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joined Feb 14, 2016

Aside from the other one already on Dynasty you mean?

joined Feb 14, 2016

"Insane amounts of sex"
So what, are all 85 pages nothing but intense fucking from start to finish?

At least 75 or so are once you account for cover pages and the introduction. Which is quite a lot.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I guess I should clarify that, in that it's not getting off on downright abusive acts and then ignoring their emotional consequences

joined Feb 14, 2016

HonoMaki def isnt my thing, but. Daaang. I'm definitely also in the camp of "Oh, good, they actually tried to model the sex scenes like they would in real life rather than just make it fantasical".

joined Feb 14, 2016

Oh an event? Does that means more Kindred Spirits doujins will be made by various peeps *-*

Hopefully! Given that the English release got even people in Japan talking about the game again, it's definitely gathering attention and I bet people are working on stuff for it.

Also the Sachi and Megumi bunnies pic gets me every time

EDIT: and the artist has even more art on Twitter, mostly of a tiny Umi-san with the other two of the broadcast club

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 3:46AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

So for those of you who might have missed seeing these on Twitter, the last few pictures were based on some tweets by the author saying they'd be putting out a Hina love pillow at a Kindred Spirits doujin event that's happening in like November I think; it turned out to be an April Fool's joke, so of course Kiri was crushed -- and, of course, Hina goes with Yuna instead.

joined Feb 14, 2016

That is one hell of a title.

joined Feb 14, 2016

i mean it's penguin club, don't get too excited for anything but lots of sex stuff

joined Feb 14, 2016

on a lewdness scale of 1 to 10, koume kaito goes off the chart unless the scale's logarithmic

I mean we're talking about someone who probably sneezed during allergy season and thought "oh my god I can make porn out of this"

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 10:45PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

A friend pointed out the other day you might be able to translate the title not just as "her pet" but "her bitch" and, like, whoa.

Furumapura discussion 12 Apr 14:14
joined Feb 14, 2016

Oh, well, that explains the extra scene about "Hanako-san" I just read in yuritopia then! (I had figured it might be just another school legend, but it's obviously a much wider cultural phenomenon:

joined Feb 14, 2016
joined Feb 14, 2016

I love how Pito's original work is super heavy and depressing and then any time it's idols or love live it's from the sublime to ridiculous.

Anyway I can't wait for the sequel, Eli meets the squirt pillow

joined Feb 14, 2016

I can actually touch my chin to my elbow, barely, but not the way the characters were trying to do it.

you'll forgive me for having doubts unless there's dislocation involved..

Yeah, that's basically it. It's possible but hurts like a mother to do. Basically: extend your arm sideways so your elbow is under your chin, and rotate your arm so that the elbow meets your chin. I don't recommend trying it, though, especially if you don't have a lot of flexibility in your shoulders - I mean, I can hyperextend them pretty easily and it's still hard for me.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I can actually touch my chin to my elbow, barely, but not the way the characters were trying to do it.

Boyfriend discussion 10 Apr 18:49
joined Feb 14, 2016

oh hey credit page

joined Feb 14, 2016

Kinda a spoiler for the game idk but just in case don't click unless you've played:

Also good (and potentially spoilery)

New Game discussion 10 Apr 02:22
joined Feb 14, 2016

I was sorta curious which studio the mangaka worked for, thinking that, who knows, it might have been Nippon Ichi or something, but it turns out from a quick search that it was actually Tri-Ace. (Character design for Star Ocean: The Last Hope specifically.)

joined Feb 14, 2016

tfw all your friends are gay too

joined Feb 14, 2016

Oh, you translated this? That's awesome :)

joined Feb 14, 2016

Reminds me of Iromeki Girls a lot. Right down to the unexpected porno video

joined Feb 14, 2016

high school girls discovering what sex is, basically

joined Feb 14, 2016

Right now I believe that food girls series is taking up the author's time. I hope this gets a continuation, since it's so good.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Maybe, but I feel like even Yukimuri Sanctuary looks more like her typical style. Among the stuff on Dynasty, at least, this is the odd one out. It's weird. Maybe I'm crazy.

joined Feb 14, 2016

This is such a great little series. A bit more upbeat than her usual work, and certainly no less sexual.

(Does anyone else think that this one looks way different from her usual drawing style? Not that it's bad at all (in fact I like it), it just looks really distinct from her other works)