lol.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Probably because she's feeling a little embarrassed for how over the top she was acting, especially since Xingyuan seemed unimpressed by it, so she's trying to course correct by being "fair" to Tianli and give her a chance instead of shoving her out of the way.

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 11:36PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

I wouldn't be surprised if not saying anything was an attempt to be considerate of her gf's anxiety. If Yoru told Hime she's sick, you know Hime would drop everything to go smother her with care, so simply being quiet for a day felt like a less bad alternative.

joined Apr 10, 2023

I don't even think Aya forgot Mitsuki was "onii-san," she just got embarrassed and self conscious using that name for the first time in a long time due to all the baggage it comes with (Aya's feeling stupid for not recognizing Mitiski, guilt at misgendering her, embarrassment at realizing she was gushing to her friends about someone who was sitting right there the whole time, etc).
I would be thrilled if this leads to a real conversion about gender between them, actually. Mitsuki is clearly very butch at minimum, but how does she feel about identifying as a woman in general? I'd love to know.

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 7:45PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

I really don't get what horrible crimes people are Fuuko committing

Only if one considers general asshole-ish behavior a crime I suppose. Which it thankfully isn't, phew, so many of us would be in trouble otherwise!

It does make Fuuko rather harder to sympathize with though, and this latest chapter did not really move that particular needle. Is this entire volume going to be just gazing at the world's most hesitant shoe starting to drop or what?

I wouldn't call her asshole-ish, I'd call her... passionate lol. She's obviously flawed, I'd imagine she's been working through the last few chapters' events in her head wondering what she did wrong. Wouldn't be surprised if "being too demanding and confrontational" comes out as the conclusion, she pushed to try to end things definitively before Yuni was quite ready to move on, which shows Fuuko in retrospect to be less manipulative than she previously came across as. She wasn't winning because she's a puppet master making Yuni dance to her tune, she was winning because Yuni really did want her, and she stopped winning because Yuni flinched out of guilt for being a "cheater".
Yuni is clearly coming around to the realization "I can be happy AND not a cheater if I just give up on this busted ass relationship with Nanase". That's a revelation Fuuko was hoping Yuni'd have BEFORE Fuuko got hurt two chapters ago, and hopefully she will be receptive to that revelation when she hears it coming in late. Better than never, right? What's a little emotional suffering between this cast of characters, it's hardly like they're new to it at this point lmao

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 7:38PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

I really don't get what horrible crimes people are Fuuko committing, unless you take some kinda sin-based perspective. Oh no, the devil woman is tempting me to sin, it's all her fault! Lol. I don't even know why people think she doesn't actually love Yuni, we've had her inner monologue and seen her cry over her. Just because she's smart and resourceful in trying to make her dreams come true does not make those dreams false, that would be silly.
I really just want the best for Fuuko, but we probably can't have that so I'll have to settle for her getting the failgirl she wants with Yuni. And I actually do genuinely believe that Fuuko x Yuni (Fuuni? Hmm) could actually work out long term. Fuuko would make Yuni feel confidently loved while also being capable of materially keeping her useless ass alive, and Yuni obviously makes Fuuko feel like a superwoman. Their compatibility is really good. Even if Fuuko works out of the house while Yuni stays at home I bet they'd still work out, because Fuuko acts in exactly the way Yuni wants when they're together to keep her going when they're not. And the things Fuuko wants that Yuni can't give her, like someone to talk about her fungus book with, she can get online from Internet friends. Win/win, 100% compatibility.... as long as they don't fuck it up by adding a third in there lol

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 11:54AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Rereading the series, I noticed another specific moment of Aizawa having more eyes: chapter 12, page 26, when Michi tries to talk to Aizawa.
The warped image of Aizawa looks generally just warped/distorted at first, but there's two specific things that stick out to me:
1) there's faint doubled lines clearly visible on her shirt and hair, as if there's a second Aizawa transparently imposed on top the first or she's doubled in some way, and
2) Aizawa's eyes are separated from her body in a way none of the rest of her is altered, pulled off to the sides and largely intact, and her eye sockets don't appear to just be blurred or empty: they're mostly filled in with a medium tone, but still with visible whites. Those are a different pair of eyes, ones with very different irises to Aizawa's normal ones.

The extra eyes are also visible in the newest chapter, ones clearly different from Aizawa's normal eyes, on page 26 (same page number, coincidence!? .... Probably lol).
So it really feels to me like somehow Aizawa even as a ghost is possessed by something, or maybe she's possessing something else and that's how she sticks around.

last edited at Feb 16, 2024 6:12AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Considering Ange's symptoms and how Honami was described as also being really sickly before she died, I'm guessing it's a spirit that possessed her and is now possessing Ange.
I would also predict its goal is actually Michi instead of Honami's ghost. There's a trope in stories about evil ghosts and spirit mediums where the mediums have some potential energy that evil ghosts wanna consume. It would hardly be the first time something specifically targeted Michi, the many eyed thing in the gym equipment shed attacked Michi but didn't ambush Honami when she came in, it was just gone for some reason.