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joined Jul 26, 2016

I think that the reason these androids are illegal is probably some kind of limit on how complex an AI can get. If you design an android with programming that puts it on par with a human then you can’t make them do any labor a human couldnt because it would be abuse or something like that.

Why would you even put that level of high-tier AI in such an android in the first place.

Arknights! 18 Aug 17:37
joined Jul 26, 2016

So far all I've gotten is Chiave.
y tho. ' -')

Well at least now I have the entire furry gayngster gang collected since I've randomly accumulated Broca and Aosta previously...

joined Jul 26, 2016

modern food is messing with our kids' body, they have puberty too early these days


joined Jul 26, 2016

Always relevant

joined Jul 26, 2016

Should sax robot be legal? Morally speaking

It's basically a home appliance so I'm not really seeing what the problem is.

Now if we're talking about having a true "strong" (self-aware etc.) AI inside it, OTOH...

last edited at Aug 17, 2021 10:11PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Science needs to hurry up and create these. I need one.

I disagree. I'd much rather BE one

I mean Cyberpunk 2020 was giving game rules for exactly that sort of "cosmetic biotech" implant procedures back in the early Nineties already. (As you might imagine the future-history technological predictions turned out to be rather off in general...) File that under "scientists pls where's my jetpack and flying car?"

Image Comments 17 Aug 06:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^^Wiki gotcha, fam

Image Comments 16 Aug 22:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

^hentai protag hairstyle is kinda cheating yeah

Image Comments 16 Aug 14:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

"Get on the damn stage Shinji!"

joined Jul 26, 2016

^I dont get it either because besides the crossdressing fetish miyako is pretty innocent- she only very recently even realised she liked Hana and has never done anything- and i doubt she would either- shes too shy.

And sure Hana is mostly focused on sweets given her age lol- but its clear she has grown to like Myako too (not romantically- i just mean she likes her inspite of the crossdressing.) so i see no issue if they wait till hana is 16.

This term "crossdressing" you keep using, I don't think it means what you think it means...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I can't physically imagine a childish voice for that g-grade schooler.

Not seeing why you would need to in the first place...

Image Comments 15 Aug 16:01
joined Jul 26, 2016

^wanna bet that's entirely deliberate on her part?

Image Comments 15 Aug 12:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

Sounds about right, Youtubers call Xinyan "the most neglected character" for a reason. Would be surprised if she wasn't scheduled for a Hangout down the road though as that seems to be the devs' standard method of giving the more "peripheral" characters proper screentime.

Communism discussion 14 Aug 20:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

Couldn't agree more. Some progress towards it has been made on countries with leftists reforms, but sadly due to constant warmongering, coups, infighting and economic blockades a truly socialist country has never existed.

Kind of tends to happen with any radically utopian-revolutionary regimes. Either they stick to their ideals and get unceremoniously wiped out by the nearest meaningful power that disagrees with them; or they do what it takes to survive and fatally compromise their ideals in the process (as the sort of ruthlessness required then rather tends to permanently skew their problem-solving paradigm).

I'd recommend sticking to the moderate reformist approach. Less large-scale ugliness all around.

Image Comments 14 Aug 10:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

I thought every romance manga reader knew that Japanese and US bra sizes are not at all the same. You can find a bunch of conversion charts online that go into the nuances of how the several measurements (band size, cup size) differ, but some of them at least equate a Japanese D size with a USA C size.

I once read the Wikipedia article on bra sizes. Got a mild headache.

International standardisation? Nope, this industry hasn't heard of that.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't really care about realistic age-body proportions, but I will say that if the mangaka wished to be more realistic they could have made the adult woman significantly shorter than 148cm and the child about 140cm rather than 170cm, which I believe is very tall even for an adult Japanese woman.

...I'm passably sure you just contradicted yourself pretty blatantly in a single sentence.

Image Comments 13 Aug 23:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

^cuz Herrscher Mei stopped being a demure, repressed good girl and turned into a literally horny beast o3o

"Always the quiet ones" etc.

Image Comments 13 Aug 21:56
joined Jul 26, 2016

"And this is why I stopped distributing Visions."
- Baal

Image Comments 13 Aug 21:54
joined Jul 26, 2016

So I'm guessing this is what Lisa referred to as "tea breaks" (and Kaeya struggled to keep a straight face bullshitting away) in Eula's bio... ( ͡¬ ͜ʖ ͡¬)

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't know if I want to roll. I want to and I'm close but I seriously have no idea if I'll be able to save enough for a guaranteed Baal.
I don't have my desktop so, archers kinda meh. Still Yoimiya is awesome and Sayu too...hmm..

Meanwhile the reason I'm debating whether to pull or not is I'd want the... whatchamacallems... to buy that Noelle con off the monthly shop :/

But with Baal, Sara steponmepls and Kokomi with her wacky animations in the near horizon... >_<

Image Comments 10 Aug 18:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

^gave me more GreythroatxMudrock vibes tbh. And the impression that a few years down the road Suzu will be topping the snot out of "big sis Folinic" >_>

Image Comments 10 Aug 17:47
joined Jul 26, 2016

^TBF from how they talked about it sounds like the whole bunch of dragon(?) siblings don't get along particularly well. Dusk, too, can be (by her standards at least) quite amiable to mortals she takes a liking to but her reaction to her big sister was... yeah. (Also lmao that one voiceline; "-- Do you have time to help me burn Nian's mountain of garbage? She is denigrating the very concept of cinema. Please.")

We'll no doubt learn in later events whether that's #JustDuskThings or if they're all like that. :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

Gotta say, love when Kaoru comes up one way or another because people will break into "hate her" vs "kinda like her" warring camps.

It's the cheating. Check any manga with the 'cheating' tag, it's the same debate over and over.
Everybody wants to like the mcs, but nobody likes a cheater, so when they're the same people it's a given there's fireworks.

But does it even count when the soi-disant offender is quite open about the fact they don't do this whole "monogamy" thing in the first place? What you see is what you get, as it were, and people who elect to sleep in the rain don't have much of a basis to complain about catching colds.

We are not puritans from Salem, we shouldn't be policing people's thoughts.

Modern social media disagrees, as evidently does a nontrivial segment of this forum. Anyways, Mask definitely has a distinctly unhealthy combination of obsessive hero-worship and raging jealousy towards Onibi - the sort of complex that in an olden-time opera would presage insanity, murder and ruin ere the fat lady sings.

While that's definitely concerning - many people linked to Kaoru seem to be, one way or another - she's yet to do more than torture herself over it and seems to be quite conscious of just how dark the turns her mind sometimes takes are, so this hue and cry mostly reads as yet more bizarre moralism.

It's as if it came as a shattering revelation to some that people have flaws, often major ones, and so duly do their fictional depictions (indeed personal flaws are just about 101 Writing Interesting Characters)...

Arknights! 08 Aug 08:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

123 pulls now; I've gotten a Silverdaddy dupe, a Dusk dupe and suddenly Magallan of all things but still no loud shiba inus with naginatas.

...RNGesus is just messing with me now isn't he.

Dusk getting caught by Lava and Nian

"It's not art, it's uhhhh... porn! imeanwhat"